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[ES6] promise related (event loop, macro / micro task, promise, await / await)

2022-04-23 17:15:00 MiMenge

1 Synchronous and asynchronous

1-1 Sync

​ It can be understood that when the program is executing , Each code task can only be executed after the execution of the previous code task ( In analogy, the person behind the queue must wait until the person in front has finished buying the ticket ).

console.log(' The first to perform the task ');

console.log(' The second execution task ');

console.log(' The third execution task ');


1-2 asynchronous

​ It can be understood as : To cook by yourself, you need to buy vegetables 【 Sync 】, Buy kitchen utensils , Buy gas , Buying by yourself means you need to wait for a single thing ( Such as buying vegetables ) The next purchase can only be made after completion , And when buying with a mobile phone 【 asynchronous 】, You just need to tell the merchant , However, merchant distribution , In this process, you don't have to wait until the previous thing is completed before notifying the next business , Just receive the goods when they arrive .

​ because js The code is Single thread Executive , So there is no asynchrony in itself , however JavaScript There is a special function in , Callback function , Through callback function (callback Function)js Asynchronous is realized .


setTimeout(() => {


/* 1 3 2 */

2 Execution stack and event queue (task queue) And the cycle of events

​ 1, stay javascript During code execution, different variables will be stored in different locations in memory : Pile up :(head) and Stack (stack) To distinguish . In the heap are some object , Some stored in the stack Variables of base type And the pointer to the object .

​ 2, When I call a method ,JavaScript An execution environment will be generated (context), Also known as Execution context , There is a private scope for this method in this execution environment , The upper Scope The direction of , Method parameters , The variables defined in this scope and the this object . And when a series of methods are called in turn , because js It's single threaded , Only one method can be executed at a time , So these methods are queued up in a separate place . This place is called __ Execution stack __.

​ 3, When the code is first executed ,js The engine will parse the code , And add the synchronization code into the execution stack according to the execution sequence , Then start from the beginning . If a method is currently executing , that js The execution environment of this method will be added to the execution stack , Then enter the execution environment to continue to execute the code . When the code in this execution environment After execution and return the result ,js Will exit the execution environment and destroy it , Go back to the execution environment of the previous method .. The process goes on and on , Until all the code in the execution stack is executed .

​ 4,js The engine does not wait for an asynchronous event to return results , It will suspend the event , Continue to perform other tasks in the execution stack . When an asynchronous event returns a result ,js This event will be added to a different queue than the current execution stack , We call it Event queue . Being put into the event queue does not immediately execute its callback , Instead, wait for all tasks in the current execution stack to finish , When the main thread is idle , The main thread will look up whether the event queue has tasks . If there is , Then the main thread will take out the events in the first place , And put the callback corresponding to this event into the execution stack , Then execute the synchronization code …, So again and again , This creates an infinite cycle . This is the process called “ The event loop (Event Loop)” Why .

3 Macro task and micro task

What we know about asynchronous code is setTimeout and setInterval, ajax request , promies object then(),async/await, dom event , Although they are asynchronous events , But they are still very different ,

3-1 Macro task , Differences between micro tasks

  • Macro tasks include Timer Functions ,Dom event ,ajax request

  • Micro tasks include Promise.resolve().then(),async\await

  • Execution timing , Micro tasks are executed earlier than macro tasks , When the code in the main execution stack is executed , The main execution stack will first look for micro tasks in the event queue and put them into the execution stack for execution , Then find the macro task and put it into the execution stack for execution

  • Micro tasks are Dom You can perform... Before rendering , Macro tasks are Dom After rendering, you can perform

3-2 perform

  • In a cycle of events , The asynchronous event will be put into a task queue after the result is returned . However , According to the type of asynchronous event , This event will actually be sent to the corresponding macro task queue or micro task queue . And when the current execution stack is empty , The main thread will Check whether there are events in the micro task queue . If it doesn't exist , Then go to the macro task queue to get an event and add the corresponding back to the current execution stack ; If there is , Then the callback corresponding to the event in the queue will be executed successively , Until the micro task queue is empty , Then go to the macro task queue to get the first event , Add the corresponding callback to the current execution stack … So again and again , Into the loop .
  • stay js When the code starts executing ,script The tag will enter the macro task queue , There are no micro queues before this macro task queue , So the script It will enter the call stack and execute the synchronization code , Then press the micro task into the micro task queue , Press macro task into macro task queue , When the execution in the call stack is completed, the micro task queue code will be executed first , After the execution, in Execute the first macro task in the macro task queue , The macro task and micro task will be pushed into the corresponding queue , When each macro task is fully executed , Will clear the corresponding micro task queue code . To and fro

In short When the current execution stack finishes executing, it will immediately process all the events in the micro task queue , Then go to the macro task queue to get an event ( first ). In the same event cycle , Micro tasks always execute before macro tasks .

4 Promise

4-0 Promise/A+ standard

ES6 New pair Pormise/A+ The perfection of the specification supports , namely Promise type , It has become the dominant asynchronous programming mechanism .

ES6 New reference type Promise, Can pass new Operator to instantiate . When creating a new appointment, you need to pass in the actuator (exector) Function as argument only

//  establish Promise
//  Receive a parameter function 
//  The parameter function receives two parameters 
// resolve , reject
let p = new Promise((res , rej)=>{

4-1 Promise What is it? ?

  • 1 Abstract expression
    • Promise yes es6 A new technology .
    • Promise yes js A new solution for asynchronous programming in ( The old is to simply use callback functions )
  • Specific expression :
    • Syntactically speaking, it is a constructor
    • Functionally, it is used to encapsulate an asynchronous operation and obtain its success / The result value of failure

4-2 Why use Promise?

4-2-1 Specifying callback functions is more flexible

​ 1 old : You must specify... Before starting an asynchronous task

​ 2 promise: Start asynchronous task => return Promise object => to Promise Object binding callback function ( Even specify multiple... After the asynchronous task ends )

4-2-2 Support chain calls , Can solve the problem of callback to hell

  • What is the problem of callback hell ?

    We need to perform a lot of asynchronous tasks , And the result should have the output of synchronous rules ( When the result of the previous callback is used as the condition of the next asynchronous function callback ), We will nest a large number of callbacks , At this time, the overall readability of the code is very poor , There is a phenomenon of callback to hell

  • The characteristics of callback hell ?

    ​ Not easy to read

    ​ Not convenient for exception handling

  • Solution

    ​ promise call chaining

fs.readFile('./a.txt', function (err, date) {
     if (err) {
         return console.log(' Read error ');
     fs.readFile('./b.txt', function (err, date) {
         if (err) {
             return console.log(' Read error ');
         fs.readFile('./ introduce .html', function (err, date) {
             if (err) {
                 return console.log(' Read error ');
             return console.log(date.toString());
//  The problem can be solved at this time , However, if there are too many businesses, it will be difficult to maintain ---------- Back to hell ---- Code presentation  '>'  type 

4-3 Promise state [PromsieState] Changes

4-3-1 Contractual status

When we create an appointment instance , This instance may be in three states

  • undetermined pendding
  • cash fulfilled ( Also known as solving , resolved)
  • Refuse rejected

Undetermined is the initial state of the contract . In pending status , The contract can be converted to cash status , Or switch to reject status .

The pending status can be changed to cash status or reject status , However, the rejected or cashed status cannot be changed to pending status , And there is no transition between cash status and reject status

The state of the covenant is private , adopt js The appointment status of the instance cannot be accessed . The main purpose is to avoid reading the expiration status , Process the state in a synchronous manner

 Insert picture description here

When printing an appointment instance

let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
    setTimeout(() => {
        resolve(' The timer is over ');

// Promise {<pending>}

At this point, the instance is in the pending state ( pendding ).

4-3-2 Promise Value in object

Another property in the instance object [PromiseResult]

Namely object [ success / Failure ] Result

There are only two ways to change this value

  • resolve
  • reject

4-4 Promise Basic workflow


​ 1> new Promise Create a Promise Instance object , And create an asynchronous task inside it

​ 2> Perform asynchronous operations in it , If the asynchronous operation is successful , Call resolve(); This function , change Promise Example of [PromiseState] The status of is __resolved__( success )

​ 3> Called on success then() Method change Promise Value [PromiseResult] Value , And execute a successful callback , Back to a new Promise object __( The core of chain call )__

​ 4 > If the asynchronous operation fails , Call reject(); This function ,Promise Example of [PromiseState] The status of is __rejected__( Failure ),

​ 5> Call... On failure then() Method change Promise Value [PromiseResult] Value , And execute the failed callback , Back to a new Promise object __( The core of chain call )__.

The illustration

 Insert picture description here

Use :- demand : To call the import... In order ,a,b Three files

//  General solutions ----- Callback 
// fs.readFile('./a.txt', function (err, date) {
// if (err) {
// return console.log(' Read error ');
// }
// console.log(date.toString());
// fs.readFile('./b.txt', function (err, date) {
// if (err) {
// return console.log(' Read error ');
// }
// console.log(date.toString());
// fs.readFile('./ introduce .html', function (err, date) {
// if (err) {
// return console.log(' Read error ');
// }
// return console.log(date.toString());
// });
// });
// });

The problem can be solved at this time , However, if there are too many businesses, it will be difficult to maintain ---------- Back to hell

  • es6 Of promise Method ------------ promise api

    function rand(url) {
          // Encapsulate a method of reading files ( Have the ability to process asynchrony into synchronization )
        // Create a promise Containers 
        // promise Once the container is created, it will execute the code inside 
        let p = new Promise(function (reslove, reject) {
            //  At first, the code in the container has a status of pending( Have in hand )
            fs.readFile(url, function (err, date) {
          // Read the file  
                if (err) {
          // Read failed 
                    //  At this point, change the execution status of the code in the container to failed 
                    //  And pass this state through reject To pass it on 
                //  Read successful 
                //  At this time, the execution status in the container is changed to successful 
                //  And pass this state through reslove To pass it on 
        return p;
    rand('./a.txt')// Call the method and pass in the path 
        // then() Methods there are two ways to deal with 
        .then((date) => {
          // success 
            return rand('./b.txt');// Return to one promise Object to the next then----- Only when this then The next... Cannot be output until the execution is completed then Results received 
        }, (err) => {
          // Failure 
            return console.log(err);// In case of failure, the next... Will not be executed then()
        .then((date) => {
            return rand('./ introduce .html');
        }, (err) => {
            return console.log(err);
        }).then((date) => {
        }, (err) => {
            return console.log(err);

4-5 Promise Apis

4-5-1 Promise Constructors :Promise(exctor){}

  • executor function : actuator (resolve,reject) => {}

​ executor Function parameters passed in when creating an instance , It takes two parameters

  • resolve function : The function we call when the internal definition succeeds value => {}
  • reject function : The function we call when the internal definition fails reason =>{}

explain :executor Will be in Promise Internal immediate synchronization call , Asynchronous operations are performed in the actuator

4-5-2 Promise.prototype.then Method :(onResolved,onRejected)=> {}

  • onResolved function : Successful callback function (value) => {}

    then The first parameter received by the function

  • onRejected function : Failed callback function (reason) => {}

    then The second parameter received by the function

explain : Specified for success value The successful callback of and used to get the failure reason The failure callback of , Back to a new Promise object

4-5-3 Promise.prototype.catch Method : (onRejected) => {}

  • onReject function : Failed callback function (reason) => {}

When the function chain call fails, the failed object will enter this function

4-5-4 Promise The method in

  • Promise.resolve(); Method :(value) => {}

​ value : Successful data or Promise object

Be careful : This method returns a success or failure Promise object

let p2 = Promise.resolve('123');
//Promise { '123' }

// stay Promise.resolve If the parameter passed in the method parameter is non Promise The object of ,
// A successful... Is returned Promise object 
//  If the incoming is Promise Object instances , The value returned is based on the value in the parameter promise Depending on the result of the object ---- Dolls 

Promise.resolve(new Promise(
    (resolve, reject) => {
        let falg = false;
        if (falg) {
            resolve(' Success value ');
        } else {
            reject(' Failure value ');
    (value) =>{
        // Success value 

    (reason) => {
        // Failure value 
  • Promise.reject(); Method :(reason) => {}

    ​ reason : The reason for the failure

Be careful : What is returned is a failed Promise object

let p2 = Promise.reject('123');
// console.log(p2);
//Promise { <rejected> '123' }

// stay Promise.reject The method returns the failed parameter Promise object ( Always return failed )

Promise.reject(new Promise(
    (resolve, reject) => {
        let falg = true;
        if (falg) {
        } else {
    (reason) => {
        // Failure value 

Promise {
     'success' }
(node:14092) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: 123
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:14092) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag `--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see https://nodejs.org/api/cli.html#cli_unhandled_rejections_mode). (rejection id: 1)
(node:14092) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
  • Promise.all() Method :(Promise) => {}

    Among them Promise Parameters : Contains multiple Promise An array of objects

    explain : Back to a new Promise, When all in the array Promise The result is complete , The final result is completion

// - 3 Promise.all() Method 

let p3 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    resolve(' The first success value ');

let p4 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    resolve(' This is the second success value ');

let p5 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    resolve(' This is the first 3 A success value ');

Promise.all([p3, p4, p5]).then((value)=>{

let p6 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    resolve(' The first success value ');

let p7 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    reject(' This is the second failure ');

let p8 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    resolve(' This is the first 3 A success value ');

Promise.all([p6, p7, p8]).then((value)=>{

// (node:7824) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning:  This is the second failure 
  • Promise.race() Method :(Promise) => {}

    Among them Promise Parameters : Contains multiple Promise An array of objects

    explain : Back to a new Promise, The first to finish Promise The state of is the final state , The final result is completion

let a1 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    reject(' This is the first failure value ');

let a2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    resolve(' This is the second success value ');

let a3 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    reject(' This is the third failure value ');

Promise.race([a1, a2, a3]).then((value) => {
}, (reason) => {
    throw new Error(reason)
//Error:  This is the first failure value 

4-6 Promise Some of the key questions

4-6-1 How to change Promise The state of ?

​ 1> resolve(value): If it is currently pending It will become resolved

​ 2> reject(reason): If it is currently rending It will become rejected

​ 3> Throw an exception : If it is currently pending It will become rejected

4-6-2 One promise More than one success was specified / Failed callback function , Are they called ?

When Promise It is called when it changes to the corresponding state

4-6-3 change promise Status and who comes first after the specified callback function ?

​ 1> It's possible , Under normal circumstances, the callback is specified first, and then the state is changed , But you can also change the state first and specify the callback

​ 2> How to change the state first and then specify the callback ?

		-  Call directly in the actuator  resolve() / reject()
		-  Call after a longer delay then()

It involves the execution sequence of micro tasks and macro tasks

​ 3> When can I get the data ?

  • If you specify a callback first , When the state changes , The callback function will call , Get data
  • If you change the state first , When a callback is specified , The callback function will call , Get data

4-6-4 promise.then() Return to new promise What determines the result state ?

​ 1> Simple expression : from then() The result of the specified callback function execution determines

​ 2> Detailed information expression :

  • If an exception is thrown , new promise Turn into rejected,reason Exception thrown for

    let b1 = new Promise((res, rej) => {
        rej(' success ');
        value => {
    	reason => {
       		throw ' Something went wrong ';
    /* (node:15316) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning:  Something went wrong  */
  • If yes or no is returned promise value , new promise Value to resolved,value For the returned value

  • If you return another new promise, this promise The result will be new promise Result

4-6-5 promise How to concatenate multiple operation tasks ?

​ 1> promise Of then() Back to a new promise, It can be done then() Chain call of

​ 2> adopt then A chain call concatenates multiple synchronizations / Asynchronous task

4-6-6 promise extraordinary transmission ?

​ 1 > When using promise Of then Chain call , Failed callbacks can be specified at the end

​ 2 > Any previous operations handle exceptions , Will be passed to the last failed callback for processing

4-6-7 interrupt promise chain ?

​ 1 > When using promise When the chain call of , Interrupt in the middle , The subsequent callback function is no longer called

​ 2> Way : Returns a pending State of promise object

5 Async and Await

5-1 Async

​ 0 Used to mark the formation of functions async function

​ 1 The return value of the function is promise object

​ 2 promise The result of the object is determined by async The return value of the function execution determines

  • 1 Returns a non promise value

    let d1 = async function done_one() {
        return 521;
    //Promise { 521 }
    // As long as the result returned is yes or no promise object , Then the return will always be a successful promise object 
  • 2 return promise object

    let d2 = async function done_two() {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            if (true) {
                resolve(' success ');
            } else {
                reject(' Failure ');
    //Promise { <pending> }
    //  The result is promise object , Then getting is corresponding to success / The failure of the promise object 
  • 3 Throw an error

    let d3 = async function done_three() {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
           throw ' Throw out '
    //Promise { <pending> }
    //  The result returned is an exception , Then getting is a failure promise object 

5-2 await

  • 1 await The expression on the right is usually promise object , But it can also be other values

  • 2 If the expression is promise object ,await The return is promise The value of success

    async function two() {
        let d2 = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            resolve(' success 123');
            // reject(' Failure 456');
        return d2;
    //Promise {<pending>}
    // [[Prototype]]: Promise
    // [[PromiseState]]: "fulfilled"
    // [[PromiseResult]]: " success 123"
    // or
    // Promise {<pending>}
    // [[Prototype]]: Promise
    // [[PromiseState]]: "rejected"
    // [[PromiseResult]]: " Failure 456"
  • 3 If the expression is another value , Take this value directly as await The return value of

    async function one(){
        let d1 = await 123;
        return d1;
    //Promise {<pending>}
    // [[Prototype]]: Promise
    // [[PromiseState]]: "fulfilled"
    // [[PromiseResult]]: 123

5-3 Be careful

  • await Must be written in async Function , however async Function can have no await

  • If await Of promise failed , Will throw an exception , Need to pass through try......catch.... Capture processing

    async function two() {
        try {
            let d2 = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                resolve(' success 123');
                // reject(' Failure 456');
            console.log(d2);// success 123
            return d2;
        } catch (e) {
            throw new Error(e);//Error:  Failure 456

5-4 async and await Use a combination of

 class Time1 {
     fn1(num, timeout) {
         return new Promise((resolve) => {
             setTimeout(() => {
                 resolve(` I'm a file ${
             }, timeout);

 const s1 = new Time1();
 const s2 = new Time1();
 const s3 = new Time1();

 //  Use async Function can handle promise Back to promise object 
 //  Among them await amount to then The role of 
 async function asc() {

     //  When each execution reaches await when , The program will wait until the last time promise Only when there is a return value can the following code be executed 

     let data1 = await s1.fn1(1, 3000);
     let data2 = await s2.fn1(2, 1000);
     let data3 = await s3.fn1(3, 2000);
     let data = [data1, data2, data3];
     return data;

 asc().then((data) => {
     //  After the execution of data Receive is async The success return value of (promise)
     console.log(' completion of enforcement ', data);
 }).catch((err) => {
     //  When a problem occurs in one of the three execution steps, the process will no longer go on and throw an error 
