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Database indexes and their underlying data structures

2022-08-11 10:03:00 The last three-legged beast

Indexed CRUD

-- view indexshow index from table name;-- create indexcreate index index name on table name (column name);-- delete indexdrop index index name on table name (column name);

Creating and deleting indexes are extremely time-consuming operations with large data, because a lot of space is used to create (delete) the corresponding data structures.So most of the time we prepare the index at the very beginning of creating the table

Data structure of the index

The existence of the index is to make the data search more efficient, so we need a suitable data structure to store the data

Inappropriate data structure

  • When it comes to finding the fastest, most of us think of a hash table with a time complexity of O(1), but although a hash table is faster to query a single data, it is not efficient when querying a range of data.to the request.

  • Although the binary search tree can query single data and range data, the data is likely to form a form similar to a single fork tree. In this case, the time complexity will increase to linear complexity. At the same time, when searchingThe recursion depth is also unacceptable to the server.

  • What about the AVL tree and red-black tree after the binary search tree is upgraded?Although the AVL tree and the red-black tree avoid the possible linear complexity of the search, they still have a large depth under the stacking of a large amount of data, and consume a lot of space when querying.

In this case, the B+ tree came into being. Before understanding the B+ tree, we need to understand the B tree (some people also write it as the B-tree)

B-tree brief introduction

Just a brief introduction to the advantages of the B-tree, and will not go into the details of insertion and deletion methods, data storage methods in nodes

B-tree is an n-ary tree, and each node has multiple data, first a complete graph:

insert image description here

Take 30 and 40 in the parent node as an example, 34, 36, 38 belong to the numbers between 30 and 40, so use the nodes in the range of 30 and 40 to store them. If a node has a number, it willThere are a+1 child nodes.This is how the data in the B-tree is stored

B+ tree brief introduction

After introducing the B-tree, let's understand the storage method of the B+ tree and analyze why the B+ tree is so favored by the database

The B+ tree is also an n-ary tree like the B tree, but it is very different from the B tree. The complete picture is as follows:

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  1. B+ tree has a number of nodes in a node, then its child nodes have a number
  2. The number used as the right boundary in the parent node will appear again in the child node. As shown in the figure above, the number 15 as the right boundary between the root node 8 and 15 is stored in the child node again.
  3. Because each time the number to the right of the boundary is taken to the child node, the leaf node of the B+ tree stores all the numbers.We finally connect the leaf nodes in the form of a linked list.

Understanding the data storage method of B+ tree, let us briefly talk about the advantages of B+ tree:

  1. First of all, as an n-ary tree, its depth is greatly reduced compared to a binary tree.
  2. The leaf nodes of the B+ tree store all the data. When we search for a range, we can traverse the required range directly through the linked list as long as we find a number.
  3. Because the leaf nodes store all the data, all our search operations can be performed on the leaf nodes, and we only need to store the index in the non-leaf node, and the data represented by the index is all stored in the leaf node.Since the index is just a string of numbers, the space occupation is very small, so the search greatly reduces the hard disk IO, which is also impossible for trees such as red-black trees!

Although we don't talk about the insertion efficiency of B+ tree here, we can intuitively feel the difficulty of data insertion and deletion, but as mentioned at the beginning, the database needs more search efficiency, and this exchange is worthwhile, but if it is a database with extremely frequent inserts and deletes, indexes should not be used.


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