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Laser slam theory and practice of dark blue College Chapter 3 laser radar distortion removal exercise

2022-04-23 17:51:00 ppipp1109

1. Supplement the code of removing lidar motion distortion module ;

Code description of question 1 :
This topic is to realize a code module for odometer to remove lidar motion distortion , There are two projects in the homework :
champion_nav_msgs and LaserUndistortion. You need to compile and install first champion_nav_msgs, according to
champion_nav_msgs Of readme File execution , Or run the command sudo bash install.sh, Notice if your
ubuntu The version is not kinetic, To put all kinetic Change the place to your ros edition .
The running process of the program is :
Step1: Realization 207 That's ok LidarMotionCalibration function , And use catkin_make Command to compile ;
Step2: stay LaserUndistortion Next , Conduct source:source devel/setup.bash;
Step3: function launch file :roslaunch LaserUndistortion LaserUndistortion.launch, When executing this instruction , There must be no ROS The node is running , roscore And shut it down ;
Step4: Enter into /bag Under the table of contents , Operation instruction :rosbag play -–clock laser.bag;
Step5: If everything goes well , You will see pcl The visual world of

Their thinking :

Using interpolation , So as to get the posture of each small moment , So as to remove motion distortion .

Define several physical quantities :
(1)start_time : When the laser data starts .

(2)end_time : endTime = startTime + ros::Duration(laserScanMsg.time_increment * beamNum); When the laser data ends .

(3)frame_start_pose : Radar data start time , from odom Acquired start_time Robot posture at all times .

(4)frame_mid_pose : Radar time of a frame in the middle , from odom Acquired mid_time Robot posture at all times .

(5)frame_end_pose : Radar data end time , from odom Acquired end_time Robot posture at all times .

(6)frame_base_pose : Datum coordinates , Is to put all the de distorted electric clouds in this coordinate system . Here we take the pose of the first radar data as the reference coordinate .( Reference pose )

(7)interpolation_time_duration : Interpolation interval . If mid_time - start_time > interpolation_time_duration, Then interpolate .

(8)interp_count : There are several laser points in the interpolation interval .

Coordinate conversion process :

Lidar coordinate system --> Visual odometer coordinate system --> Basic coordinate system

The idea of interpolation :

Each time, select a laser time period in the middle that exceeds the interpolation time , Starting from start, The finish for middle, The position and attitude of the beginning and end of this segment are obtained by odometer , It can be used !tf_->waitForTransform("/odom", “/base_laser”, dt, ros::Duration(0.5))) Wait for one , Avoid the problem of time synchronization . Interpolate the interior , There are several interpolation points , So that each laser point has its own pose .

All source code

#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <tf/tf.h>
#include <tf/transform_broadcaster.h>
#include <tf/transform_listener.h>

#include <sensor_msgs/LaserScan.h>

#include <champion_nav_msgs/ChampionNavLaserScan.h>

#include <pcl-1.8/pcl/point_cloud.h>
#include <pcl-1.8/pcl/visualization/cloud_viewer.h>
#include <pcl/point_types.h>

#include <dirent.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>

pcl::visualization::CloudViewer g_PointCloudView("PointCloud View");

class LidarMotionCalibrator {
    LidarMotionCalibrator(tf::TransformListener* tf)
        tf_ = tf;
        scan_sub_ = nh_.subscribe("champion_scan", 10, &LidarMotionCalibrator::ScanCallBack, this);

        if (tf_ != NULL)
            delete tf_;

    //  Get the original laser data for processing 
    void ScanCallBack(const champion_nav_msgs::ChampionNavLaserScanPtr& scan_msg)
        // Convert to the data needed for correction 
        ros::Time startTime, endTime;
        startTime = scan_msg->header.stamp;

        champion_nav_msgs::ChampionNavLaserScan laserScanMsg = *scan_msg;

        // Time to get the final point 
        int beamNum = laserScanMsg.ranges.size();
        endTime = startTime + ros::Duration(laserScanMsg.time_increment * beamNum);

        //  Copy the data 
        std::vector<double> angles, ranges;
        for (int i = beamNum - 1; i > 0; i--) {
            double lidar_dist = laserScanMsg.ranges[i];
            double lidar_angle = laserScanMsg.angles[i];

            if (lidar_dist < 0.05 || std::isnan(lidar_dist) || std::isinf(lidar_dist))
                lidar_dist = 0.0;


        // Convert to pcl::pointcloud for visuailization

        tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> visualPose;
        if (!getLaserPose(visualPose, startTime, tf_)) {
            ROS_WARN("Not visualPose,Can not Calib");

        double visualYaw = tf::getYaw(visualPose.getRotation());

        for (int i = 0; i < ranges.size(); i++) {

            if (ranges[i] < 0.05 || std::isnan(ranges[i]) || std::isinf(ranges[i]))

            double x = ranges[i] * cos(angles[i]);
            double y = ranges[i] * sin(angles[i]);

            pcl::PointXYZRGB pt;
            pt.x = x * cos(visualYaw) - y * sin(visualYaw) + visualPose.getOrigin().getX();
            pt.y = x * sin(visualYaw) + y * cos(visualYaw) + visualPose.getOrigin().getY();
            pt.z = 1.0;

            // pack r/g/b into rgb
            unsigned char r = 255, g = 0, b = 0; //red color
            unsigned int rgb = ((unsigned int)r << 16 | (unsigned int)g << 8 | (unsigned int)b);
            pt.rgb = *reinterpret_cast<float*>(&rgb);

            //  The position and pose of the original data point cloud under the odometer coordinate system , Because without correction ,
            //  The laser spot halo of a frame is considered to be recorded at the same position as the laser spot of the starting point ( So it's like the laser doesn't move , In fact, the laser is moving , This produces distortion )
        std::cout << std::endl;

        // To correct 
        Lidar_Calibration(ranges, angles,

        // Convert to pcl::pointcloud for visuailization
        for (int i = 0; i < ranges.size(); i++) {

            if (ranges[i] < 0.05 || std::isnan(ranges[i]) || std::isinf(ranges[i]))

            double x = ranges[i] * cos(angles[i]);
            double y = ranges[i] * sin(angles[i]);

            pcl::PointXYZRGB pt;
            pt.x = x * cos(visualYaw) - y * sin(visualYaw) + visualPose.getOrigin().getX();
            pt.y = x * sin(visualYaw) + y * cos(visualYaw) + visualPose.getOrigin().getY();
            pt.z = 1.0;

            unsigned char r = 0, g = 255, b = 0; // green color
            unsigned int rgb = ((unsigned int)r << 16 | (unsigned int)g << 8 | (unsigned int)b);
            pt.rgb = *reinterpret_cast<float*>(&rgb);


        // Display 

     * @name getLaserPose()
     * @brief  Get the pose of the robot in the odometer coordinate system tf::Pose
     *         obtain dt At the moment, the lidar is odom The pose of the coordinate system 
     * @param odom_pos   The pose of the robot 
     * @param dt        dt moment 
     * @param tf_
    bool getLaserPose(tf::Stamped<tf::Pose>& odom_pose,
        ros::Time dt,
        tf::TransformListener* tf_)

        tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> robot_pose;
        robot_pose.frame_id_ = "base_laser";
        robot_pose.stamp_ = dt; // Set to ros::Time() Indicates that the most recent conversion relationship is returned 

        // get the global pose of the robot
        try {
            if (!tf_->waitForTransform("/odom", "/base_laser", dt, ros::Duration(0.5))) // 0.15s  The time can be modified 
                ROS_ERROR("LidarMotion-Can not Wait Transform()");
                return false;
            tf_->transformPose("/odom", robot_pose, odom_pose);
        } catch (tf::LookupException& ex) {
            ROS_ERROR("LidarMotion: No Transform available Error looking up robot pose: %s\n", ex.what());
            return false;
        } catch (tf::ConnectivityException& ex) {
            ROS_ERROR("LidarMotion: Connectivity Error looking up looking up robot pose: %s\n", ex.what());
            return false;
        } catch (tf::ExtrapolationException& ex) {
            ROS_ERROR("LidarMotion: Extrapolation Error looking up looking up robot pose: %s\n", ex.what());
            return false;

        return true;

     * @brief Lidar_MotionCalibration
     *         Lidar motion distortion removal piecewise function ;
     *         In this piecewise function , Think of the robot as moving at a constant speed ;
     * @param frame_base_pose        The reference coordinate system after calibration 
     * @param frame_start_pose       The pose corresponding to the first laser point in this segment 
     * @param frame_end_pose         The pose corresponding to the last laser point in this segment 
     * @param ranges                 Laser data -- distance 
     * @param angles                 Laser data -- angle 
     * @param startIndex             The subscript of the first laser point in this segment in the laser frame 
     * @param beam_number            The number of laser points in this section 
    void Lidar_MotionCalibration(
        tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> frame_base_pose,
        tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> frame_start_pose,
        tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> frame_end_pose,
        std::vector<double>& ranges,
        std::vector<double>& angles,
        int startIndex,
        int& beam_number)
        // frame_base_pose.inverse;
        tf::Quaternion start_q = frame_start_pose.getRotation();
        tf::Quaternion end_q = frame_end_pose.getRotation();
        tf::Vector3 start_xy(frame_start_pose.getOrigin().getX(), frame_start_pose.getOrigin().getY(), 1);
        tf::Vector3 end_xy(frame_end_pose.getOrigin().getX(), frame_end_pose.getOrigin().getY(), 1);

        for (size_t i = startIndex; i < startIndex + beam_number; i++) {
            tf::Vector3 mid_xy = start_xy.lerp(end_xy, (i - startIndex) / (beam_number - 1));
            tf::Quaternion mid_q = start_q.slerp(end_q, (i - startIndex) / (beam_number - 1));
            tf::Transform mid_frame(mid_q, mid_xy);
            double x = ranges[i] * cos(angles[i]);
            double y = ranges[i] * sin(angles[i]);
            tf::Vector3 calib_point = frame_base_pose.inverse() * mid_frame * tf::Vector3(x, y, 1);
            ranges[i] = sqrt(calib_point[0] * calib_point[0] + calib_point[1] * calib_point[1]);
            angles[i] = atan2(calib_point[1], calib_point[0]);
        //end of TODO

    // Lidar data   Piecewise linear interpolation 
    // This is going to call Lidar_MotionCalibration()
     * @name Lidar_Calibration()
     * @brief  Lidar data   Piecewise linear difference   The period of segmentation is 5ms
     * @param ranges  Set of distance values of laser beam 
     * @param angle  Set of angle values of laser beam 
     * @param startTime  The time stamp of the first laser 
     * @param endTime  The time stamp of the last laser 
     * @param *tf_
    void Lidar_Calibration(std::vector<double>& ranges,
        std::vector<double>& angles,
        ros::Time startTime,
        ros::Time endTime,
        tf::TransformListener* tf_)
        // Count the number of laser beams 
        int beamNumber = ranges.size();
        if (beamNumber != angles.size()) {
            ROS_ERROR("Error:ranges not match to the angles");

        // 5ms To segment 
        int interpolation_time_duration = 5 * 1000;
        tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> frame_start_pose;
        tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> frame_mid_pose;
        tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> frame_base_pose;
        tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> frame_end_pose;

        // Starting time  us
        double start_time = startTime.toSec() * 1000 * 1000;
        double end_time = endTime.toSec() * 1000 * 1000;
        double time_inc = (end_time - start_time) / beamNumber; //  The time interval of each laser data 

        // The starting coordinate of the current interpolated segment 
        int start_index = 0;

        // The pose of the starting point   The reason to get the starting point here is   The starting point is our base_pose
        // The reference pose of all laser points will be changed to our base_pose
        // ROS_INFO("get start pose");

        if (!getLaserPose(frame_start_pose, ros::Time(start_time / 1000000.0), tf_)) {
            ROS_WARN("Not Start Pose,Can not Calib");

        if (!getLaserPose(frame_end_pose, ros::Time(end_time / 1000000.0), tf_)) {
            ROS_WARN("Not End Pose, Can not Calib");

        int cnt = 0;
        // The reference coordinate is the coordinate of the first pose 
        frame_base_pose = frame_start_pose;
        for (int i = 0; i < beamNumber; i++) {
            // Piecewise linearity , The size of the time period is interpolation_time_duration
            double mid_time = start_time + time_inc * (i - start_index);
            if (mid_time - start_time > interpolation_time_duration || (i == beamNumber - 1)) {

                // Get the posture of the starting point and the ending point 
                // The pose of the end point 
                if (!getLaserPose(frame_mid_pose, ros::Time(mid_time / 1000000.0), tf_)) {
                    ROS_ERROR("Mid %d Pose Error", cnt);

                // Interpolate the current start point and end point 
                //interpolation_time_duration How many points are there in the middle .
                int interp_count = i - start_index + 1;


                // Update time 
                start_time = mid_time;
                start_index = i;
                frame_start_pose = frame_mid_pose;

    tf::TransformListener* tf_;
    ros::NodeHandle nh_;
    ros::Subscriber scan_sub_;

    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> visual_cloud_;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    ros::init(argc, argv, "LidarMotionCalib");

    tf::TransformListener tf(ros::Duration(10.0));

    LidarMotionCalibrator tmpLidarMotionCalib(&tf);

    return 0;

Screenshot of the experimental results :

2. Reading papers Least-Squares Fitting of Two 3-D Points Sets, Deduce and prove that the corresponding points are known ICP Solution ;

deduction :

For two sets of point clouds :

solve R and t, Minimize the following formula :

Transform the above formula :

among ,цx and цp Respectively X Point clouds and P The centroid of the point cloud .

Convert to the form of removing the center of mass :

Expand to get

Because the latter two items have

We can make the term equal to 0, Then the formula is transformed into

 =0 solve t.

The above formula is further transformed into , obtain :

Measure the phase difference :


The figure on the right shows the joint probability distribution of the lidar beam model .

among ZtK Indicates the distance value returned from the measurement ,Zmax Represents the maximum value that can be measured by lidar .

It consists of four probability distributions :

Blue is the Gaussian probability distribution , Represents the actual measured distance and its uncertainty .

Green is an exponential distribution , Represents the feasibility of detecting dynamic obstacles .

Red represents random noise .

Pink represents the possibility of wrong measurement .

4. Short answer , Open answer : Design use IMU Methods of removing lidar motion distortion and answering questions .

(1) Just use IMU What are the possible disadvantages of removing motion distortion ?

(2) There is only IMU And lidar sensors , How would you design a motion distortion removal scheme ( translation + rotate ), Achieve better distortion removal effect ?

(1) deficiencies :

IMU The quadratic integration of linear acceleration may have a large error

  1. Design :

Within each lidar data frame , Use imu Do integral , obtain IMU Odometer .

Through time synchronization , Then determine the location of each LIDAR point beam IMU The position below the odometer coordinate system

Correct each LIDAR point beam below the starting pose of the frame .

about n Always correct the lidar data , Use icp Algorithm , take n Time and n-1 The time corrected lidar frame is matched , Get the position and attitude matched by lidar .

Use this pose to correct imu Cumulative error of , Then continue to correct the data of the next frame .
