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Openfeign service call

2022-04-23 22:10:00 Leon_ Jinhai_ Sun

# 1. Service invocation method introduces dependency OpenFeign rely on 
<!--Open Feign rely on -->
# 2. Add comments to the entry class to open OpenFeign Support 
public class Users9999Application {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(Users9999Application.class, args);
# 3. Create a client call interface 
//value Property to specify : Call service name 
public interface ProductClient {
    @GetMapping("/product/findAll") // Write the service call path 
    String findAll();
# 4. Use feignClient The client object invokes the service 
// Inject client objects 
private ProductClient productClient;

public String findAllFeignClient(){
  log.info(" By using OpenFeign Component invokes goods and services ...");
  String msg = productClient.findAll();
  return msg;
# 5. Access and test services 
- http://localhost:9999/user/findAllFeignClient

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