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Application of skiplist in leveldb

2022-04-23 15:04:00 Mrpre

What is jump Watch

Specific reference http://zhangtielei.com/posts/blog-redis-skiplist.html

Leveldb Why use a skip watch

First skiplist As memtable Data structure of , If light is for storage kv, Then any data structure can be used , image Redis Of dict. however LevelDB There is a characteristic , Namely put 2 A the same key, that 2 Share the same key Will exist at the same time memtable in , Instead of using new... As people usually understand value Take the old value Replace . That means ,get It is necessary to ensure that what you get is new value Not the old . here , Simple tree There is no guarantee of order .

  • Be careful : LevelDB Of delete It won't delete memtable in kv Of , But and put equally , Insert nodes , Mark as yes "delete".

How to ensure the order of jump table

First , Of course, a simple jump table can only handle key In the case of numbers , But users put Of key, Must be random binary , for example “mykey”."mykey" Can't be used as a jump watch key Did you? , Not really . Because you can set the skip table “ Comparison function ” A comparison used instead of numbers .
for example ,Level Specified in the :

mykey > mykeyb
mykey < myke
mykey == mykey

Second, consider how to ensure order .LevelDB in , For each user key All give a seq, It's globally increasing . Simply describe , Deposit in Jump table key, yes “key+seq”, With seq, that “ Comparison function ” In addition to comparing the above users key outside , We need to compare seq, User input at different times key Although the same , however seq Dissimilarity , Naturally, there are different sizes .

mykey$2 > mykey$1
int InternalKeyComparator::Compare(const Slice& akey, const Slice& bkey) const {
  // Order by:
  // increasing user key (according to user-supplied comparator)
  // decreasing sequence number
  // decreasing type (though sequence# should be enough to disambiguate)
  int r = user_comparator_->Compare(ExtractUserKey(akey), ExtractUserKey(bkey));
  if (r == 0) {
    const uint64_t anum = DecodeFixed64(akey.data() + akey.size() - 8);
    const uint64_t bnum = DecodeFixed64(bkey.data() + bkey.size() - 8);
    if (anum > bnum) {
      r = -1;
    } else if (anum < bnum) {
      r = +1;
  return r;

Find out how to ensure the latest value

Suppose the user put 了 2 Time "key", however value Different , So the second time put Of "key", Because of his seq Than the first time put Of "key" Of seq Big , natural , In the jump table, the position is in the first "key" after . hypothesis seq Namely 1 and 2, So what's stored in the jump table key by “key$1” “key$2”.

here , user get With this key, It's operated by key Of seq Must be greater than or equal to 2, The assumption is 100( For example, in the middle put Other key, indicating contrast seq Added ).
LevelDB, At this time, you will query in the skip table "key$100". because Of the query key yes “key$100”, A normal jump table must be the result of missing , Because there is only... In the jump table "key$1" and “key$2”.

Let's see how the following query function handles .
iter.Seek(memkey.data()) Perform a search , Only when Skip one of the tables kv When none of them exist ,iter.Valid() It's just NULL, Other situations ,iter.Valid() All set up . iter.key() Saved the previous search "key$100" Small jump table node . And here it is comparator_.comparator.user_comparator()->Compare This scene .

bool MemTable::Get(const LookupKey& key, std::string* value, Status* s) {
  Slice memkey = key.memtable_key();
  Table::Iterator iter(&table_);
  if (iter.Valid()) {
    // entry format is:
    // klength varint32
    // userkey char[klength]
    // tag uint64
    // vlength varint32
    // value char[vlength]
    // Check that it belongs to same user key. We do not check the
    // sequence number since the Seek() call above should have skipped
    // all entries with overly large sequence numbers.
    const char* entry = iter.key();
    uint32_t key_length;
    const char* key_ptr = GetVarint32Ptr(entry, entry+5, &key_length);

    if (comparator_.comparator.user_comparator()->Compare(
            Slice(key_ptr, key_length - 8),
            key.user_key()) == 0) {
      // Correct user key
      const uint64_t tag = DecodeFixed64(key_ptr + key_length - 8);
      switch (static_cast<ValueType>(tag & 0xff)) {
        case kTypeValue: {
          Slice v = GetLengthPrefixedSlice(key_ptr + key_length);
          value->assign(v.data(), v.size());
          return true;
        case kTypeDeletion:
          *s = Status::NotFound(Slice());
          return true;
  return false;

In fact, the overall logic is very simple , Is to find a greater than the current seq Of the same "key". It's a search "iter.key()", Or xx$zz Either or key$yy, The former , Explain what we are searching for key Not at all , Because it's better than us key The nearest one is actually others key; If the latter , explain key$yy This seq by yy Is the most recently inserted / Delete the key.

Is it possible The order in which the jump table appears is as follows
“key$1” > “ke$1” > “key$2” > “ke$2”, If so , We search "key$100" when , The previous value may be "ke$2", This causes the search to fail . Of course, reality is impossible ," Comparison function " This is guaranteed . same "key" It must be in accordance with seq Sort of .


That's why we often say LevelDB The data is in order . Just imagine , If image Redis equally , hold kv Stored in the dictionary , Then naturally there is no order . That's why LevelDB Delete as a skip table Node, All operations are in sequence .
