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What is cloud migration? The four modes of cloud migration are?

2022-04-23 16:01:00 Wanbo Zhiyun oneprocloud

An article takes you to understand what cloud migration is ?

What is cloud migration

Cloud migration refers to the migration of enterprises from traditional platforms to cloud platforms . Because compared with the traditional application platform , The advantage of cloud computing platform lies in its powerful computing power 、 Storage capacity 、 Diversified services and high cost performance . At present, cloud migration is mainly P2V( Physical machine to virtual machine ) or V2V( Virtual machine to virtual machine ), That is, from the user's original physical machine to the cloud virtual machine , Or migrate from a cloud environment to another cloud environment .

Why cloud migration

In recent years , In the upsurge of digital transformation , China's cloud computing development officially ushers in the demand explosion period . With the popularization of Cloud Computing , More and more enterprises begin to “ hug ” Cloud computing services . Enterprises choose Alibaba cloud, which accounts for a large share of the cloud market 、 Tencent cloud 、 Hua Wei Yun , Or choose other cloud providers , The first step to the cloud , Is to transform the original business system from the traditional IDC( Internet Data Center ) Move to the cloud . Cloud migration becomes iT The rigid demand of system construction , Accelerate the guarantee of government and enterprises on the cloud .

According to the China information and Communication Research Institute in 2020 year 7 Released on 《 White paper on Cloud Computing Development (2020 year )》 The forecast points out that the average growth rate of the global cloud computing market is 18% about , To 2023 The annual market size will exceed 3500 Billion dollars , Among them, the cloud rate of government and enterprises will exceed 60%.2019 In, the overall market scale of cloud computing in China reached 1334 One hundred million yuan , growth 38.6%. among , The scale of public cloud market has reached 689 One hundred million yuan , comparison 2018 Annual growth 57.6%, expect 2020-2022 The year will still be in a period of rapid growth , To 2023 The annual market size will exceed 2300 One hundred million yuan . The scale of private cloud market reaches 645 One hundred million yuan , a 2018 Annual growth 22.8%, It is expected to maintain stable growth in the next few years , To 2023 The annual market size will be close to 1500 One hundred million yuan .

Four phases and six strategies of cloud migration

From the perspective of cloud migration methodology , At present, the four-stage migration process is widely used , Including current situation investigation 、 The project design 、 There are four stages of migration implementation and operation and maintenance optimization . The four stages are interrelated , Cannot be separated , Each stage is the key to ensuring cloud migration in the final business .

From the perspective of migration strategy ,AWS Proposed 6R The migration strategy is the most representative . The six strategies are :

  • Re-Host Re trusteeship , Also known as “ Direct migration ”

Direct migration is the most common method for cloud migration , That is, migrate to the cloud without changing the application running environment , The general operation is P2V(Physical to Virtual, Migrate physical machine to virtual machine )、V2V(Virtual to Virtual, Migrate virtual machines to virtual machines ). In the scenario where enterprises expect to go to the cloud quickly or large applications go to the cloud , This strategy is more appropriate .

Migration complexity : in

  • Re-Platform Change platform , Also known as “ Migrate after repair ”

When migrating to the cloud , Without changing the application core architecture , Do some simple cloud optimization for the application . For example, replace the relational database with the database service provided by the cloud service provider 、 Replace the self built message middleware with the message queue service provided by the cloud service 、 take HAProxy Replace with the load balancing service provided by the cloud service provider , In order to reduce some management costs and improve efficiency .

Migration complexity : high

  • Re-Purchase Re purchase , Also known as “ Give up and buy ”

It means abandoning the original product , Instead, purchase new alternative products , For example, the original enterprise adopts the human resource management system of traditional software licensing mode , Will give up and choose the same kind SaaS Product to replace , Or choose the manufacturer's SaaS edition .

Migration complexity : in

  • Re-Architect restructure / Rebuild

Change the application architecture and development mode , Implement cloud native application services , For example, the transformation from single application to micro service architecture , This strategy is generally difficult to meet future functions in the existing application environment 、 Performance or scale requirements , This strategy has the highest migration cost , But in the long run, it will better meet the needs of the future .

Migration complexity : high

  • Retire Discontinue use

Make sure you don't use your current infrastructure anymore , It indicates that this part of the system or application has no use value and continues to use message resources , It should be disabled after necessary archiving and backup .

Migration complexity : low

  • Retain Retain

Some applications or businesses are not ready to go to the cloud , Or more suitable for local deployment , Retain the status quo , Do not forcibly migrate to the cloud . Application migration should have priority settings , Operate according to the actual needs of business development .

Migration complexity : low

From the perspective of cloud best practices , By re hosting , It can make the business system go to the cloud with minimal or even no transformation , It is the shortest path to the cloud at present . After the business system is fully put into the cloud , Then change the platform 、 Re purchase or reconstruction , Embracing cloud Nativity in an all-round way , Enjoy the bonus provided by cloud native services for users' rapid business iteration , Realize the comprehensive digital transformation of enterprises .

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