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Rich Dad Poor Dad Reading Notes

2022-08-10 14:53:00 Ian Liu's Blog

Rich Dad Poor Dad Reading Notes

  • Spent a weekend,读完《富爸爸穷爸爸》这本书.I read it published by Sichuan Publishing House,Rich dad's financial education system 20 Anniversary Revised Edition.
  • 相信很多人都读过,But not necessarily this version.How to memorize or read through a book,并理解它.I think reading notes is a good option.

I made an outline for this book,It is convenient for readers to quickly understand the book and understand the author.



  • 知识点一:富人不为钱工作
  • 知识点二:Anyone in any profession should learn financial knowledge
  • 知识点三:要关注自己的事业
  • 知识点四:学会投资
  • 知识点五:学会不为钱工作
  • 知识点六:克服困难,开始行动

1.Why don't rich people work for money?

Why don't rich people work for money?Do not love money?错!恰恰相反,That's because the rich know,If only work for the money,The money you earn cannot make you richer.What about the rich?富人让钱为自己工作!怎么做?

  1. First of all, you need to obey the law,Otherwise your wealth will not last long.
  2. 主动学习,Learn to face all that life brings,Life pushes us all,有些人放弃了,有些人在抗争.
  3. Learn to overcome fear and control greed.
  4. Learn to dictate money instead of being dictated by it.
  5. Learn to control your emotions,不要感情用事,Learn to deal with it rationally.
  6. Learn to see what others can't.
  7. 立刻行动,动手去做.


There is a saying in the book,“你挣了多少钱并不重要,What matters is how much money you keep?”If not financially literate,It doesn't matter how much money you make,Because in the end the money will also leave you.那要怎么做?

  1. Start learning financial literacy now.
  2. Understand the difference between assets and liabilities,and to buy assets! What is an asset?An asset is one that gives you income and you don't have to work continuously for it,This is what the book says“An asset is something that puts money in your pocket”.What is debt?Liabilities are things that take money out of my pocket.
  3. Learn to recognize the income statement and balance sheet
  4. Learn to recognize cash flow,Draw your own cash flow
  5. Understand the definition of wealth:The ability to support how long a person survives,简单说:If it stops working today,你还能活多久?


富人关心的焦点是资产而其他人关心的是收入.问一下自己“你的事业是什么?”.Which can be your own business?First clarify what is the definition of an asset?So what is your business?

  1. There is no need to keep working on this,A business that can be run by others and can function normally.
  2. 股票
  3. 基金
  4. 债券
  5. 能够产生收入的房地产
  6. 票据(借据)
  7. 版税
  8. 其他任何有价值,Something that generates income or adds value and sells well.


什么是投资?Simply put, it's a game of money making money.So how to win in this game,It is only by constantly learning investment skills,才能立于不败之地.Our only and most important asset is our mind.If received good training,It can bring us a lot of wealth.如何训练?Let's improve our financial quotient.What is financial quotient?

  1. 会计:Financial literacy and the ability to read and understand numbers
  2. 投资:钱生钱的科学.
  3. 了解市场:Know and understand the market,Opportunities will be discovered.
  4. 法律:Get legal knowledge,违法的事情坚决不做.

Investing and gambling are somewhat similar,But the difference is obvious!

如果你清楚自己在做什么,就不是在赌博;If you put money in,Then just pray,That is gambling.Good opportunities are thought of with the mind, not seen with the eyes

There are two types of investments,What kind do you want to do?

  1. One who invests in a package
  2. People who create their own investment opportunities;

Becoming such a person requires accumulated skills:

  1. 寻找其他人都忽视的机会
  2. 增加资金
  3. 把精明的人组织起来

5.Learn not to work for money

对普通人来说,Stable work is everything.对富人来说,不断学习才是一切.That is all to learn?All to be proficient?我觉得不太可能,The idea of ​​this book is,What works for you requires continuous learning,不断实践,一些知识,Just knowing a little is enough.Ensuring that you have a broad range of knowledge is giving yourself multiple options.How to learn to work without money?Then learn to let others work for you.That requires some management skills:

  1. 对现金流的管理
  2. 对系统的管理
  3. 对人员的管理
  4. 销售 = 收入


The main difference between rich and poor is how they deal with fear.Mastering financial knowledge through study,There are still many obstacles on the road to financial freedom,We have to learn to overcome them:

  1. 恐惧:Don't be afraid of fear,不要畏惧失败,Don't be afraid of failing investments.If you are timid, you might as well find a stable job,做一个普通人.Failure is the only way to success,If you are afraid of him,want to avoid it,Then it is possible to avoid it along with success.
  2. 愤世嫉俗:不要怀疑自己、不要随波逐流、不要杞人忧天,认定一件事,Just make up your mind to do it,直到成功.
  3. 懒惰:不要懒惰,Busy people are the laziest,I have been working a day,好累哦,I don't want to exercise.It's hard to manage money,算了不学了,Money won't run anyway.Financial statements are hard to understand,Forget it for finance.These are all excuses for laziness.克服它.
  4. 不良习惯:改掉不良习惯,Learn to pay yourself first,paying others.
  5. 自负:不要自负,The success of conceited people is only temporary,Unless you are one of the best and best people in the world,So are you?

Overcome the above difficulties,In fact, it is on the way to the beginning,There are ten more suggestions in this book:

  1. 找一个超现实的理由-精神的力量,It is difficult to persevere without the support of mental strength.
  2. Make choices every day-选择的力量
  3. 慎重的选择朋友-关系的力量
  4. 掌握一种模式,然后在学习一种新的模式-快速学习的力量
  5. 首先支付自己-自律的力量
  6. 给你的经纪人以优厚的报酬-好建议的力量:(我的理解是:Professionals at your service)
  7. 做一个“印第安给予者”-无私的力量
  8. 用资产来购买奢侈品-专注的力量
  9. 对英雄的崇拜-神话的力量
  10. Take before and after-给予的力量

写在最后,读了《富爸爸穷爸爸》这本书,让我收益匪浅,感谢作者,感谢翻译,Thanks to the publisher.Give me in wealth、投资、The rich have a high level of thinking.I will continue to study later,pick a good book,Continue to write reading notes.再次感谢您的观看.

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