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ESP32 LVGL8. 1 - roller rolling (roller 24)

2022-04-23 18:38:00 Please call me Xiao Peng

Tips : This blog serves as a learning note , If there are mistakes, I hope to correct them

One 、Roller brief introduction

1.1 summary Overview

   Scrolling allows you to simply select an option to scroll from more .

1.2 Part and style Parts and Styles

• LV_PART_MAIN The background of the roller using all typical background attributes and text style attributes .Style_text_line_space Adjustment selection
Space between items . When the wheel rolls , It won't stop completely on an option , It will automatically scroll to the nearest valid option , With
anim_time Milliseconds , Because it specifies... In the style .
• LV_PART_SELECTED The middle choice . In addition to the typical background properties , It also uses text style properties to change the selected text
The appearance of the text in the area .

1.3 Use Usage

1.3.1 set an option Set options

   These options are used as with lv_roller_set_options(Roller, options, LV_ROLLER_MODE_NORMAL/INFINITE) The string passed to Roller. These options should use \n Separate . for example :“ First of all \ nSecond \ nThird”.
  LV_ROLLER_MODE_INFINITE Make the roller round .
   have access to lv_roller_set_selected Manually select an option (roller, id, LV_ANIM_ON/OFF), among id Is an index of options .

1.3.2 Get the selected option Get selected option

   Get the currently selected option to use lv_roller_get_selected(roller), It will return the index of the selected option .
lv_roller_get_selected_str (roller, buf, buf_size) Copy the name of the selected option to buf..

1.3.3 Visible rows Visible rows

   The number of visible lines can be through lv_roller_set_visible_row_count(roller, num) To adjust . This function calculates the height of the current style . If the font 、 Row spacing 、 The frame width and other rollers change , You need to call the function again .

1.4 event Events

• LV_EVENT_VALUE_CHANGED Send when a new option is selected .

1.5 Key Keys

• LV_KEY_RIGHT/DOWN Select the next option
• LV_KEY_LEFT/UP Select the previous option
• LY_KEY_ENTER Apply selected options ( send out LV_EVENT_VALUE_CHANGED event )

Two 、Roller API

lv_obj_t * lv_roller_create(lv_obj_t * parent);											// Create a wheel object 
void lv_roller_set_options(lv_obj_t * obj, const char * options, lv_roller_mode_t mode);// Set options on the wheel 
void lv_roller_set_selected(lv_obj_t * obj, uint16_t sel_opt, lv_anim_enable_t anim);	// Set the selected options 
void lv_roller_set_visible_row_count(lv_obj_t * obj, uint8_t row_cnt);					// Set the height to display the given number of rows ( Options )
uint16_t lv_roller_get_selected(const lv_obj_t * obj);									// Gets the index of the selected option 
void lv_roller_get_selected_str(const lv_obj_t * obj, char * buf, uint32_t buf_size);	// Gets the currently selected option as a string .
const char * lv_roller_get_options(const lv_obj_t * obj);								// Get the option of a wheel 
uint16_t lv_roller_get_option_cnt(const lv_obj_t * obj);								// Get the total number of options 

3、 ... and 、 Example

3.1Roller Basic display

/************************************************* *  The name of the function  : roller_event_handler *  ginseng   Count  : e *  The functionality  :  Scroll the callback display  *************************************************/
static void roller_event_handler(lv_event_t * e)
   lv_event_code_t code = lv_event_get_code(e);    // Get callback value 
   lv_obj_t * obj = lv_event_get_target(e);        // Get objects 
   if(code == LV_EVENT_VALUE_CHANGED){
                 // Judge the current event 
      char buf[32];                                   
      lv_roller_get_selected_str(obj,buf,sizeof(buf));   // Get options str
      LV_LOG_USER("Selected ID:%d Month:%s\n",lv_roller_get_selected(obj),buf);
/************************************************* *  The name of the function  : roller_show1_event_hander *  ginseng   Count  :  nothing  *  The functionality  :  Scroll the callback display  *************************************************/
void roller_show_1()
   lv_obj_t * roller1 = lv_roller_create(lv_scr_act());  // Create a scrolling object 
   lv_roller_set_options(  roller1,                      // Set the options on the scroll wheel 
   lv_roller_set_visible_row_count(roller1,4);           // Set the height of the display 
   lv_obj_center(roller1);                               // centered 
   lv_obj_add_event_cb(roller1,roller_event_handler,LV_EVENT_ALL,NULL); // Add callback function 

 Insert picture description here

3.2Roller Font display position of

/************************************************* *  The name of the function  : roller_show2_event_hander *  ginseng   Count  : e *  The functionality  :  Scroll the callback display  *************************************************/
static void roller_show2_event_hander(lv_event_t * e)
   lv_event_code_t code = lv_event_get_code(e);       // Get object value 
   lv_obj_t * obj = lv_event_get_target(e);           // Get events 
   if(code == LV_EVENT_CHILD_CHANGED){
                    // Judge events 
      char buf[32];
      lv_roller_get_selected_str(obj,buf,sizeof(buf));// Set option values 
      LV_LOG_USER("Selected value:%s",buf);           
/************************************************* *  The name of the function  : roller_show_2 *  ginseng   Count  :  nothing  *  The functionality  :  Scrolling  *************************************************/
void roller_show_2()
   static lv_style_t style_sel;                                // Create styles 
   lv_style_init(&style_sel);                                  // Initialize style 
   lv_style_set_text_font(&style_sel,&lv_font_montserrat_16);  // Initial font 

   const char * opts = "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n10";        // Initialization options 
   lv_obj_t * roller;                                          // Initialize the scrolling object 

   roller = lv_roller_create(lv_scr_act());                    // Create a scrolling object 
   lv_roller_set_options(roller,opts,LV_ROLLER_MODE_NORMAL);   // set an option 
   lv_roller_set_visible_row_count(roller,2);                  // Set the width of the scroll 
   lv_obj_set_width(roller,100);                               // Set the width of the object 
   lv_obj_add_style(roller,&style_sel,LV_PART_SELECTED);       // Set width 
   lv_obj_set_style_text_align(roller,LV_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT,0);   // Set font Center 
   lv_obj_align(roller,LV_ALIGN_LEFT_MID,10,0);                // Set location 
   lv_obj_add_event_cb(roller,roller_show2_event_hander,LV_EVENT_ALL,NULL);// Add a callback 
   lv_roller_set_selected(roller,2,LV_ANIM_OFF);               // Set initial options 

   roller = lv_roller_create(lv_scr_act());                    // Create objects 
   lv_roller_set_options(roller,opts,LV_ROLLER_MODE_NORMAL);   // Initialization options 
   lv_roller_set_visible_row_count(roller,3);                  // Set the width distance 
   lv_obj_add_style(roller,&style_sel,LV_PART_SELECTED);       // Add the style 
   lv_obj_align(roller,LV_ALIGN_CENTER,0,0);                   // Set location 
   lv_obj_add_event_cb(roller,roller_show2_event_hander,LV_EVENT_ALL,NULL);// Set callback 
   lv_roller_set_selected(roller,5,LV_ANIM_OFF);               // Set initialization options 

   roller = lv_roller_create(lv_scr_act());                    // Create objects 
   lv_roller_set_options(roller,opts,LV_ROLLER_MODE_NORMAL);   // Initialization options 
   lv_roller_set_visible_row_count(roller,4);                  // Set the width distance 
   lv_obj_set_width(roller,80);                                // Set the width of the object 
   lv_obj_add_style(roller,&style_sel,LV_PART_SELECTED);       // Add the style 
   lv_obj_set_style_text_align(roller,LV_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT,0);  // Center the style font 
   lv_obj_align(roller,LV_ALIGN_RIGHT_MID,-10,0);              // Set location 
   lv_obj_add_event_cb(roller,roller_show2_event_hander,LV_EVENT_ALL,NULL);// Add a callback 
   lv_roller_set_selected(roller,8,LV_ANIM_OFF);               // Set initialization selection value 

 Insert picture description here

3.3 Use the slide mask option to zoom in

   It's worth noting that something you haven't seen before is used here , Mask , Before font redrawing, I learned in the progress bar , Here are a few for the mask API The parameters of are as follows

*  Initialize a fade mask .
* @param initialization lv_draw_mask_param_t Parameter pointer to 
* @param Regional influence of coordinates ( Absolute coordinates )
* @param opa_top Opacity at the top 
* @param y_top At which coordinates do you start to change the transparency to ' opa_bottom '
* @param opa_bottom Opacity at the bottom 
* @param y_bottom where coordinate reach ' opa_bottom '.
Void lv_draw_mask_fade_init(lv_draw_mask_fade_param_t * param, const lv_area_t * cods,lv_opa_t opa_top,lv_coord_t y_top,lv_opa_t opa_bottom, lv_coord_t y_bottom)
*  Add a paint mask . Everything drawn after it ( Until the mask is removed ) Will be affected by the mask .
*  Initialize mask parameters . Save only pointers .
* @param custom_id A custom pointer to identify the mask . be used for “lv_draw_mask_remove_custom”.
* @ Returns an integer , Masked ID. Can be in ' lv_draw_mask_remove_id ' Use in .
Int16_t lv_draw_mask_add(void * param, void * custom_id)

   Example Code

/************************************************* *  The name of the function  : mask_event_cb *  ginseng   Count  : e *  The functionality  :  Scroll the callback display  *************************************************/
static void mask_event_cb(lv_event_t * e)
    lv_event_code_t code = lv_event_get_code(e);        // Get events 
    lv_obj_t * obj = lv_event_get_target(e);            // Get current event 

    static int16_t mask_top_id = -1;                    // Define the top mask 
    static int16_t mask_bottom_id = -1;                 // Define the bottom mask 

    if (code == LV_EVENT_COVER_CHECK) {
                     // Event coverage check 
        lv_event_set_cover_res(e, LV_COVER_RES_MASKED); // Set the cover check result 

    } else if (code == LV_EVENT_DRAW_MAIN_BEGIN) {
          // Execute the main drawing 
        /* add mask */
        const lv_font_t * font = lv_obj_get_style_text_font(obj, LV_PART_MAIN);     // Get object font 
        lv_coord_t line_space = lv_obj_get_style_text_line_space(obj, LV_PART_MAIN);// Gets the line spacing of the object font 
        lv_coord_t font_h = lv_font_get_line_height(font);  // Get line height 

        lv_area_t roller_coords;                        // Set the drawing area variable 
        lv_obj_get_coords(obj, &roller_coords);         // Copy the coordinates of an object to an area 

        lv_area_t rect_area;                            // Set the drawing area variable 
        rect_area.x1 = roller_coords.x1;                // Get x1 Value 
        rect_area.x2 = roller_coords.x2;                // Get x2 Value 
        rect_area.y1 = roller_coords.y1;                // Get y1 Value 
        rect_area.y2 = roller_coords.y1 + (lv_obj_get_height(obj) - font_h - line_space) / 2;           // Get y2 Value 

        lv_draw_mask_fade_param_t * fade_mask_top = lv_mem_buf_get(sizeof(lv_draw_mask_fade_param_t));  // Draw mask fade parameters   Top 
        lv_draw_mask_fade_init(fade_mask_top, &rect_area, LV_OPA_TRANSP, rect_area.y1, LV_OPA_COVER, rect_area.y2);     // Initialize a fade mask .
        mask_top_id = lv_draw_mask_add(fade_mask_top, NULL);        // Add a top draw mask 

        rect_area.y1 = rect_area.y2 + font_h + line_space - 1;      // obtain y1 coordinate 
        rect_area.y2 = roller_coords.y2;                            // obtain y2 coordinate 

        lv_draw_mask_fade_param_t * fade_mask_bottom =lv_mem_buf_get(sizeof(lv_draw_mask_fade_param_t));// Draw mask fade parameters   Bottom 
        lv_draw_mask_fade_init(fade_mask_bottom, &rect_area, LV_OPA_COVER, rect_area.y1, LV_OPA_TRANSP, rect_area.y2);  // Initialize a fade mask .
        mask_bottom_id = lv_draw_mask_add(fade_mask_bottom, NULL);  // Add a top draw mask 

    } else if (code == LV_EVENT_DRAW_POST_END) {
                        // complete post Drawing phase ( When all child elements are drawn )
        lv_draw_mask_fade_param_t * fade_mask_top = lv_draw_mask_remove_id(mask_top_id);        // Remove mask  
        lv_draw_mask_fade_param_t * fade_mask_bottom = lv_draw_mask_remove_id(mask_bottom_id);  // Remove mask 
        lv_draw_mask_free_param(fade_mask_top);                     // Release the data in the parameter . 
        lv_draw_mask_free_param(fade_mask_bottom);                  // Release the data in the parameter .
        lv_mem_buf_release(fade_mask_top);                          // Manual memory release  
        lv_mem_buf_release(fade_mask_bottom);                       // Manual memory release 
        mask_top_id = -1;                                           
        mask_bottom_id = -1;

/************************************************* *  The name of the function  : roller_show_3 *  ginseng   Count  : e *  The functionality  :  Scroll the callback display  *************************************************/
void roller_show_3(void)
    static lv_style_t style;                            // Create a style variable 
    lv_style_init(&style);                              // Initialize style 
    lv_style_set_bg_color(&style, lv_color_black());    // Set the background color 
    lv_style_set_text_color(&style, lv_color_white());  // Set font color 
    lv_style_set_border_width(&style, 0);               // Set border width 
    lv_style_set_pad_all(&style, 0);                    // Set margins 
    lv_obj_add_style(lv_scr_act(), &style, 0);          // Add the style 

    lv_obj_t *roller1 = lv_roller_create(lv_scr_act()); // establish roller object 
    lv_obj_add_style(roller1, &style, 0);               // Add the style 
    lv_obj_set_style_bg_opa(roller1, LV_OPA_TRANSP, LV_PART_SELECTED);  // Set the transparency of the object 

    lv_obj_set_style_text_font(roller1, &lv_font_montserrat_22, LV_PART_SELECTED);  // Set object font 

    lv_roller_set_options(roller1,                      // Set object options 

    lv_obj_center(roller1);                             // Center object 
    lv_roller_set_visible_row_count(roller1, 3);        // Set object spacing 
    lv_obj_add_event_cb(roller1, mask_event_cb, LV_EVENT_ALL, NULL);   // Set callback 

 Insert picture description here

Four 、 First time to know Drawing

4.1Drawing summary

   Use LVGL, You don't need to draw anything manually . Just create the object ( Button like 、 label 、 Arc, etc ), Move and change them ,
LVGL Will refresh and redraw the required content .
   however , If you draw on LVGL Have a basic understanding of how it works , Then you can better add customization , To make it easier to find loopholes or just out of curiosity .
   The basic concept is not to draw directly on the screen , Instead, draw on the internal drawing buffer first . When drawing ( Rendering ) When it's ready , Copy the buffer to the screen .
   The draw buffer can be smaller than the size of the screen .LVGL Will simply render the appropriate for a given paint buffer “ Mapping ”.
Compared with drawing directly on the screen , This approach has two main advantages :

  1. It avoids drawing UI Blink when layer . for example , If you will LVGL Draw directly into the display , When drawing the background + Button + When text ,
    Every “ Stage ” Will be visible in a short time ..
  2. In the internal RAM Modify buffer in , Finally, writing only one pixel is better than reading directly on each pixel access / Write display faster .( For example, by taking
    Yes SPI Interface display controller )..
       Be careful , This concept is different from “ Tradition ” Double buffer , There are two screen size frame buffers : A saved current image is displayed on the display , Rendering takes place in another ( Inactive ) Framebuffer , When rendering is complete , They are exchanged . The main difference is , Use LVGL You don't need to store 2 Framebuffer ( External... Is usually required RAM), But only a smaller draw buffer is needed (s), It can be easily put inside RAM.

4.2 Screen refresh mechanism Mechanism of screen refreshing

   Be sure to be familiar with LVGL Buffer mode .
  LVGL Follow these steps to refresh the screen :

  1. UI Something has happened on the that needs to be redrawn . for example , A button is pressed , A chart is changed or an animation occurs , wait .
  2. LVGL Save the old and new areas of the changed object into a buffer , It is called invalid area buffer . In order to optimize the , In some cases , Object is not added to the buffer :
       Do not add hidden objects .
       Objects that are completely detached from their parents will not be added
       Some areas beyond the parent are clipped to the parent's area .
       Do not add objects on other screens .
  3. At every LV_DISP_DEF_REFR_PERIOD(set in lv_conf.h) The following happens in :
    •LVGL Check invalid areas and connect adjacent or intersecting areas
       Get the first connection area , If it is smaller than the draw buffer , You just need to render the contents of this area into the drawing buffer . If
    Area is not suitable for buffer , Drawing as many lines may put the drawing buffer . After rendering the area ,flush_cb Called from the display driver to refresh the display . If the area is larger than the buffer , Also render the rest . Do the same for all connected areas . When an area is redrawn , The library searches for the topmost object that covers the area , And start drawing from this object . for example , If the label of a button changes , The library will see that it is sufficient to draw the button under the text , And you don't need to draw the screen under the button .
       The differences between the buffer modes of the drawing mechanism are as follows :
  4. One buffer - LVGL Wait before you start redrawing the next part lv_disp_flush_ready()( from call flush_cb).
  5. Two buffers - When the first buffer is sent to the second buffer ,LVGL You can immediately draw to the second buffer ,flush_cb Because the refresh should be done by DMA( Or similar hardware ) In the background .
  6. Double buffering - flush_cb Only the address of the frame buffer should be exchanged .

4.3 Mask Masking

   The mask is LVGL Basic concepts of drawing engine . To use LVGL, You don't need to understand the mechanism described here , You may find it interesting to understand how drawing works behind the scenes . If you want to customize the drawing , Understanding the mask will come in handy . Learn to mask , Let's learn the steps of drawing first .LVGL Perform the following steps to render any shape 、 Image or text . It can be considered a drawing pipeline .

  1. Prepare the draw descriptors According to the style of the object ( for example lv_draw_rect_dsc_t) Create drawing descriptor . It tells the drawing parameters , Such as color 、 Width 、 The opacity 、 typeface 、 Radius, etc .
  2. Call the draw function Use drawing descriptors and some other parameters ( for example lv_draw_rect()) Call the drawing function . It renders the original shape to the current paint buffer .
  3. Create masks If the shape is very simple and does not require a mask , Please go to #5. Otherwise, create the required mask ( For example, rounded rectangle mask )
  4. Calculate all the added mask. It will 0…255 A value is created to a with the mask created “ shape ” In the mask buffer of . for example , Based on the mask parameter “ Line mask ” Under the circumstances , Leave one side of the buffer as it is ( The default is 255) And set the rest to 0 To indicate that the side should be deleted .
  5. Blend a color or image In the mixed mask ( Make some pixels transparent or opaque )、 Mixed mode ( Add 、 Subtraction, etc )、 Opacity is treated .
      LVGL It has the following built-in mask types that can be calculated and applied in real time :
    • LV_DRAW_MASK_TYPE_LINE Remove one side... From a row ( Top 、 Bottom 、 Left or right ).lv_draw_line Use one of the 4 individual . Essentially , Every one of them ( tilt ) Lines pass through to form a rectangle to 4 Bounded by a line mask .
    • LV_DRAW_MASK_TYPE_RADIUS Delete the inner or outer part of a rectangle with a radius . It is also used by setting the radius to a large value ( LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE) To create a circle
    • LV_DRAW_MASK_TYPE_ANGLE Delete a circular sector . It is used for lv_draw_arc Delete “ empty ” A sector
    • LV_DRAW_MASK_TYPE_FADE Create vertical fade in and fade out ( Change opacity )
    • LV_DRAW_MASK_TYPE_MAP The mask is stored in an array and the necessary partial mask is applied
       Used to create almost all basic elements :
    • letters Create a mask from the letters , And draw a rectangle with the color of letters according to the mask
    • line from 4 individual “ Line mask ” establish , Used to mask the left side of the line 、 Right 、 Upper and lower parts , To get a perfectly vertical tail
    • rounded rectangle Create a mask in real time to add a radius to the corner
    • clip corner In order to cut the overflow on the fillet ( Usually subclasses ), A rounded rectangle mask is also applied .
    • rectangle border Same as rounded rectangle , But the inner part is also shielded
    • arc drawing Round border , But arc masks are also applied .
    • ARGB images take alpha The channel is separated into a mask , And draw the image as ordinary RGB Images .

4.4 Painting hook Hook drawing

   Although widgets can be well customized through styles , But in some cases, you may need to really customize . To ensure a high degree of flexibility ,LVGL Many events are sent during the drawing process , And tell LVGL Parameters of what will be drawn . Some fields of these parameters can be modified to draw other content , Or you can manually add any custom drawing .
   A good use case is the button matrix widget . By default , Its buttons can be styled in different states , But you can't style buttons one by one . However , An event will be sent to the forever button , You can tell LVGL For example, use different colors on specific buttons or draw images manually on some buttons .
   Each relevant event is described in detail below .

4.4.1 Main painting Main drawing

   These events are related to the actual drawing of the object . for example , Button 、 The drawing of text and so on takes place here .
lv_event_get_clip_area(event) Can be used to get the current clip area . The area that needs to be clipped in the drawing function , So that they can only be drawn on a limited area .
   Send... Before you start drawing objects . This is a good place to manually add masks . for example , Add one “ Delete ” The line mask on the right side of the object .
   The actual drawing of the object occurs in this event . for example , Here is a rectangle of the button . First , Call the internal event of the widget to execute the drawing , Then you can draw anything on top of them . for example , You can add custom text or images .
   Call... When the main drawing is complete . You can also draw anything here , It is also deleted LV_EVENT_DRAW_MAIN_BEGIN.

4.4.2 Publish drawing Post drawing

When drawing all the children of an object , The post drawing event will be called . for example ,LVGL Use the post draw phase to draw the scroll bar , Because it
They should be above all children .
lv_event_get_clip_area(event) Can be used to get the current clip area .
Send... Before starting the post drawing phase . You can also add a mask here to mask the content drawn later .
The actual drawing should take place here .
Call... When post drawing is complete . If the mask is not removed inside ,LV_EVENT_DRAW_MAIN_END Remove... Here .

4.4.3 Part drawing Part drawing

When LVGL Draw a part of an object ( For example, the indicator of the slider 、 The cell of a table or the button of a matrix ) when , It will draw
Send events before and after this section using some context of the drawing . It allows the use of masks 、 Additional drawings or changes LVGL Plan to use
Drawing dependent parameters change the part at a very low level .
In these events , Use lv_obj_draw_part_t Structure to describe the context of the drawing . Not set for every widget and widget
There are fields . To see which fields are set for the widget , Refer to the documentation for the widget .
lv_obj_draw_part_t Has the following fields :

Const lv_area_t * clip_area;	// Current clip area , If you need to draw something in the event 
uint32_t part;					// Send the current part of the event 
uint32_t id;					// Index of parts . for example , Button index on the button matrix or table cell index .
// Draw descriptor , Set... Only when relevant 
lv_draw_rect_dsc_t * rect_dsc;	// A drawing descriptor , You can modify LVGL What will be drawn . Set... Only for rectangular parts 
lv_draw_label_dsc_t * label_dsc;// A drawing descriptor , You can modify LVGL What will be drawn . Set only for parts like text 
lv_draw_line_dsc_t * line_dsc;	// A drawing descriptor , You can modify LVGL What will be drawn . Set for linear parts only 
lv_draw_img_dsc_t * img_dsc;	// A drawing descriptor , You can modify LVGL What will be drawn . Set only for parts similar to the image 
lv_draw_arc_dsc_t * arc_dsc;	// A drawing descriptor , You can modify LVGL What will be drawn . Set to arc only 
// Other purposes 
lv_area_t * draw_area;			// The area of the drawn part 
Const lv_point_t * p1;			// A point calculated when drawing . For example, a point on a chart or the center of an arc .
Const lv_point_t * p2;			// A point calculated when drawing . for example , A point in the chart .
char text[[16];					// Text calculated when drawing . You can modify . for example , Label the chart axis .
lv_coord_t radius;				// for example , The radius of an arc ( Not the radius of the angle ).
int32_t value;					// The value calculated when drawing . example : The dash value of the chart .
Const void * sub_part_ptr;		// A pointer identifies something in a section . Such as chart series .

  lv_event_get_draw_part_dsc(event) Can be used to get a pointer to lv_obj_draw_part_t.
   Start drawing parts . This is to modify the drawing descriptor ( for example rect_dsc) Or a good place to add a mask .
   Complete the drawing of parts . This is a good place to draw extra content on the part , Delete or add to LV_EVENT_DRAW_PART_BEGIN.

4.4.4 other Others

   This event is used to check whether the object completely covers an area .
lv_event_get_cover_area(event) Returns a pointer to the area to be checked , Can be used to set one of the following results :
lv_event_set_cover_res(event, res)
• LV_COVER_RES_COVER These areas are completely covered by objects
• LV_COVER_RES_NOT_COVER The area is not covered by the object
• LV_COVER_RES_MASKED There is a mask on the object , So it can't cover up the area
   Some areas cannot be completely covered by objects :
• It's not entirely in that area
• It has a radius
• It has no 100% Background opacity
• This is a ARGB Or chroma keyed image
• It doesn't have a normal mixing mode . under these circumstances ,LVGL You need to know the color under the object to mix correctly
• This is a text, etc
   In short , If for some reason , The area below the object is visible , Not that it doesn't cover the area . Before sending this event ,LVGL Check that at least the coordinates of the widget completely cover the area . If not , The event... Will not be called . You just need to check the drawings you added . Existing properties known to the widget are handled in the widget's internal events . for example , If a widget has > 0 radius , It may not cover an area , but radius Only if you modify it and the widget cannot know it , You need to deal with .
   If you need to draw outside the widget ,LVGL You need to understand it to provide additional drawing space . Suppose you create an event , Writes the current value of the slider above its knob . under these circumstances ,LVGL You need to know that the drawing area of the slider should be the size required by the text
Same as .
   You can use Simply set the desired drawing area .lv_event_set_ext_draw_size(e, size)

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