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What does cloud disaster tolerance mean? What is the difference between cloud disaster tolerance and traditional disaster tolerance?

2022-04-23 16:04:00 Wanbo Zhiyun oneprocloud

Disaster recovery industry has appeared frequently in recent years “ Cloud tolerance ”、“ Cloud backup ” These two words , What exactly are they ?

Disaster recovery and backup , Two concepts that are already similar , Plus “ cloud ” This word , It may be more difficult to understand .

Let's break it down step by step , I believe you can understand at a glance .

1、 What is disaster tolerance ?

disaster Refer to , When a disaster causes the business system of the production center to shut down , While ensuring data security , It can also maintain business continuity , The business system continues to operate normally .

And backup , In the same case , Just to ensure data security , Slow business recovery , It does not effectively solve the problem of business continuity .

2、 Understand cloud disaster recovery from traditional disaster recovery

In the past Traditional disaster recovery in , Protect the data resources of the production center by establishing a disaster recovery center , There are mainly two ways of local disaster recovery and remote disaster recovery . among , Remote disaster recovery requires that the distance between data centers must be more than 300 kilometers , At the same time, we must do “ Three No ”, That is, not in the same seismic zone , Not on the same grid , Not in the same river basin .

The traditional disaster recovery backup can not meet the needs of data recovery and protection of many enterprises . From the perspective of enterprises , The high cost of data protection , Facing higher and higher industry data storage standards , The traditional preservation mode has become more and more dull .

Today's cloud computing era , Cloud disaster tolerance is to establish the disaster recovery center in the cloud data center , Use cloud resources to achieve disaster recovery .

Cloud tolerance The virtual machine system consists of a large number of servers , And distributed in different places , Serve a large number of users at the same time , So cloud computing system uses distributed storage to store data , Use redundant storage ( Cluster computing 、 Data redundancy and distributed storage ) Ensure the reliability of the data .

Cloud disaster tolerance makes full use of the advantages of Cloud Computing , Combined with disaster recovery technology , It solves the problem of : The cost of construction is high , Underutilization of resources , Management is difficult , Switching time is long , Poor business continuity .

Cloud disaster tolerance is compatible with multi business systems , Simple construction , Disaster recovery resources can be provided in the form of services .

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