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Deep analysis of C language pointer (Part I)

2022-04-23 20:47:00 Computer white



  One 、 What is the pointer ?

1.1 Memory 、 Pointer to the variable 、 Pointer size

1.1.1 Memory

1.1.2 Pointer to the variable  

1.1.3 Pointer size

Two 、 Pointer type and pointer class

2.1 Pointer types

2.2 The meaning of pointer type

2.  Dereference of pointer  

3、 ... and 、 Pointer arithmetic  

3.1 The pointer +- Integers

3.2  The pointer +- The pointer

3.3  The relational operation of pointers

Four 、 Pointers and arrays

  5、 ... and 、 The secondary pointer

6、 ... and 、 Pointer array  

7、 ... and 、 Wild pointer


  One 、 What is the pointer ?

In the computer , Memory is also divided into many small memory blocks , Each block has its own memory number , The pointer is the number of the smallest unit in memory , That's the address , We can imagine that the memory number is The pointer ; What we usually say in spoken English is the pointer , Usually it means Pointer to the variable , Variables used to store memory addresses .

1.1 Memory 、 Pointer to the variable 、 Pointer size

1.1.1 Memory

Let's start with a piece of code :

int main()
	int a = 10;
	int b = 20;

This code is very simple , Is the declaration of two variables , Assigned values respectively 10、20.  We think of memory as a school , that "int a = 10;" int b = 20;" The meaning expressed is as follows :

1. The dormitory number of the school is dor_x,dor_y.                                                                                         

2.10,20 Two students checked into the school dormitory .                                                                                     

3.dor_x,dor_y It's called variables a,b The address of .                                                                                 

4.10,20 The two students passed the dormitory number ( Variable a,b Memory address of dor_x,dor_y) Found the bedroom (a,b).

1.1.2 Pointer to the variable  

Let's start with a piece of code : 

int main()
	int a = 10;
	int* p = &a;
	return 0;

Here we can conclude that :

It is through &( Fetch address ), Take out a The address of the variable , Store this address in another variable p in , This variable p It's a pointer variable .

int It's plastic surgery , Some data in memory is very large , In order to avoid stack ( Memory ) An error is reported when overflow occurs , This will only change the variable a The address of the first byte is stored in p variable ,p It's a pointer variable ( The variable used to hold the address , The values stored in the pointer are treated as addresses )

1.1.3 Pointer size

The smallest memory unit space is 1 Bytes . And for pointers , How many bytes a pointer occupies is determined by the number of bits in the computer operating system . Here we use 32 Example of bit operating system :32 The computer of bit , with 32 Follow your address line , When addressing, it will live forever 0( Low voltage ) and 1( high voltage ), that 32 How many addresses will be generated with the address line , Let's see :

00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000002
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000003
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000004
01111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111

From the perspective of mathematical probability , There will be 2^32(2 Of 32 Power ) A number of probabilities , And the probability number here is our address number ;32 individual 0 and 1 The binary sequence of is combined into an address , Converted to bytes is 4 Bytes , Then the address has to be 4 Bytes to store , And the pointer variable is the address , therefore , Every pointer variable is 4 Bytes ( stay 32 Position is 4 Bytes ,64 Next is 8 Bytes )               

The pointer is used to store the address , An address is a unique identifier of an address space                                                     The size of the pointer is 32 Bit platform is 4 Bytes , stay 64 Bit platform is 8 Bytes

Two 、 Pointer type and pointer class

2.1 Pointer types

Let's start with a piece of code :

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
	int num = 10;
    int* p = &num;    //int*  A pointer to a type is to hold  int  The address of a type variable .
    // The following pointer variables are incompatible , because int It is different from other types of storage ,
    // This depends on the type of variable you define , Here can speak .

	char* p = &num;   //char*  A pointer to a type is to hold  char  The address of a type variable .
	short* p = &num;  //short*  A pointer to a type is to hold  short  The address of a type variable .
	long* p = &num;   // And so on 
	float* p = &num;
	double* p = &num;
	return 0;

take &num( take num The address of ) Store in p in , Here we know p It's a pointer variable , The pointer type is shown in the code above ; But what? , Incompatibilities may occur between different types during compilation , So how to deal with such a situation ?

2.2 The meaning of pointer type

Let's start with a piece of code :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
	int n = 10;           // Variable n The type of int plastic 
	char* pc = (char*)&n; // take n The address of , Send a char Pointer variable of type pc,(char*)&n It's right n Do type conversion 
	int* pi = &n;

	printf("%p\n", &n);   //&n and pc The address memory is the same , Because the memory address of the first byte is stored 
	printf("%p\n", pc);

	printf("%p\n", pc + 1);//pc Represents the address of the first element ,pc+1 It's equivalent to skipping a char The address of 
	printf("%p\n", pi);    //pi Save n The address of , It's like printing n The address of 
	printf("%p\n", pi + 1);//pi representative n The address of the first element ,pi+1 It's equivalent to skipping a int The address of 
	return 0;

The operation results are as follows : 


  summary :

The type of pointer determines the distance that pointer variables are addressed in memory .

2.  Dereference of pointer  

Let's start with a piece of code :

// First code 
int main()

	int n = 0x11aabbcc; //0x11aabbcc in ,cc It's the low address bit 
	char* pc = (char*)&n;
	*pc = 0;   // there "*" Dereference operator ,n The address in is 0x11aabbcc,&n take n My address was sent to pc,
			   //*pc = 0; The meaning of this sentence is through pc Stored in n The address of n, take 0 Fu n;
	printf("%p\n", n); // Here the print 11aabb00 Because of the limitation of pointer type , Only one byte has been changed 
	return 0;

 Second code 
int main()
	int n = 0x11aabbcc;
	printf("%p\n", n);
	char* pc = (char*)&n;
	int* pi = &n;
	*pc = 0;
	printf("%p\n", n);
	*pi = 0;
	printf("%p\n", n);
	return 0;

The running result is : 

summary : The pointer dereference operator will have access to the address size , This is determined by the type of pointer ; for example char* Only one byte can be accessed by dereferencing the pointer of , and int* Four bytes can be accessed by dereferencing the pointer of .

3、 ... and 、 Pointer arithmetic  

3.1 The pointer +- Integers

The addition and subtraction of the pointer indicates how many memory units are moved forward or backward in memory , The number of memory units is determined by the size of the pointer type .

3.2  The pointer +- The pointer

Let's start with a piece of code :

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
	int arr[10] = { 0 };
	printf("%d",&arr[6]-&arr[3]);// Print 3
	return 0;

The pointer - The value obtained by the pointer is the number of elements between the pointer and the pointer , But it must be the same memory space .

3.3  The relational operation of pointers

Suppose there is an array of pointers arr[10]:

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
	int arr[10] = { 0 };
	if(&arr[6] > &arr[3])  
		printf("&arr[6] The memory address of is greater than &arr[3]");// Conditions established , prints 
		printf("&arr[6] The memory address of is less than &arr[3]");
	return 0;

The relational operation of pointers is also conditional , There may be cross-border situations , There is such a rule : Allows a pointer to an array element to be compared with a pointer to the memory location after the last element of the array , However, it is not allowed to compare with a pointer to the memory location before the first element .

Four 、 Pointers and arrays

  Let's start with a piece of code :

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    int arr[10] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 };
    int sz = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]); //sizeof( Array name ): An array represents the entire array , It's the whole number  
                                           // The size of the group , Unit is byte 
    printf("%d %p\n", sz, &arr);         //& Array name : The array name represents the entire array , It takes out the address of the entire array 
    printf("%p\n", arr);
    printf("%p\n", &arr[0]);
    return 0;

  Running results :

  From the above, we can see that the name of the visible array is the same as the address of the first element of the array , But there are two exceptions :

sizeof( Array name ): An array represents the entire array , It calculates the size of the entire array , Unit is byte

& Array name : The array name represents the entire array , It takes out the address of the entire array

We can also access arrays through pointers : 

void Print(int* arr,int sz)
	int* p = arr;
	for (int i=0;i<sz;i++)
		printf("%d ",*(p+i)); // therefore  p+i  It's actually an array  arr  Subscript to be i The address of .
int main()
	int arr[] = { 1,2,3,4,5 };
	int sz = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
	Print(arr,sz);// Print array 
	return 0;


  5、 ... and 、 The secondary pointer

The secondary pointer : Pointer variables are also variables , If it's a variable, it has an address , Where is the address of the pointer variable stored ? Here we derive the second level pointer .

Let's start with a piece of code :

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    int a = 10;
    int* b = &a;
    int** c = &b;
    **c = 30;  // Through the dereference operator , find a The address of , Then on a Modify the stored data 
    printf("%d",a);// Print 30
    return 0;

As shown in the figure : 

a The address of is in b in , b The address of is in c in .b Is the first level pointer , and c It's a secondary pointer .                        c Available through storage b The memory address of points to b, and b You can also store a The memory address of points to a;

  For two-level pointer operation, there are :

*b Through to b Dereference the address in , Just find a More data stored in (20)

int a = 20; 
int*b = &a;// Equivalent to  b = &a;

 **c adopt *c  find b , Then on b  Dereference *b(*c) , And find  a, Then on a Change the value of .

int** c = &b;
**c = 30;

6、 ... and 、 Pointer array  

Pointer arrays are arrays . Is an array of pointers . Arrays we already know about shaping arrays , A character array .

char arr[5];
int arr[5];
int* arr[5];// arr Is an array , There are five elements , Each element is an integer pointer int*.

What is shown above is

7、 ... and 、 Wild pointer  

Wild pointer : We have understood that the pointer will point to a memory unit , And the wild pointer means , The address pointed to by this pointer is unknown to us , That is, random , incorrect 、 There is no definite limit to . In the following cases, the wild pointer will appear :

Pointer not initialized                         Pointer cross boundary access                       The space pointed to is not released

//1. When defining a pointer variable, it is not initialized , The random value of a pointer variable means that the memory it points to is random 
int *p;

//2、 Base note: dynamic open memory space after use. free The function frees up this memory space ,
int func()
    int *p = malloc(sizeof(int));
    free(p);// No will p Set as NULL The operation of , Although the open space is released, the pointer still exists .

//3、 The operation on the pointer has exceeded the scope of the pointer variable 
int arr[1] = {0};// only one 
int *p = arr;
*(P++);          // When the pointer points to an array arr The scope of time ,p It's a wild pointer 

End of this chapter , The next chapter continues !

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