当前位置:网站首页>Take according to the actual situation, classify and summarize once every three levels, and see the figure to know the demand

Take according to the actual situation, classify and summarize once every three levels, and see the figure to know the demand

2022-04-23 16:26:00 Huang ha ha~

This is the requirements , Here you need to use the hidden function , Still need to be in SQL Write another field in , Take the first four digits in the code SUBSTRING (NVL( Field ,‘ nothing ’),1,4) Insert picture description here
Take out the fourth column
 Insert picture description here
In the report , You need to put it like this
 Insert picture description here
to B7 Insert data column
 Insert picture description here
 Insert picture description here
When it's done , Need to be right A Column hide , In this column, we don't need to see
 Insert picture description here
After hiding , Our needs are complete .

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