Unofficial implementation of Pix2SEQ


Unofficial-Pix2seq: A Language Modeling Framework for Object Detection

Unofficial implementation of Pix2SEQ. Please use this code with causion. Many implemtation details are not following original paper and significantly simplified.


This project aims for a step by step replication of Pix2Seq starting from DETR codebase.

Step 1

Starting from DETR, we add bounding box quantization over normalized coordinate, sequence generator from normalized coordinate, auto-regressive decoder and training code for Pix2SEQ.

How to use?

Install packages following original DETR and command line is same as DETR.

By setting image size to 512, each epoch takes 3 minutes on 8 A100 GPU.

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --use_env --coco_path ../../data/coco/

Released at 8pm, 26th, Seq

Problem to be solved : 1) better logging 2) correct padding, end of sentence, start of sentence token 3) efficient padding 4) better organization of code 5) fixed order of bounding box 6) shared dictionary between position and category

Released at 10pm, 26th, Seq

Problem to be solved: 1) better organization of code 2) fixed order of bounding box

Step 2

Finish inference code of pix2seq and report performance on object detection benchmark. Note that we are going to write an inefficent greedy decoding. The progress can be significantly accelerated by following cache previous state in Fairseq. The quality can be improved by nucleus sampling and beam search. We leave these complex but engineering tricks for future implementation and keep the project as simple as possible for understanding language modeling object detection.

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --use_env --coco_path ../../data/coco/  --eval --resume checkpoint.pth --batch_size 4

After 30 epoches training, our replication of pix2seq can achieve 12.1 mAP on MSCOCO. Image resolution 512 for fast training.

COCO bbox detection val5k evaluation with maximum 25 boundingx box predictions (Original paper 100 bounding box):

IoU metric: bbox
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=   all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.121
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50      | area=   all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.239
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.75      | area=   all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.107
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= small | maxDets=100 ] = 0.007
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=medium | maxDets=100 ] = 0.091
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= large | maxDets=100 ] = 0.267
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=   all | maxDets=  1 ] = 0.144
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=   all | maxDets= 10 ] = 0.166
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=   all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.166
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= small | maxDets=100 ] = 0.011
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=medium | maxDets=100 ] = 0.128
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= large | maxDets=100 ] = 0.350

After 107 epoches training, our replication of pix2seq can achieve 17.9 mAP on MSCOCO. Image resolution 512 for fast training. Checkpoint can be downloaded at here.

COCO bbox detection val5k evaluation with maximum 25 boundingx box predictions (Original paper 100 bounding box):

 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=   all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.179
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50      | area=   all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.314
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.75      | area=   all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.177
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= small | maxDets=100 ] = 0.021
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=medium | maxDets=100 ] = 0.157
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= large | maxDets=100 ] = 0.375
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=   all | maxDets=  1 ] = 0.191
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=   all | maxDets= 10 ] = 0.233
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=   all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.233
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= small | maxDets=100 ] = 0.028
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=medium | maxDets=100 ] = 0.210
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= large | maxDets=100 ] = 0.469


(1). The sequence is tend to generate End of Sentence(EOS) early. After generating EOS token, langauge modeling will still genrate boudning box. (2). Repeatable sequence which is a common problem in seq2seq modeling.

Released at 10am, 28th, Seq

Problem to be solved : 1). Add sequence likelihood evaluationn on validation dataset. 2) Better organization of code. 3) FP16 support. 4) Beam Search

Step 3

Add tricks proposed in Pix2SEQ like droplayer, bounding box augmentation, multiple crop augmentation and so on.


This codebase heavily borrow from DETR, CART, minGPT and Fairseq and motivated by the method explained in Pix2Seq

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