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Arm architecture assembly instructions, registers and some problems

2022-04-23 20:59:00 Descosmos



1. General registers

31 General registers (R0~R30), Each register can access one 64 Number of bit sizes , When using X0-X30 when , It's a 64 The number of bits , When using W0-W30 During the interview , It's a 32 The number of bits , Is the low of the register 32 position .

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2. Vector register

( You could say Floating point register ) The size of each register is 128 Bit . Can be used separately Bn、Hn、Sn、Dn、Qn The way to access different bits .

 Insert picture description here

As can be seen from the figure :

  • Bn: One Byte Size , namely 8 position ;
  • Hn: half word, namely 16 position ;
  • Sn: single word, namely 32 position ;
  • Dn: double word, namely 64 position ;
  • Qn: quad word, namely 128 position .
3. Special register
  • sp: (Stack Pointer), Top register , Used to save the stack top address ;
  • fp(x29): (Frame Pointer) Register... For the stack base address , Used to save the address at the bottom of the stack ;
  • lr(x30): (Link Register) , Save call jump instruction bl The memory address of the next instruction of the instruction ;
  • zr(x31): (Zero Register),xzr/wzr Represent the 64/32 position , Its function is 0, Write in represents the result of discarding , Read it out to be 0;
  • pc: Save the address of the instruction to be executed ( There is an operating system that determines its value , Can't rewrite ).
4. Status register CPSR

CPSR (Current Program Status Register) Unlike other registers , Other registers are used to store data , The whole register has a meaning ; and CPSR Registers work bit by bit , namely , Every one has a special meaning , Record specific information ; Here's the picture
notes : CPSR The register is 32 Bit .
 Insert picture description here

  1. CPSR Of low 8 position ( Include I、F、T and M[4:0]) be called Control bits , The program cannot be modified , Unless CPU To run on Privilege mode Next , The program can modify the control bit .
  2. N、Z、C、V All condition code flags ; Its content can be changed by the result of arithmetic or logical operation , And you can decide whether an instruction is executed :
    • N(Negative) sign : CPSR Of the 31 Is it N, Symbol sign bit ; Record whether the result is negative after the relevant instruction is executed , If it's negative , be N = 1; If it's a non negative number , be N = 0.
    • Z(Zero) sign : CPSR Of the 30 Is it Z,0 Sign a ; Record the execution of relevant instructions , Whether the result is 0, If the result is 0, be Z = 1; If it doesn't 0, be Z = 0.
    • C(Carry) sign : CPSR Of the 29 Is it C, Carry flag bit :
      • Addition operation : When the result of the operation produces carry when ( Unsigned number overflow ),C = 1, otherwise C = 0 ;
      • Subtraction ( Include CMP): When you do an operation, you get Borrow position when ( Unsigned number overflow ),C = 0, otherwise C = 1 .
    • V(Overflow) sign : CPSR Of the 28 Is it V, overflow flag ; In a signed number operation , If it is beyond the scope that the machine can identify , It's called overflow .

ARM64 Appointment

x0 ~ x7 The front of the method will be stored separately 8 Parameters ; If the number of parameters exceeds 8 individual , Redundant parameters will be stored on the stack , The new method will read through the stack ;
The return value of the method is generally in x0 On ; If the return value of the method is a large data structure , The result will be x8 On the address of the execution .

Common instructions


Copy the value of one register to another ( It can only be used to transfer values between registers or between registers and constants , Cannot be used for memory address )

mov x1, x0      ;  Register  x0  Copy the value of to the register  x1  in 

Compare the value of one register with the value of another register Add up And save the result in another register

add x0, x0, #1    ;  Register  x0  Values and constants  1  After adding, it is saved in the register  x0  in  
add x0, x1, x2    ;  Register  x1  and  x2  The values of are added and saved in the register  x0  in  
add x0, x1, [x2]  ;  Register  x1  Add the value of the register  x2  As the address , Then take the contents of the memory address and put it into the register  x0  in  

Compare the value of one register with the value of another register Subtracting the And save the result in another register

sub x0, x1, x2        ;  Register  x1  and  x2  The value of is subtracted and saved in the register  x0  in  

Compare the value of one register with the value of another register Multiply And save the result in another register

mul x0, x1, x2        ;  Register  x1  and  x2  The result is saved in the register after multiplying the value of  x0  in 

( Signed number , Corresponding udiv: An unsigned number ) Compare the value of one register with the value of another register be divided by And save the result in another register

sdiv x0, x1, x2       ;  Register  x1  and  x2  After dividing the value of, the result is saved in the register  x0  in 

Compare the value of one register with the value of another register Bitwise AND And save the result to another register

and x0, x0, #0xf      ;  Register  x0  Values and constants  0xf  Save to register after bitwise AND  x0  in  

Compare the value of one register with the value of another register Press bit or And save the result to another register

orr x0, x0, #9        ;  Register  x0  Values and constants  9  Save to register after bitwise OR  x0  in 

Compare the value of one register with the value of another register Bitwise XOR And save the result to another register

eor x0, x0, #0xf      ;  Register  x0  Values and constants  0xf  Save to register after bitwise XOR  x0  in  

Write the value in the register to memory

str w9, [sp, #0x8]    ;  Register  w9  Save the value in the stack memory  [sp + 0x8]  It's about 

Read the value in memory into the register

ldr x0, [x1]          ;  Register  x1  As the address , Take the value of the memory address and put it into the register  x0  in  
ldr w8, [sp, #0x8]    ;  Stack memory  [sp + 0x8]  The value at read to  w8  In the register  
ldr x0, [x1, #4]!     ;  Register  x1  The value plus  4  As memory address ,  Take the value of the memory address and put it into the register  x0  in ,  Then register  x1  The value plus  4  Put in register  x1  in  
ldr x0, [x1], #4      ;  Register  x1  As the memory address , Take the value of the memory address and put it into the register  x0  in ,  Then put the register  x1  The value plus  4  Put in register  x1  in  
ldr x0, [x1, x2]      ;  Register  x1  And registers  x2  Add the values of as the address , Take the value of the memory address and put it into the register  x0  in  

Push instruction (str Variant instructions , You can operate two registers at the same time )

stp x29, x30, [sp, #0x10] 	;  take  x29, x30  The value of the  sp  The offset  16  Byte position  

Stack out instruction (ldr Variant instructions , You can operate two registers at the same time )

ldp x29, x30, [sp, #0x10] 	;  take  sp  The offset  16  Take out the value of one byte , Storage register  x29  And registers  x30 

SCVTF Convert signed fixed-point numbers to floating-point numbers
FCVTZS Floating point numbers Turn into Fixed-point number

scvtf	d1, w0      ;  Register  w0  Value ( Number of vertices , Turn it into   Floating point numbers )  Save to   Vector register / Floating point register  d1  in 

fcvtzs w0, s0	    ;  Set the vector register  s0  Value ( Floating point numbers , convert to   Fixed-point number ) Save to register  w0  in 
Comparison instruction
  • CBZ: and 0 Compare (Compare), If the result is zero (Zero) Just transfer ( Can only jump to the next instruction )
  • CBNZ: He Fei 0 Compare (Compare), If the result is not zero (Non Zero) Just transfer ( Can only jump to the next instruction )
  • CMP: Comparison instruction , amount to subs, Affect program status register CPSR
Displacement command
  • LSL: Logic shift left
  • LSR: Logical shift right
  • ASR: Count right
  • ROR: Cycle moves to the right
Jump instruction

B: Jump to an address ( No return ), Will not change lr (x30) Register value ; It is generally a jump in this method , Such as while loop ,if else etc.

b LBB0_1      ;  Jump directly to the label  ‘LLB0_1’  Start execution 

BL: Jump to an address ( There is a return ), Put the next instruction address first ( That is, the return address of the function ) Save to register lr (x30) in , Then jump ; It is generally used for direct calls to different methods

bl 0x100cfa754	;  Put the next instruction address first (‘0x100cfa754’  Return address after function call ) Save to register  ‘lr’  in , Then call  ‘0x100cfa754’  function 

BLR: Jump to A register ( Value ) Address to ( There is a return ), Put the next instruction address first ( That is, the return address of the function ) Save to register lr (x30) in , Then jump

blr x20       ;  Put the next instruction address first (‘x20’ The return address after the function call to ) Save to register  ‘lr’  in , Then call  ‘x20’  Function pointed to 

BR: Jump to a register ( Value ) Address to ( No return ), Will not change lr (x30) Register value

RET: Subroutines ( Function call ) Return instruction , The return address is saved in the register by default lr (x30) in

problem 1

There is a c Function as follows , The main body of the assembly code is as follows :

void TestPushAndPop(){
    printf("Push an Pop !");
sub	sp, sp, #32             ;  Update the value of the stack top register ,( It can be seen that : apply  32  Bytes take up space for new use )
stp	x29, x30, [sp, #16]     ;  Save the value of the stack top register before calling the function and the address value of the next instruction to be executed after the function returns 
add	x29, sp, #16            ;  Update the value of the bottom register ,( It can be seen that : Remnant  16  Byte space is used for this function )
adrp     x0, [email protected]        ;  obtain  ‘l_.str’  The address of the page where the label is located  
add x0, x0, [email protected]	;  obtain  ‘l_.str’  The offset of the label corresponding to the page address 
bl	_printf	                ;  call  ‘printf’  Function to print 
stur	w0, [x29, #-4]          ;  take  w0  Register value ('bl'  The return value of the function call ) Save to  [x29 - 4]  In the memory address of 
ldp	x29, x30, [sp, #16]     ;  Restore the value of the stack bottom register before calling the function 
add	sp, sp, #32             ;  Restore the value of the stack top register before calling the function 
ret													;  return 

Yes, with the assembly code above , Allocated 32 Own space , among 16 Bytes are used as Into the stack, , The rest 16 Bytes are used to store temporary variables .
doubt : The example function is named without temporary variables , Why do you still need to apply for space ?
explain : Although the function has no temporary variables , But the call printf After the function , The compiler automatically adds This function returns the value To deal with , because arm64 Specifies that the integer return value is placed in x0 In the register ,
So there will be a local variable hidden int return_value; The statement is in , The temporary variable occupies 4 Byte space ; Again because arm64 For using sp When addressing as a base address ,
It has to be 16byte-alignment( alignment ), So I applied for 16 Byte space is used as a temporary variable .
