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Merge k sorted linked lists

2022-08-10 22:31:00 dry rice white

 ojbk...At first I thought there was no memory requirement for this question,So use a very simple method to merge.Create a third linked list,As a result, some cases failed.


 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * struct ListNode {
 *     int val;
 *     ListNode *next;
 *     ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {}
 * };
class Solution {
    ListNode* mergetK(ListNode *A,ListNode *B)
        ListNode *C = nullptr;
        ListNode *ans = nullptr;
        while(A != nullptr && B != nullptr)
            ListNode *s = new ListNode(0);
            if(A->val > B->val)
                s->val = B->val;
                s->next = nullptr;
                B = B->next;
                s->val = A->val;
                s->next = nullptr;
                A = A->next;
            if(C == nullptr)
                C = s;
                ans = C;
                C->next = s;
                C = C->next;
        while(A != nullptr)
            ListNode *s = new ListNode(0);
            s->val = A->val;
            s->next = nullptr;
            if(C == nullptr)
                C = s;
                ans = C;
                C->next = s;
                C = C->next;
            A = A->next;
        while(B != nullptr)
            ListNode *s = new ListNode(0);
            s->val = B->val;
            s->next = nullptr;
            if(C == nullptr)
                C = s;
                ans = C;
                C->next = s;
                C = C->next;
            B = B->next;
        return ans;
    ListNode *mergeKLists(vector<ListNode *> &lists) {
            return nullptr;
        ListNode *ans;
        ans = lists[0];
        for(int i=1;i<lists.size();i++)
           ans = mergetK(ans,lists[i]);
        return ans;

 好吧,It appears that new nodes cannot be created,Only auxiliary pointers can be used.....(This problem is to merge two sorted linked lists,水题)

 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * struct ListNode {
 *     int val;
 *     ListNode *next;
 *     ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {}
 * };
class Solution {
    ListNode* mergetK(ListNode *A,ListNode *B)
        ListNode *pA = A;
        ListNode *pB = B;
        ListNode *ans = nullptr;
        ListNode *head = nullptr;
        while(A != nullptr && B != nullptr)
           if(A->val <= B->val)
               if(ans == nullptr)
                   ans = A;
                   head = A;
                   head->next = A;
                   head = head->next;
               //pA = A;
               A = A->next; 
               if(ans == nullptr)
                   ans = B;
                   head = B;
                   head->next = B;
                   head = head->next;
               //pB = B;
               B = B->next;
        if(A != nullptr)
            head->next = A;
        if(B != nullptr)
            head->next = B;
        return ans;
    ListNode *mergeKLists(vector<ListNode *> &lists) {
            return nullptr;
        ListNode *ans;
        ans = lists[0];
        for(int i=1;i<lists.size();i++)
           if(lists[i] == nullptr)
           ans = mergetK(ans,lists[i]);
        return ans;


It seems that this question is not as simple as I thought....

Analyze the time complexity of the code,,,,

遍历 litsts  O(n)

内部:It's like traversing it once 链表  O(n+m)


It depends on the time complexity   O(nlogk)

kis the number of linked lists:说明只能从 遍历 litsts开了....

根据经验,The time complexity of merging two sorted linked lists is optimal O(n+m) 再一次说明  只能从 遍历 litsts优化了

等等,logK对数时间,The first reaction should be two points.我去,说不定可以解决

二分的前提:保证有序,nice,The conditions of the question are just in order(Because array subscripts are incremented)


我操,终于过了.....感动,落泪.An hour woohoo....

两个链表的合并:(The previous code is a bit smallbug,There is one situation that requires special handling)

When a linked list is empty at the end:(Merging should not be required at this point)


更改:Make a special judgment,The merging of two ordered linked lists will not be mentioned,As long as you are serious, you can write it.

Merge two ordered linked list codes:

struct ListNode 
     int val;
     ListNode *next;
     ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {}

ListNode* merge(ListNode *A,ListNode *B)
    //特判 (A=nullptr && B=nullptr) 或者
    // (A=nullptr && B!=nullptr) 或者 (A!=nullptr && B=nullptr)
    if(A == nullptr || B == nullptr)
        return A==nullptr ? B:A;
    ListNode *head = nullptr;
    ListNode *ans  = nullptr;

    while(A != nullptr && B != nullptr)
        if(A->val <= B->val)
            if(ans == nullptr)
                ans = A;
                head = A;
                head->next = A;
                head = head->next;
            A = A->next;
            if(ans == nullptr)
                ans = B;
                head = B;
                head->next = B;
                head = head->next;
            B = B->next;

    if(A != nullptr)
        head->next = A;

    if(B != nullptr)
        head->next = B;

    retrun ans;

Dichotomous ideas and codes:

There are two methods for bisection:递归(推荐使用)   非递归

Usually we just use recursion,好分析,好写代码

Let's look at an example to analyze:

        Divide in half first: A和BThe process must be the same(Or divide a whole into two subproblems that are the same as the whole)

        假设将A和Binto the smallest sub-problem,What should we do now????

        Of course, the linked list is merged....

        OK, let's merge,又看,A和BIt has not been divided to the minimum.(Recursion is a top-down process)

        Why am I here to sayA和BConsider it the smallest sub-problem??This is the author's special understanding of recursion,If the solution space is drawn,Recursion does not require backtracking,Does it need to be merged when we go back to this level A和B.

        ok....For ease of understanding, we might as well treat each state as a minimal problem,What is the solution to the minimum problem,We'll just do what we do,And the number is divided into the same problem as the sub-problem,It's just a scale traversal.




   Let's write code(二分代码)

//The return value looks at the picture I drew above
ListNode* binary_lists(vector<ListNode *> &lists,int l,int r)
    if(l == r)
        return lists[l];
    if(l > r)
        return nullptr;

    int mid = (l+r)/2;
    //合并 A和B    Because backtracking to this point requires mergingA和B
    return merge(binary_lists(lists,l,mid),binary_lists(lists,mid+1,r));


Let's put all the code together

 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * struct ListNode {
 *     int val;
 *     ListNode *next;
 *     ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {}
 * };
class Solution {
    ListNode *ans1;
    ListNode* merget(ListNode *A,ListNode *B)
        if(A == nullptr || B == nullptr)
            return A == nullptr ? B:A;
        ListNode *pA = A;
        ListNode *pB = B;
        ListNode *ans = nullptr;
        ListNode *head = nullptr;
        while(A != nullptr && B != nullptr)
           if(A->val <= B->val)
               if(ans == nullptr)
                   ans = A;
                   head = A;
                   head->next = A;
                   head = head->next;
               //pA = A;
               A = A->next; 
               if(ans == nullptr)
                   ans = B;
                   head = B;
                   head->next = B;
                   head = head->next;
               //pB = B;
               B = B->next;
        if(A != nullptr)
            head->next = A;
        if(B != nullptr)
            head->next = B;
        return ans;
    ListNode* merList(vector<ListNode *> &lists,int l,int r)
        if(l == r)    //只有一条
            return lists[l];
        if( l > r)
            return nullptr;
        int mid = (l + r)/2;
        return merget(merList(lists,l,mid),merList(lists,mid+1,r));
    ListNode *mergeKLists(vector<ListNode *> &lists) {
            return nullptr;
//       ans = lists[0];
//         for(int i=1;i<lists.size();i++)
//         {
//            if(lists[i] == nullptr)
//            {
//                continue;
//            }
//            ans = mergetK(ans,lists[i]);
//         }        
        return merList(lists,0,lists.size()-1);


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