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What is homebrew? And use

2022-04-23 16:09:00 Learning is boundless, happy to make a boat

One 、Homebrew What is it? ?Homebrew Installation and use


  • Homebrew Is a Mac OS Software package management tools under the platform , Own installation 、 uninstall 、 to update 、 see 、 Search and many other practical functions . A simple command , Package management can be realized , You don't have to worry about dependencies and file paths , It's very convenient .

Two 、Homebrew Installation

1. Open the terminal (terminal)
2. Installation command :

       command 1:/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"( If this command doesn't work well, it will report an error , If an error is reported, try using the command 2)
       command 2:/bin/zsh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://gitee.com/cunkai/HomebrewCN/raw/master/Homebrew.sh)"( This is a script , You can also install Homebrew)

3. Unload command :

      $ cd `brew --prefix`
      $ rm -rf Cellar
      $ brew prune
      $ rm `git ls-files`
      $ rm -r Library/Homebrew Library/Aliases Library/Formula Library/Contributions
      $ rm -rf .git
      $ rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/Homebrew

3、 ... and 、Homebrew Use

1. see Homebrew command :brew help
2. Install any package :brew install <packageName>,eg:brew install node
3. Uninstall any package :brew uninstall <packageName>,eg:brew uninstall git
4. Query available packages :brew search <packageName>
5. Query the list of installed packages :brew list
6. View any package information :brew info <packageName>
7. to update Homebrew:brew update
8.Homebrew Help information :brew -h
8. see brew edition :brew -v
10. to update brew edition :brew update
11. Organize repeated statements :open ~/.zshrc -e、open ~/.bash_profile -e

Reference article :
Homebrew Introduction and use
Mac in Homebrew Installation and use
Homebrew How to install automatically in China

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