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Unity Odin ProgressBar add value column

2022-04-23 20:34:00 One Mr rabbit one

Unity plug-in unit Odin Provides properties for displaying progress bars [ProgressBar], But the default is not to display the value column , You can customize and modify some scripts and add value Columns ;

Odin The use of BaseProgressBarAttributeDrawer<T> To handle multiple types of progress bars

public class ProgressBarAttributeIntWithValueDrawer : BaseProgressBarAttributeDrawer<int>
        protected override int DrawProgressBar(Rect rect, GUIContent label, double min, double max, ProgressBarConfig config, string valueLabel)
            rect.width -= 60;
            int result = this.Attribute.Segmented
                ? (int) SirenixEditorFields.SegmentedProgressBarField(rect, label, this.ValueEntry.SmartValue, (long) min, (long) max,
                    config, valueLabel)
                : (int) SirenixEditorFields.ProgressBarField(rect, label, this.ValueEntry.SmartValue, min, max, config,
            Rect valueRect = rect;
            Vector3 valueRectPos = rect.position;
            valueRectPos.x += rect.width + 10;
            valueRect.position = valueRectPos;
            valueRect.width = 50;
            result = SirenixEditorFields.IntField(valueRect, "", result);
            if (result > max) result = (int) max;
            if (result < min) result = (int) min;
            return result;

        protected override double ConvertToDouble(int value)
            return value;

Effect after adding :
 Insert picture description here

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