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Strange passion

2022-04-23 19:13:00 cjzcjl

Sometimes I find many people who can make superhuman breakthroughs in some fields , There is a real inner enthusiasm , This feeling is not forced out , But when you talk with him, you can feel the warm light from their eyes .

And there are a lot of them that I find have something in common , Or the vitality is very strong , Generally speaking, sports ability is not poor , Even if people play badminton in middle age, they can beat fat guys like me into fools , Or vigorous body hair , In fact, it is also a sign of sufficient blood gas , On the whole , I guess it has something to do with the amount of androgen in the body , And the content of these hormones is also related to physical fitness .

Although I don't want to admit , But many times people's emotions are actually affected by hormones —— In other words, it is greatly affected by the body , So normally , With the natural aging of human body , Declining health , Accordingly , People's passion will gradually go downhill , At this time, when I was young, I was full of passion to do something 、 Some hobbies , It's not easy to mention , The possibility of the whole person's future will shrink within the scope of a daily work , It's hard to make new fireworks in the amateur field .

Although I hate that my will is manipulated by the flesh , But now all we can rely on is this smelly bag , So anyway , It is very necessary to keep healthy , Life is just a few decades , I still hope to have a better life , I also hope to become an expert in graphics and images 、 Make some personal and popular software 、 Make some motors that work according to your creativity 、 Can write a social simulation game with high degree of freedom and do sociological experiments together 、 Learn some Japanese and you can sing blabla, There are still many things that need a healthy body to complete .
