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How to do patent mining, the key is to find patent points, in fact, it is not too difficult

2022-08-11 00:07:00 Six-dimensional paper recommendation

“专利挖掘”,At first glance, this is a very tall,It seems very great difficulty.

It is necessary to introduce this first“专利挖掘”.

简单地说,Patent mining is to screen and extract truly valuable technological innovation points and technical solutions from scientific research innovation achievements,Get ready for patent protection.

If you were a little more specific,patent mining isFrom the technical level and legal level,Research and development process of technological achievements,进行剖析、整理、Split and filter,So as to determine the technical innovation points and technical solutions worthy of patent application.

所以,Patent mining is an important task for enterprise researchers to protect their own innovations.Master a set of excellent patent mining methods,Not only can prevent the loss of intangible assets,It can also improve the protection of R&D results,Conducive to the formation of a perfect patent protection network.

那么,Enterprises should how to do专利挖掘

Want to make patent mining comprehensive and in-depth,Must have a good patent mining team and perfect patent mining method.And a good patent mining team,Usually includes technicians、Patent engineer, etc.,缺一不可.Before patent mining work,Patent personnel must be prepared in the following three aspects:

一、Technological achievements of the enterprise existing technology for basic level of understanding;

二、Learn how to capture innovations in technological results,such as adding parts、减少、替换、transformation of interrelationships,Material to replace,increase or decrease of method steps, etc.;Here, it is recommended that a researcher is using itChinese and foreign patent inquiry website,There are tens of millions of patent documents available for inquiry.

三、Institute to establish patent mining comparison table,Talk about the structure of the product、电路、Detailed method steps, etc.,In the process of patent mining,Check this table one by one,May reduce the risk of omission.

after getting ready,From the following several aspects to technical mining enterprise patent:

一、Starting from the project task

Find out the components that complete the task,Analyze the technical elements of each component,Find out the innovation point of each technical element,Summarize technical solutions according to innovation points.

Take automotive display technology as an example,Further decompose the technical elements of the two components of software and hardware,Find one or more innovation points corresponding to each technical element,Form a corresponding protection plan,Patent mining from the project task.

二、Starting from an innovative point

Identify a point of innovation in the project,Identify the factors associated with the innovation,Other innovations in identifying associated factors,Summarize technical solutions according to other innovations.When looking for correlates,open up thinking.

a technical achievement,以产品为例,Usually can be divided into core components and secondary components,Or first divided into several modules,Each module can be further divided into core parts and minor parts again,Among them, the secondary components are usually designed with reference to the requirements of the core components..So technological innovation,usually focus on core components,And radiate from the core component to the secondary components.

Patent personnel should take the core components as the starting point,Combined with step 1 to collect technical innovation points,Further develop comprehensive and orderly patent mining,In this process, patent personnel must distinguish the level of all innovation points,Layout which are the core patents,Which are the peripheral patents to apply for?.

Take the porous acoustic resistance layer technology in the aircraft engine muffler panel as an example:

except punching holes in metal sheets,What are the other ways to make holes??比如Can be spliced ​​into holes using multiple splints,Can also be woven into holes using pre-impregnated material.

Wells obtained for different preparation methods,What are the corresponding innovations??For example, for weaving holes using pre-impregnated materials,What are the unique innovations?

而又有What innovations can be general?

All of the above can be used as relevant factors,在此基础上,Find out the innovation point of related factors,Complete patent mining from innovative points.


in the process of applying for a patent,要开拓思维,Don't limit yourself to current technical solutions,Think more and use your brain,Learn to unearth multiple innovations from current technical solutions,In order to form multiple patent application,To achieve more comprehensive patent protection,Form high-value portfolio patents.


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