当前位置:网站首页>After entering the new company, the operation and maintenance engineer can understand the deployment of the system from the following items

After entering the new company, the operation and maintenance engineer can understand the deployment of the system from the following items

2022-04-23 14:18:00 Nightwish5

System note template description

Enter a new company ,linux Operation and maintenance engineers can learn about the deployment of the system from the following items . Ask people + Look at the documentation + see history+ See the corresponding configuration of the system .
The following is the general content of the template :
 Insert picture description here

System name ( Delivery information 、 Services used 、 Port information )

application Host Name Deploy Intranet IP Extranet eip vip or slb domain name port Business address Internet access port
A The server -1 A1 Internet xxx.240.1.10 eip xxx.240.1.21 xxx.com TCP:80、443 xxx.xxx.123.456 TCP:443
A The server -2 A2 Internet xxx.240.1.11

Such as :xx System (docker、jdk、tomcat 、8080 、8081)

Screenshot first ss -naltp Results of , See what service programs are running on it / port .

1、 Drive letter mount

df -h
cat /etc/fstab
# Here is the initialization operation .  There are also some common operations for initializing the system : Synchronization time  、 with yum Source 、 Equipped with firewall and so on 

2、 Install the required software

Such as nginx 、PHP

3、 The steps to install the system *

Such as the installation A System : Upload project files to the specified directory , Modify the configuration file .

4、 System startup script

# Such as :
nohup java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar -Xmx512m Dxxx.*.jar >nohup.out 2>&1 &

5、 System upgrade / Update instructions

Such as :《xx System update operation and installation manual .docx》

6、 System debug log

 Such as  /var/log/nginx/error.log   ;  laravel.log 

7、 System access address / Screenshot

8、 Patrol item

9、 Be confused

10、 Summary of system construction

11、 The system to which this system is associated

Such as : It's related to redis The server 、 database server 、 Butted the nail 、 The other B System configuration .

12、history The key part


Finish the above steps , Have a general understanding of the system , Then practice in the test environment .
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