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Please check the preparation guide for the 2022 Huawei Developer Competition

2022-08-10 15:36:00 HUAWEI CLOUD

创想无限!2022Huawei developer challenge has six big global division were launched for registration,目前已有超4100名参赛者、1000支团队报名参赛.

其中有你吗?stop watching,Bring this super comprehensive development technology guide,A wave of battle,Get both fame and fortune!

What are the highlights of the technical achievements opened in this competition??


How developers can leverage these technical capabilities

Create magical works?

全是干货 不容错过!


华为开发者大赛作为华为ICT领域的顶级赛事,Fully open Huawei's technological achievements in various industrial fields to developers,鼓励开发者发挥想象力和创新精神,用 ICT 技术解决实际问题、创造无限价值.Huawei mentor group will focus on cloud native、AI、PaaS、aPaaS、媒体、数据库、IoT、鲲鹏、昇腾、乾坤云等领域,分享技术干货和实战经验,为参赛团队和选手提供技术指导.

代码上太空,Go to the vast stars

去年12月,首颗搭载云原生边缘计算平台的卫星在轨稳定运行.The satellite dominated by Beijing university of posts and telecommunications design,Cloud-native edge computing platform based on HUAWEI CLOUD open sourceKubeEdge及其边缘AI子项目Sedna实现卫星计算平台的智能化,首次将云原生、边云协同等理念引入到空间计算领域.未来有望更好地服务于应急通讯、生态监测、防灾减灾、城市建设等.



“代码上太空”Track encourages participants to provide all kinds of satellite data based on competition、星载计算设备规格、星载传感器设备,充分运用华为云云原生、边缘云、AI、大数据等技术,结合云原生卫星计算平台,自由创作,完成能适用于卫星的应用创造性开发.

We want to put your code to launch into space



华为云AI开发生产线ModelArtsProvide data processing for thousands of industries、算法开发、模型训练、模型管理、模型部署等AI开发全流程技术能力的平台;华为云AI应用开发框架ModelBox,屏蔽掉底层软硬件的差异,实现了AI应用一次开发、全场景部署,Adapt the cross-platform development cycle缩短80%,Inference performance提升2~10倍.


在哥斯达黎加,Rainforest Connection has developed a solar-powered rainforest monitoring system centered on Huawei mobile devices,Work with Huawei to develop a set of information collection equipment、储存服务、An innovative platform for intelligent analysis systems,AI services based on HUAWEI CLOUD andAI开发生产线ModelArts,More accurate identification of chainsaw and truck noise,一旦发现盗伐异响,The specific location will be sent to the ranger as soon as possible.



AIwhat else can you do?All listen to you!

元宇宙火爆,Help developers achieve“数字人自由”

面向未来数字内容云原生化、用户体验实时交互、内容生产虚实结合等产业变革机会,华为云发布SparkRTC实时音视频服务、数字内容生产线MetaStudio、超低时延直播、Cloud conferences and other series of media services,Build a media infrastructure service platform.

其中华为云MetaStudio提供3D模型制作、资产管理、内容编辑、物理仿真、云渲染5Big platform ability;同时上线全流程、场景化digital human services,Open to developersAPI,开发者可以直接调取对应的API,快速创建不同类型的数字人.


华为云首位数字人员工 云笙


华为云SparkRTCReal-time audio and video services provide multiple platformsSDK让开发者可以快速集成实时互动、低延迟等能力;

HUAWEI CLOUD Conference provides full-platform terminal sideSDK,It is convenient for developers to use the audio conference of HUAWEI CLOUD conference、视频会议、Quickly integrate desktop sharing capabilities into your own applications.

嗨!朋友,We are waiting for you in the Metaverse!

一站式开发,Online programming on the cloud anytime, anywhere

云端开发、云端部署、云端生产,It is the ideal workflow that developers dream of in the cloud-native era.

华为云PaaSServices based on Huawei30Years of Software Practice,Open as a cloud service,形成PaaSand software development cloud,Provide software framework、中间件、应用管理、开发工具、流程管理、开发环境,为企业和开发者提供一站式的DevOps解决方案,包括DevCloud、CloudIDE、低代码应用开发AppCube、Serverless应用开发FunctionGraph、微服务引擎、区块链服务、API Explorer等服务.


API ExplorerIt is provided by HUAWEI CLOUD for developersAPI统一平台,integrates all openAPI,支持全量快速检索、可视化调试、帮助文档、代码示例、Mock等能力,Can help developers quickly find in the game、学习API和使用API/SDK开发代码.


华为云开天aPaaS将华为多年来与伙伴合作创新和数字化转型的宝贵经验,沉淀在云平台上,变成可被调用的API服务,Open to industry developers,实现经验即服务,让优秀得以复制.


如开天集成工作台提供基于元数据的可扩展的集成框架,沉淀多种集成资产,通过数据模型管理、API管理、流编排、连接器管理等关键特性,降低系统集成复杂度,To help developers easily搞定应用集成.


华为云IoTProvide minimal access、智能化、安全可信等全栈全场景服务和开发、集成、托管、运营等一站式工具服务,To help developers easily、Quickly build an all-scenario IoT solution for the Internet of Everything.

The contest encourages contestants to use HUAWEI CLOUDIoT构建物联网行业应用,并尽可能多地使用设备接入服务、物联网数据分析服务、IoTCapabilities and technologies in services such as the edge develop innovative works.

华为云数据库GaussDB(for openGauss)

华为云数据库GaussDB(for openGauss)是基于openGaussDistributed cloud database built by open ecology,Mainly for the financial, government and enterprise industries,With public cloud and HUAWEI CLOUDStackServe the main form,具有安全可靠、超高性能、扩展性强等优势.

The contest encourages contestants to use HUAWEI CLOUDGaussDB(for openGauss)、DRS、UGO、DASand resources and open capabilities provided by other basic services of HUAWEI CLOUD,构建基于GaussDB(for openGauss)的迁移、备份恢复、灾备、管理、智能运维/监控/Diagnostic tools or industry application solutions,共同丰富GaussDB应用生态.

产业赛道-Qiankun Cloud Competition

Contestants must complete innovative application development works based on Huawei's related capabilities based on Qiankun cloud services,Including the solicitation of solutions based on Huawei Qiankun Security,Multidimensional data mining around data governance,Available assessments/repair technology,Or you can use the detection/分析/responsive technology,Can also be combined;Solicitation based on Qiankun cloud management network open ability,Scenario-based applications or industry solutions for various industries,Including but not limited to urban IoT perception、智慧校园、智慧养殖、SOHOVilla office、酒店、Office etc..

本届大赛总奖金池高达500万元,Entries are selected by the jury from the technical framework、功能完备、创新性、商业前景等维度评审,最终评选出冠亚季军等,Competition registration and submission of works will be持续至2022年9月23日.

To motivate contestants,This competition provides each participating team withHUAWEI CLOUD No Limit Cloud Resource Voucher、HUAWEI CLOUD Developer Certification Coupon、优质课程、沙箱实验and other rich learning resources to support,并通过华为云学堂Continuously train and empower developers.

同时,Outstanding contestants will also receive华为云云商店KooGallery、沃土云创计划、初创计划Waiting for business success support.

此外,Contest extra settingsTalent recruitment green channel,如华为人才市场岗位库,人才双选会门票等资源.


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