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[10 o'clock open class]: Optimization of AV1 encoder and its application in streaming media and real-time communication

2022-08-11 11:57:00 LiveVideoStack


AV1The video compression format is developed by the Open Multimedia Alliance (AOMedia)开发,并于2018Finalized at the beginning of the year.AV1Has a powerful encoding algorithm,与其前身VP9相比,AV1Compression performance has been improved30%以上.但是,AV1The complexity of the encoder is also much higherVP9编码器.所以,在AV1After the format is determined,Our main goal is to optimize the encoder,productize it.今日上午10点,LiveVideoStack邀请到了谷歌高级软件工程师、TLM Wang Yunqing,Mainly discuss with everyonelibaom AV1Optimization techniques used in the encoder.

Yunqing Wang, a senior staff software engineer and TLM at Google, and has been working on AV1 and VP8/9 video codec since 2007. Currently, Dr. Wang leads libaom AV1 encoder optimization. She received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Tsinghua University in 1991 and 1996, and the M.S. degree in Computer Science from University of Massachusetts at Amherst in 2002. Her research interests include video compression and optimization, and machine learning.

 活动时间:2022.08.09 |  10:00


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