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Three schemes of SQL query across the table

2022-08-10 18:45:00 dry road


A friend of mine asked me recently,如何进行sqlcross-database association query? 首先呢,我们知道mysql是不支持跨库连接的,但是老话说得好,只要思想不滑坡,Ideas are always more difficult than difficult!

PS:The problem lies here,Still can not solve what is?

After some thought I came up with three options for him,Although not perfect,But each leads the pack!

My connection plan,以postgreSql库为例.

方案一:Link multiple libraries,Execute the query synchronously

The specific idea is to connect multiple libraries separately in the code,After finding the required data in a library,通过关键字段,Synchronous execution goes to other libraries to query related data,Then perform the required data analysis or update!


  • 可以进行实时查询;
  • The data can be modified on demand and the return value can be modified within the logical range;
  • This scheme is generally used,Query data will be paginated query,Or the query conditions are precise,So the amount will be smaller,对服务器压力小;
  • Server static analysis data,效率高;


  • Not suitable for bulk data writing/查询,It will cause the database connection to time out or the obtained data flow to be too large, resulting in a large amount of server memory usage;
  • 同步执行策略,Querying the database takes time proportional to the runtime;


Some simple code logic,No one will understand it~~~


const pg = require('pg');
const sqlConfig = {
  testOnePgSql: {
    user: "postgres",
    database: "admindb",
    password: "123",
    host: "",//数据库ip地址(Randomly written,Write your own libraryip哈)
    port: 5432, // 扩展属性
    max: 20, // 连接池最大连接数
    idleTimeoutMillis: 3000
  //Super island merchants
  testTwoPgSql: {
    user: "postgres",
    database: "admindb",
    password: "123",
    host: "",//数据库ip地址(Randomly written,Write your own libraryip哈)
    port: 5432, // 扩展属性
    max: 20, // 连接池最大连接数
    idleTimeoutMillis: 3000
  //Myrtle Merchant
  testThreePgSql: {
    user: "postgres",
    database: "admindb",
    password: "123",
    host: "",//数据库ip地址(Randomly written,Write your own libraryip哈)
    port: 5432, // 扩展属性
    max: 20, // 连接池最大连接数
    idleTimeoutMillis: 3000
const testOnePgSql = new pg.Pool(sqlConfig.banuPgSql);
const testTwoPgSql = new pg.Pool(sqlConfig.testTwoPgSql);
const testThreePgSql = new pg.Pool(sqlConfig.testThreePgSql);
module.exports = {




let sqlMap = require('./postgreSql');
module.exports = {
  /** *查询pgsql数据 * @param sqlSelect 查询语句 string * @param tenancy 商户id string */
  select(sqlSelect, tenancy) {
    let pool = sqlMap[tenancy];
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      pool.connect(async function (err, connection) {
        if (err) {
          // 结束会话
          return reject(err);
        let result = await pgQuery(sqlSelect, connection);
        // 结束会话
        return resolve(result);


/** * pgsql查询数据 * @param sqlQuery 查询语句 * @param connection pgSql连接后的connection * @returns {Promise<unknown>} */
async function pgQuery(sqlQuery, connection) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    connection.query(sqlQuery, (err, rows) => {
      if (err) return reject(err);
      return resolve(rows.rows || []);


Now proceed to the business module


 "use strict";
let PGSQL = require("./postgreSqlClass");

exports.getUserList = async () => {
  let sqlOneSelect = `${The first table query statement}`;
  let userList = await PGSQL.select(sqlSelect, "testOnePgSql");
  let sqlTwoSelect = `${The first table query statement}`;
  let userListTwo = await PGSQL.select(sqlTwoSelect, "testTwoPgSql");
  let result = [];
  //Combine the data you want
  return result;


方案二:Add redundant tables in the main database,通过定时更新,Causes the query of the same database linked table

比如AThe library is the main database,B、CFor other add-on libraries,We need to combine the three librariesuserThe table performs data join table query; 具体思路为:

  • 在A库存在user表,Redundant tables are created at this pointuser_two、user_three表,and corresponding fieldsB、C库的user表字段;
  • 通过代码逻辑,进行定时任务,将B、C表,数据更新至A库user_two、user_three表;
  • Data analysis is required/查询时,仅查询A库即可,但需要将A库的user、user_two、user_threeTables are available on demand;


  • Convert cross-table queries to same-table queries,The execution logic is simpler;
  • It can perform big data analysis and big data query;
  • Data can be preprocessed,Improve analysis speed;


  • 定时更新,Not timely;
  • The corresponding table needs to have the last update time field,Otherwise, there will be more synchronization data;
  • 增加冗余表,It will cause the main table space occupancy rate to increase;
  • 定时更新,It will cause a large amount of data to be written at a certain point in time/修改数据,Data reading may be affected,因此,Multi-node deployment is recommended(读写、只读);

Similar implementation scenarios

  • T+1Time report display;
  • The local area network database information is reported to the online database;

方案三:(极度不建议)dbLinkLink multiple libraries natively,Perform data analysis locally


  • dblink就是我们在创建表的时候连接到我们的远程库,Then the data of the newly created table locally is the data of the mapped remote table.
  • 当我们创建一个以FEDERATED为存储引擎的表时,服务器在数据库目录只创建一个表定义文件.文件由表的名字开始,并有一个frm扩展名.无其它文件被创建,因为实际的数据在一个远程数据库上.这不同于为本地表工作的存储引擎的方式.


  • 1.如我现在本地要连接我的阿里云的sys_user表,So I need to build a table with the same fields locally,我取名叫sys_user_copy,并连接到远程库,建好后,我本地sys_user_copy的表里面的数据是映射远程的表的数据



  • 2.所以我关联查询,可以直接关联我本地sys_user_copy表从而查出来.改了本地的数据,远程的表数据也会跟着变



    1. **开启FEDERATED引擎,**show engines

image.png 如果这里是NO,需要在配置文件[mysqld]中加入一行:federated image.png


  • 4 建表时加上连接


CREATE TABLE (......) 
ENGINE =FEDERATED CONNECTION='mysql://username:[email protected]:port/database/tablename'



  • 不需要程序员介入,不需要开发
  • Quick results,If you just want to query some data


  • 本地表结构必须与远程表完全一样
  • 不支持事务
  • 不支持表结构修改
  • 删除本地表,远程表不会删除
  • 远程服务器必须是一个MySQL服务器
  • Database data is not written locally,Essentially a soft link,Querying a large amount of data can cause the local memory to fill up,Because it is querying data from multiple databases to local memory,Then do the calculations in memory,此时时间复杂度为O(N^2),空间复杂度也为O(N^2);500条数据,The corresponding local time complexity is 25W,时间复杂度为25W;

可用于:Data import between two libraries,不涉及计算,即A导入B,不进行查询A\BDo a computational writeC;

The idea of ​​Scheme 3 is drawn from the following article blog.csdn.net/qq_48721706…


好的算法,It is also based on a good execution plan,所以,Three programs can be used as needed!

最后,If you have any other good solutions,Welcome to discuss with me~~~


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