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Crisis is opportunity. Why will the efficiency of telecommuting improve?

2022-04-23 20:49:00 It's not called moon red

With the continuation of the epidemic abroad ,Coinbase、Box、Shopify、Dropbox And other companies have announced that employees “ Remote priority ” The work plan of , Google 、 Apple allows employees to open permanent home office mode . For employers , Compared with office form , They pay more attention to office efficiency , So, is telecommuting cost-effective or threatening the innovation and development of enterprises ? Many institutions, enterprises and institutions have issued research reports on telecommuting , Let's see .

Telecommuting is more efficient ?

In recent days, , Microsoft is in 《 Natural human behavior 》 The magazine published an article on 61000 More than one employee Research Report on the impact of telecommuting on collaborators , result Show , Company wide telework impairs communication and collaboration between different business departments within the company , Threaten employee productivity and long-term innovation .

And according to an independent research firm Omdia A new report from , Telecommuting will improve employees' productivity and work efficiency , Their results coincide with A report from Stanford University found that Consistent . The study found that , stay 9 In months , Working from home 16,000 The work efficiency of employees has improved 13%. Employee turnover has also decreased 50%, Employees think it's quieter 、 A more convenient working environment is the main advantage .

The world's largest freelance community Upwork The work report found that ,22.5% The survey manager said productivity fell , and 32.2% The recruitment manager said that since 2020 Productivity has improved since employees began working from home in . The Becker Friedman Institute of economics at the University of Chicago 10,000 A survey of employees said , They think working from home is as efficient as working in the office . in fact ,30% Of the respondents told the researchers , They work more efficiently from home , More participation .

2020 year , Liang Jianzhang, chairman of Ctrip group, also released a remote office experiment report , In his opinion , The benefits of telecommuting are obvious . As early as 10 Years ago , Ctrip has experimented with telecommuting internally . The results show that , The performance of employees working from home has increased significantly , In nine months, the performance has increased 13%,

China Youth Daily Social Survey Center joint questionnaire network (wenjuan.com), Yes 2002 A survey of respondents showed that ,86.3% Of the respondents had telecommuting experience .52.0% Of respondents believe that telecommuting improves work efficiency ,19.0% Percent of respondents thought it had reduced .63.7% Of the respondents felt that telecommuting would become a trend in the future .

Why does telecommuting improve work efficiency

Various digital reports show that , The increased efficiency of remote workers is due to the reduction of commuting time , There is little or no office gossip , Less interference , Pay more attention to , Spend more time with your family 、 exercise 、 Higher quality of life , And a better overall work life balance .

Job satisfaction is essential to maintain high employee productivity and reduce employee turnover . Companies that allow employees to become telecommuters also recommend their companies to their friends more often than companies that don't .

Let's take a look at a set of telecommuting survey data , The data comes from Owl laboratory ,Owl Is an Internet of things video conferencing hardware tools start-up company .

  • On average, remote employees can save 40 Minutes of commuting time ;
  • since 2020 Since then , The number of video calls has increased 50%;
  • near 70% Our full-time employees work from home .
  • 92% Of respondents expect to work from home at least once a week 1 God ,80% Of people expect to work from home at least once a week 3 God .
  • 23% Of respondents would rather have a pay cut 10% To get permanent work from home ;
  • Working from home can save nearly a month on average 500 dollar , Nearly... Can be saved every year 6000 dollar ;
  • Only 20-25% Our company pays part of the cost of home office equipment and furniture ;
  • 81% Of respondents said , After the outbreak , Their employers will continue to support telework ;
  • 59% Of respondents said , Compared with employers who do not offer remote work , They are more likely to choose employers who offer remote work .

Owl The happiness index of remote laboratory workers is further higher , Employees who work from home are happier than those who always work in the on-site office environment 22% , But working hours have also become longer . Compared with workers who have never worked remotely , Remote workers work every week 40 hours , More 43%.

obviously , The trend of telecommuting is increasing every day , And it may be a key measure for enterprises to retain employees . Another increasingly popular mode is the hybrid working mode , That is, employees work in the office part of the week , And work from home part of the week .Slack For six countries / Regional 9,000 A survey of employees found that ,72% People prefer mixed telecommuting , Only 12% People prefer to work in an office environment all the time .

Telecommuting challenges

that , What are the challenges of telecommuting today ?

Of course , Some employers believe that telecommuting is inefficient , According to an analysis by researchers at booth in Chicago and the University of Essex , large IT The employees of the service company start working remotely , Efficiency is down 20%.

In addition to affecting productivity , Remote and mixed work shifts will also bring new 、 Sometimes unforeseen security issues .HP Wolf Security A report from mentioned ,83% Of IT The team says , The increase of family employees has created a threat to corporate network vulnerabilities “ Time bomb ”. Besides ,83% Of respondents think , Since the line between personal and professional life is so blurred , It is impossible to implement company policies around network security .

Besides , Some respondents said , video 、 Voice tools can't explore common projects in depth , Greatly reduce the communication results , In particular, cross departmental communication will be more difficult .

Reference link :

  • https://www.apollotechnical.com/statistics-on-remote-workers/
  • https://venturebeat.com/2021/09/15/working-away-from-traditional-offices-will-become-the-new-norm/
  • https://nbloom.people.stanford.edu/sites/g/files/sbiybj4746/f/wfh.pdf

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