Lightweight utility tools for the detection of multiple spellings, meanings, and language-specific terminology in British and American English



( British English and American English)

Breame is a lightweight Python package with a number of utility tools to aid in the detection of words that have dual spellings in British and American English.

Breame can also be used to detect and provide definitions for words that have different meanings in both British English, American English, and Common English.

Additionally, Breame includes some tooling to detect and define words and phrases that are specific to British English or American English i.e. "strop" in British English or "mailman" in American English.


pip install breame


Quick Start

Spelling Detection and Conversion

Check if both an American and British English Spelling for a word exists:

from breame.spelling import american_spelling_exists, british_spelling_exists

>>> True
>>> True

Get British English spelling of American English word and vice versa:

from breame.spelling import get_american_spelling, get_british_spelling

>>> 'color'
>>> 'colour'

Detect different word meanings in British and American English

from breame.meanings import different_meanings_exist, get_meaning_definitions

>>> True
>>> {'American English': 'American football',
 'British English': '(usually) Association football (US: soccer). Less frequently applies to \nRugby football (espec. Rugby union in English private schools).'}

Detect whether a word is a term or short phrase specific to American English or British English


from breame.terminology import is_american_english_term, get_american_term_definition

>>> True
>>> 'are the raised open air tiered rows of seats (stands) found at sports fields or at other spectator events'


from breame.terminology import is_british_english_term, get_british_term_definition

>>> True
>>> 'Wellington boots, waterproof rubber boots named after the Duke of Wellington.'


If you would like to contribute to the package or add to the data constants used for spelling, meanings, or terminology please don't hesitate to submit a PR or raise an issue. The data used is by no means an exhaustive list.

Data Stats

Stats for some of the data constants used throughout the package

  • >= 690 words with multiple meanings covered in British, American, and Common English.
  • >= 321 American English specific words or phrases.
  • >= 605 British English specific words or phrases.
  • >= 1730 British English spellings for American English words. get_british_spelling()
  • >= 1706 American English spellings for British English words. get_american_spelling()


This package was inspired by the javascript library American British English Translator by @hyperreality and @jessp01. All of the data constants defined in their package are gratefully used throughout breame.

The sources for American British English Translator constants are below:

Uses modified versions of the following lists:

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    What's Breame ?

    Breame is a lightweight Python package with a number of utility tools to aid in the detection of words that have dual spellings in British and American English.

    Breame can also be used to detect and provide definitions for words that have different meanings in both British English and American English.

    Additionally, Breame includes some tooling to detect and define words and phrases that are specific to British English or American English i.e. "strop" in British English or "mailman" in American English.


    pip install breame
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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