1.  什么是 Json 序列化 和 反序列化

序列化 => 将 Java对象 转换成 json字符串
反序列化 => 将 json字符串 转换成 Java对象

2. 依赖包 说明

# Annotation support
Maven: com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:2.7.0
# The core function support
Maven: com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:2.10.1
Maven: com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.7.4

3. ObjectMapper

ObjectMapper 提供了 读写Json的功能
public <T> T readValue(String content, Class<T> valueType)
将 字符串content 反序列化 成 Class<T>类型的对象 写(可以把JSON字符串保存File、OutputStream等不同的介质中):
public void writeValue(File resultFile, Object value)
将 Objec转成 json字符串,并保存到 指定 File 内 public void writeValue(OutputStream out, Object value)
将 Objec转成 json字符串,并保存到 指定 OutputStream 内(使用 UTF8 编码) public byte[] writeValueAsBytes(Object value)
将 Objec转成 json字符串,And output the results 字节数组 public String writeValueAsString(Object value)
将 Objec转成 json字符串,And output the results 字符串

4. Json 注解

    @JsonIgnore 此注解用于属性上,作用是进行JSON操作时忽略该属性

    @JsonFormat 此注解用于属性上,作用是把Date类型直接转化为想要的格式,如@JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss").
示例: @JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss") @JsonProperty 此注解用于属性上,作用是把该属性的名称序列化为另外一个名称
示例: @JsonProperty("AliasName")

5. Bean对象 => Json 字符串 (Json 序列化)

// TODO Used to convert Bean
case class UserBean(@BeanProperty name: String
, @BeanProperty age: Int
, @BeanProperty birthday: Date
, @BeanProperty email: String) // TODO Bean对象 => Json 字符串 (Json 序列化)
object Bean2Json extends App { val user: UserBean = UserBean("张飞", 21, new Date(), "[email protected]") val mapper: ObjectMapper = new ObjectMapper() // user 对象 转 json字符串
val beanJson: String = mapper.writeValueAsString(user) println(beanJson)
// {"name":"张飞","age":21,"birthday":1660115099317,"email":"[email protected]"} // scala 集合 转 json字符串
val list: Array[UserBean] = Array(
UserBean("刘备", 21, new Date(), "[email protected]"),
UserBean("关羽", 22, new Date(), "[email protected]"),
UserBean("张飞", 23, new Date(), "[email protected]")
) private val listJson: String = mapper.writeValueAsString(list) println(listJson)
// [{"name":"刘备","age":21,"birthday":1660115099712,"email":"[email protected]"},{"name":"关羽","age":22,"birthday":1660115099712,"email":"[email protected]"},{"name":"张飞","age":23,"birthday":1660115099712,"email":"[email protected]"}]

6. Json 字符串 => Bean对象 (Json 反序列化)

// TODO 由于 利用反射 对json串反序列化,所有必须有 空参构造 + get、set方法
class UserBean1() {
@BeanProperty var name: String = _
@BeanProperty var age: Int = _
@BeanProperty var birthday: Date = _
@BeanProperty var email: String = _ override def toString = s"UserBean1($name, $age, $birthday, $email)"
} // TODO Json 字符串 => Bean对象 (Json 反序列化)
object Json2Bean extends App {
val jsonBean: String =
|{"name":"张飞","age":21,"birthday":1660115099317,"email":"[email protected]"}
""".stripMargin val jsonArray: String =
|[{"name":"刘备","age":21,"birthday":1660115099712,"email":"[email protected]"},{"name":"关羽","age":22,"birthday":1660115099712,"email":"[email protected]"},{"name":"张飞","age":23,"birthday":1660115099712,"email":"[email protected]"}]
""".stripMargin val mapper: ObjectMapper = new ObjectMapper() // json 转 bean 对象
private val bean: UserBean1 = mapper.readValue(jsonBean, classOf[UserBean1]) // json 数组 转 bean 对象数组
private val array: Array[UserBean1] = mapper.readValue(jsonArray, classOf[Array[UserBean1]]) array.foreach(println(_)) println(bean)

7. 使用注解

class UserBean2() {
@JsonIgnore //进行JSON操作时忽略该属性
@BeanProperty var name: String = _ @BeanProperty var age: Int = _ @JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd") // 格式化日期属性
@BeanProperty var birthday: Date = _ @JsonProperty("mail_Alias")
@BeanProperty var email: String = _ override def toString = s"UserBean2($name, $age, $birthday, $email)"
} // TODO 使用注解
object Bean2Json_Anno extends App { val user: UserBean2 = new UserBean2() user.setAge(21)
user.setBirthday(new Date())
user.setEmail("[email protected]") val mapper: ObjectMapper = new ObjectMapper() // user 对象 转 json字符串
val beanJson: String = mapper.writeValueAsString(user) println(beanJson)
// {"age":21,"birthday":"2022-08-10","mail_Alias":"[email protected]"} }

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