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Assertionerror: invalid device ID and runtimeerror: CUDA error: invalid device ordinal

2022-04-23 20:48:00 NuerNuer

I am using torch These two problems occur when multiple cards are parallel .

## Question 1 :AssertionError: Invalid device id, Invalid device id

The reason for this : Combined with code interpretation :

import ...

os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "2,3"

model = model(...)

model = torch.nn.DataParrel(model, device_ids=[2,3])

The reason for the error :os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "2,3" This statement will the original divice:2 and device:3 The number of is mapped to device:0 and device:1, So in set_device Error reporting at time , Invalid device id

terms of settlement : Method 1 : take os.environ Delete . If some cards are occupied, you have to use os.environ To set up available devices , Use method 2 : Follow the remapped number , example set_device(0)

## Question two :RuntimeError: CUDA error: invalid device ordinal

The reason for this : Combining with the code

import ...

os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "2,3"

model = model(...)

model = torch.nn.DataParrel(model, device_ids=[2,3])

The reason for the error : Same as above ,os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "2,3" This statement will the original divice:2 and device:3 The number of is mapped to device:0 and device:1, So in execution torch.nn.DataParrel When an error

terms of settlement : Method 1 : take os.environ Delete . If some cards are occupied, you have to use os.environ To set up available devices , Use method 2 : Follow the remapped number , example :

model = torch.nn.DataParrel(model, device_ids=[0,1])

Recommend an article , Simple implementation of multi card parallel :



