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Unity general steps for creating a hyper realistic 3D scene

2022-04-23 19:41:00 Programmer Zhengmao

Use Unity The easiest way to create a 3D scene is to brush the terrain manually 、 Brush trees, etc , But this method not only has a large workload , But it's not true . I've been studying recently Gaia plug-in unit , Find out Gaia Automatically generated by program , It feels like a wonderful idea ,World Creator A similar approach is used , Just control Mask It controls the place of generation .

The basic steps are as follows :

1. Create terrain .

2. Surface texture , Grass surface 、 Rocks on the mountain, etc .

3. Add or generate vegetation , Like grass (Grass)、 flowers (Flower)、 Fern (fern)、 shrub (bushes)、 The mushroom (Mushroom) etc.

4. Add or generate trees , Like a pine (Tree Pine)、 Spruce (tree spruce)、 Redwood (sequoia) etc.

5. Add or generate stones (Rock、Stone)、 Stump (stump)、 Log (Logs) etc.

6. Add or generate farms (Farm)、 village (Village) etc.

7. Add or generate special effects , Like a bird 、 Butterfly .

8. Post visual processing , Like a sky box 、 light 、 Surface of the water 、 Background music, etc .

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