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Meteor accelerator Trojan analysis and disposal plan

2022-08-10 03:32:00 Thousands of miles :)

0x01 背景

2020年,一款名为“流星加速器”The software is being silently promoted and disseminated through the downloaders of major download sites,It also carries malicious proxy modules and backdoor modules.After the user runs the software,These virus modules will be activated.A virus can take control of a user's computer,执行任意命令.

由于“流星加速器”用户数量较多,Resulting in a wider range of virus impact,Millions of users have been infected so far,And the number of infections is still more than a single day10The number of thousands has grown.

0x02 详细分析


根据分析,“流星加速器”Two virus modules are released after running,One of them has malicious proxy capabilities(LocalNetwork.exe),可控制用户电脑作为流量跳板;Another module has backdoor functionality(SecurityGuard.exe),Can execute arbitrary remote commands,危害严重.此外,当用户卸载“流星加速器”后,The above virus modules will still reside on the user's computer,keep doing evil.

The Meteor Accelerator installation package with malicious modules is silently promoted by the downloader,The download station involved this time is Zhongguancun Online(zol.com.cn)等.相关信息如下图所示:


1. 288da3a2dd5154125187bf05a7172dedae9e13a0ebaf66c2b81e3d7d771e6c72




When Meteor Accelerator is silently promoted and installed by the downloader,The malicious agent module will be released in the installation directoryLocalNetwork.exewith the backdoor moduleSecurityGuard.exe.释放完成后,LXInstall.exe将创建C:\Program Files\Microsoft App文件夹并将LocalNetwork.exe移动到其中,随后启动LocalNetworkFlowService服务.同时LXInstall.exe会将SecurityGuard.exe移动到C:\Windowsdirectory and start the execution.The related actions are shown in the figure below:



LocalNetwork.exewill be receivedC&C服务器(的代理策略,Execute the proxy logic to forward the data traffic sent by the server,Occupy the user's network resources without the user's permission,The user's machine is reduced to a tool to help it profit.LocalNetwork.exeAfter running as a service,The user's host system information is first collected and sent encrypted toC&C服务器(yxjs.diaodu.ssot.net).随后C&CThe server returns the address information of the proxy communication server,相关代码如下图所示:



The obtained proxy communication server address

 After getting the proxy communication server address,LocalNetwork.exewill connect to it,Get the desired proxy policy.之后,LocalNetwork.exeThe target web page is accessed according to the delegated proxy policy,若访问成功,Returns information about the target page.Detailed communication process,如下图所示:

Received proxy policy and data transfer content,如下图所示:


此外,Meteor accelerator main program(liuxing.exe)Threads will be created every other2will be detected in secondsLocalNetwork.exe进程是否存在,如果不存在,Will execute its software installation directoryLocalNetwork.exe.Released due to the current version of Meteor AcceleratorLocalNetwork.exeThe malicious agent module is no longer in its software installation directory,The above execution logic has failed,Updates to its main program modules are continuously tracked.相关逻辑,如下图所示:



SecurityGuard.exeThe main function of a module is to register itself as a service and receive itC&C服务器(api.jm.taolop.com)The issued backdoor command control codes are used to execute different backdoor functions,如:更新模块,创建、删除服务,运行远程命令.相关代码如下图所示:


 Execute the backdoor function

0x03 处置方法

Download velvet or other virus killing tools to clean and kill. 


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