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SQL optimization for advanced learning of MySQL [insert, primary key, sort, group, page, count]

2022-04-23 17:38:00 Everything will always return to plain


1、 insert data

2、 Primary key optimization

2.1 How data is organized

2.2 Page splitting

2.3 Page merge

2.4 Key design principles

3、order by Optimize

4、group by Optimize

5、limit Optimize

6、count Optimize

1、 insert data

If we need to insert multiple records into the database table at one time , It can be optimized from the following three aspects .

1、 Bulk insert data

Insert into student
values (5, ' Xiao Ming ',20011019),
    (6, ' Xiaohong ',19991019),
    (7, ' Little green ',20001019);

2、 Manually control transactions

start transaction;
Insert into student
values (5, ' Xiao Ming ', 20011019),
    (6, ' Xiaohong ', 19991019),
    (7, ' Little green ', 20001019);
Insert into student
values (8, ' Xiao Ming ', 20011019),
    (9, ' Xiaohong ', 19991019),
    (10, ' Little green ', 20001019);
Insert into student
values (11, ' Xiao Ming ', 20011019),
    (12, ' Xiaohong ', 19991019),
    (13, ' Little green ', 20001019);

3、 Insert primary key in order , Performance is better than out of order insertion .

 The primary key is inserted out of order  : 8 1 9 21 88 2 4 15 89 5 7 3 
 Insert primary key in order  : 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 15 21 88 89

Mass insert data

If you need to insert a large amount of data at one time ( such as : Millions of records ), Use insert Statement insertion performance is low , You can use MySQL Database provides load Insert instructions . The operation is as follows :

1 、 Create a table structure

CREATE TABLE `tb_user`
 `id`       INT(11)     NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
 `username` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
 `password` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
 `name`     VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
 `birthday` DATE    DEFAULT NULL,
 `sex`      CHAR(1) DEFAULT NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
 UNIQUE KEY `unique_user_username` (`username`)

2、 Set parameters

--  When the client connects to the server , Add parameters  -–local-infile 
mysql –-local-infile -u root -p 
--  Set global parameters local_infile by 1, Turn on the switch to import data from the local load file  
set global local_infile = 1; 


3、load Load data , Remember to switch to the relevant database first

load data local infile 'C:/Users/jie/Desktop/load_user_100w_sort.sql' into table tb_user fields terminated by ',' lines terminated by '\n';


My little broken computer runs well , I don't know how your computer runs .

notes : stay load when , The performance of primary key sequential insertion is better than that of out of order insertion


2、 Primary key optimization

2.1 How data is organized

stay InnoDB In the storage engine , Table data is organized and stored according to the primary key sequence , The tables in this way of storage are called index organization tables (index organized table IOT).

stay InnoDB In the engine , Data lines are recorded in logical structures page On page , And the size of each page is fixed , Default 16K.

That means , The rows stored in a page are also limited , If the inserted data row row Store not small on this page , Will be stored in the next page , Pages are connected by pointers .

2.2 Page splitting

The page can be empty , You can fill half , You can also fill in 100%. Each page contains 2-N Row data ( If a row of data is too large , Line overflow ), Arrange according to the primary key .

1、 Primary key sequence insertion effect

Request page from disk , Insert primary key in order , When the first page is full , Write the second page , Pages are connected by pointers , When the second page is full , Then write to the third page , And so on .


2、 The primary key is inserted out of order

The first and second pages are full of data .

  Insert again at this time id by 50 The record of , Because the leaf nodes of the index are in order . In order , It should be stored and then 47 after , So it will not be written to the new page .

  however !47 The first page is full , Then a new page will be opened at this time , To store 50, But it will not directly 50 Deposit on page 3 , Instead, the data in the second half of the first page , Move to 3 page , Then insert... On the third page 50.

  mobile data , And insert id by 50 After the data of , So at this time , The data order between these three pages is problematic . The next page of the first page , It should be page three , The next page of the data on the third page is the second page . therefore , here , Need to reset the linked list pointer .


The above phenomenon , be called " Page splitting ", It is a performance consuming operation .

2.3 Page merge

Now there are three pages of data .


Let's now delete the second page 4 Data .

notes : When deleting a row of records , In fact, the record has not been physically deleted , Just the record is marked (flaged) For deletion and its space becomes allowed to be used by other record declarations .



Like this, when the total deleted records of the page reach MERGE_THRESHOLD( The default is... Of the page 50%),InnoDB Will start looking for the closest page ( Before or after ) See if you can merge two pages to optimize space usage .

This is the time to physically delete data , Then merge the pages , If you insert new data at this time . Then write directly to the third page .


The phenomenon of merging pages that occurs in this , It's called " Page merge ".

notes :

MERGE_THRESHOLD: The threshold for merging pages , You can set it yourself , Specify... When creating a table or index .

2.4 Key design principles

  1. Meet business needs , Try to reduce the length of the primary key .

  2. When inserting data , Try to insert in order , Choose to use AUTO_INCREMENT Since the primary key .

  3. Try not to use UUID Make primary keys or other natural primary keys , Such as ID card No .

  4. During business operation , Avoid modifying the primary key .

3、order by Optimize

MySQL Sort , There are two ways :

  • Using filesort : Through table index or full table scan , Read the data lines that meet the conditions , Then in the sort buffer sortbuffer Complete the sorting operation in , All sorts that do not return sorting results directly through index are called FileSort Sort .

  • Using index : Through the sequential scan of the ordered index, the ordered data can be returned directly , This is the case using index, No need for extra sorting , High operating efficiency .

For the above two sorting methods ,Using index High performance , and Using filesort Low performance , When we optimize sorting operations , Try to optimize for Using index.

test :

I now use the above to import millions of data tb_user Do a test .

Let's do the following SQL:

explain select id,birthday ,sex from tb_user order by sex,birthday ;

  because sex, birthday There's no index , So when sorting again at this time , appear Using filesort, Low sorting performance . Then let's create a joint index for them .

create index idx_user_sex_birthday_aa on tb_user(sex,birthday);

After creating the index , Let's do it again explain sentence .


After indexing , Sort again , From the original Using filesort, Change into Using index, The performance is relatively high .

Now let's try to sort in descending order .

explain select id,birthday ,sex from tb_user order by sex desc ,birthday desc ;


Also appear Using index, But at this time Extra In the Backward index scan, This represents the reverse scan index , Because in MySQL The index we created in , The leaf nodes of the default index are sorted from small to large , At this time, when we query and sort , It's from big to small , therefore , At the time of scanning , It's reverse scanning , Will appear Backward index scan.

stay MySQL8 In the version , Support descending index , We can also create a descending index .

create index idx_user_sex_birthday_ab on tb_user(sex desc ,birthday desc );

After creation , Let's sort the query in descending order again .


This will be Using index.

In another case, the query is based on sex, birthday In descending order, in ascending order , A descending order

explain select id,birthday ,sex from tb_user order by sex asc ,birthday desc ;


Because when you create an index , If the order is not specified , By default, they are sorted in ascending order , And when you query , An ascending order , A descending order , And then there will be Using filesort.

At this time, we can create another index according to the sorting .

create index idx_user_sex_birthday_ac on tb_user(sex asc ,birthday desc );

And then execute SQL Statement query .


This is just another Using index.

By the above test , We come to the conclusion that order by Optimization principle :

  1. Establish the appropriate index according to the sorting field , When sorting multiple fields , Also follow the leftmost prefix rule .

  2. Try to use overlay index .

  3. Multi field sorting , One ascending, one descending , At this time, you need to pay attention to the rules when creating the federated index (ASC/DESC).

  4. If inevitable filesort, When sorting large amounts of data , You can appropriately increase the size of the sorting buffer sort_buffer_size( Default 256k).

4、group by Optimize

First of all, I'll put tb_user Delete all table indexes first .

drop index idx_user_sex_birthday_aa on tb_user;

drop index idx_user_sex_birthday_ab on tb_user;

drop index idx_user_sex_birthday_ac on tb_user;

Next , Without index , The implementation is as follows SQL, Query execution plan :

explain select sex , count(*) from tb_user group by sex ;

  then , We are aiming at sex, name, birthday Create a federated index .

create index idx_user_sex_name_birthday on tb_user(sex , name , birthday);

Then , Perform the same... As before SQL View execution plan .

  Then execute the following grouping query SQL, View execution plan

explain select sex , count(*) from tb_user group by name,birthday ;

explain select sex , count(*) from tb_user group by name ;


We found that , If only based on name grouping , Will appear Using temporary ; And if it's based on sex,name Two fields are grouped at the same time , Will not appear Using temporary. The reason is that for grouping operations , In the union index , It also conforms to the leftmost prefix rule .

therefore , In grouping operations , We need to optimize through the following two points , To improve performance :

  1. During grouping operation , Efficiency can be improved by indexing .

  2. When grouping , The use of index also satisfies the leftmost prefix rule .

5、limit Optimize

When the amount of data is large , If carried out limit Paging query , In the query , The later , The lower the efficiency of paging query . Let's take a look at the implementation limit Comparison of paging query time :


Through the test, we will see , The later , The lower the efficiency of paging query , That's the problem with paging queries .

Optimization idea : General paging query , adopt establish Overlay index It can better improve the performance , It can also be done through Overlay index plus subquery Form optimization .

explain select * from tb_user t , (select id from tb_user order by id limit 999999,10) a where t.id = a.id;

6、count Optimize

  • MyISAM The engine stores the total number of a table on disk , So execute count(*) It will return this number directly , It's very efficient ; But if it's conditional count,MyISAM It's also slow .

  • InnoDB The engine is in trouble , It performs count(*) When , You need to read the data line by line from the engine , And then the cumulative count .

If you want to improve significantly InnoDB Tabular count efficiency , The main optimization ideas :

Count yourself , With the aid of redis In this way, the non relational database , But if it's conditional count It's more troublesome again .

count() It's an aggregate function , For the returned result set , Judge line by line , If count The argument to the function is not null, Add... To the cumulative value 1, Otherwise, we will not add , Finally return the cumulative value .

count usage meaning
count( Lord key ) InnoDB The engine will traverse the entire table , Put each line of Primary key id Take out all the values , Return to the service layer . After the service layer gets the primary key , Accumulate directly by line ( The primary key cannot be null)
count( word paragraph ) No, not null constraint : InnoDB The engine will traverse the whole table and get the field values of each row , Return to the service layer , The service layer determines whether it is null, Not for null, Count up . Yes not null constraint :InnoDB The engine will traverse the whole table and get the field values of each row , Return to the service layer , Accumulate directly by line .
count( Count word ) InnoDB The engine traverses the entire table , But no value . For each row returned by the service layer , Put a number “1” go in , Accumulate directly by line .
count(*) InnoDB The engine doesn't take out all the fields , It's optimized , No value , The service layer accumulates directly by line .

In order of efficiency ,count( Field ) < count( Primary key id) < count(1) ≈ count(*), So try to

Amount of use count(*).

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