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ASP. Net core dependency injection service life cycle

2022-04-23 17:05:00 begeneral

Dependency injection services include 3 A life cycle :Transient;Scoped;Singleton

Transient: Ready to use, ready to build , Discard after use . That is to create an instance of this service every time you get an instance of this service .

Scoped: This type of service instance is saved in the current dependency injection container (IServiceProvider) On , This will be explained in detail later .

Singleton: Single case . That is, only one service instance is saved

Let's do an example demonstration , Let us have a deeper understanding of this 3 Medium life cycle

My test environment :win10+vs2019+.net core 3.1

Create a new one .NET CORE The console application , add to NuGet package :Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection and Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions

Create a new one Base class , Inherited from IDisposable Interface . In this way, we can know when the instance inherited from the base class is released

Base The code for the class is as follows :

public class Base:IDisposable
        public Base() => Console.WriteLine($"An Instance of {GetType().Name} is created");
        public void Dispose() => Console.WriteLine($"The Instance of {GetType().Name} is disposed");        

Then define 3 Interface , Represents the service type :

public interface IBaz
public interface IBar
public interface IFoo

Definition 3 Each implementation implements this 3 Interface classes , These classes inherit from Base and IDispose

public class Baz:Base,IBaz
public class Bar:Base,IBar
public class Foo:Base,IFoo

The next in Main Function to create a dependency injection container . This container is in using Created in statement , So when using At the end of the statement execution, it will call Dispose To release this container

static void Main(string[] args)
            using (var root = new ServiceCollection().AddTransient<IFoo, Foo>()
                .AddScoped<IBar, Bar>()
                .AddSingleton<IBaz, Baz>().BuildServiceProvider())
                using (var scope = root.CreateScope())
                    var provider = scope.ServiceProvider;
                    Console.WriteLine("child container is disposed");
                Console.WriteLine("root container is disposed");

Let's create a root container , Then create a sub container with this root container .3 The life cycles of service instances are Transient、Scoped、Singleton. The results are as follows :

Service instances are created when obtaining service instances , However, the release of instances is not together .Bar and Foo The life cycle of Scoped and Transient,

So when the sub container is released , this 2 An instance is released .Baz The life cycle of is a single case , It is stored in the root container (root) Inside , So when the sub container is released

When , It didn't release , The root container is not released until it is released .

about ASP.NET CORE applications , It has a global root container bound to the current application IServiceProvider object . For each request processed ,ASP.NET CORE

The framework will use this root container to create a service scope based on the current request ( That is to say Scoped Life cycle ), And use the IServiceProvider Object to provide the... Required for request processing

Service instance . After the request is processed ,Scoped The instance of the life cycle is terminated , The corresponding sub container is also released .

So in the same request ,Scoped Instances of the lifecycle are created only once . You can also try , Use... In the same request GetService Get... Many times Scoped Examples of life cycles ,

Then get... In multiple requests Scoped Examples of life cycles , In this way, everyone's understanding will be more profound .

