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MySQL select count(*) count is very slow, is there any optimization solution?

2022-08-11 09:02:00 One Light Architecture

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在日常开发工作中,I often need to statistics of the total number of scene,比如:Statistical order total、Statistical subscribers, etc.一般我们会使用MySQL 的count函数进行统计,But as data volumes increase gradually,Statistics is becoming more and more time consuming,Finally slow query condition,这究竟是什么原因呢?This article take you to learn.

1. MyISAMThe storage engine count why so fast?

We always have a illusion,就是感觉MyISAM引擎的countCount thanInnoDB引擎更快,Actually this is not an illusion.

MyISAMEngine total number of rows of tables separately record on the disk,When the query can return directly,Don't need to accumulate statistics.

但是当SQL查询中有where条件的时候,Can't again the total number of rows of a table,Still need to be good to accumulate statistics,Query performance also likeInnoDB相差无几了.

为什么MyISAMEngine can record the total number of,InnoDBThe engine cannot?

因为MyISAM引擎不支持事务,只有表锁,So the record number is accurate.

而InnoDBEngine supports transactions, and row locks,The condition of the concurrent modification.As a result of the transaction isolation, again,会出现不可重复读和幻读,Record the total number of rows cannot guarantee is accurate.

2. Can manually implement statistical number

既然InnoDBThe engine didn't help us to record the total number of rows,We can record the total number of rows manually,比如使用Redis.


  1. Unable to realize the transaction isolation between
  2. 更新丢失,因为i++不是原子操作,当然可以使用Lua脚本实现原子操作,更复杂.
  3. RedisIs a relational database cache,Cannot be used as a relational database persistence,一般需要设置过期时间.


According to above,虽然Redis计数加1Operating on the transaction,But not controlled by the transaction,在事务没有提交前,Other queries are still read about the latest total number,This is the situation of the dirty read.

3. InnoDBEngine can realize fast count

有一种办法,Can be a rough estimate table the total number of,就是使用MySQL命令:

show table status like 'user';


Real number is100万行,预估有99万多行,Error in the acceptable range.

部分场景适用,As a rough estimate total site users.

4. Four ways of counting performance difference

Common statistics of the number of the headquarters of means has the following four:

count(*) 、 count(常量) 、 count(id) 、 count(字段)

InnoDB引擎对countCount optimized,Can choose statistical data volume smaller than the cluster index.

Such as user has three indexes in the table,分别是主键索引name索引和age索引,When using execution plan view count which indexes used to?

  `name` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '姓名',
  `age` tinyint NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `idx_name` (`name`),
  KEY `idx_age` (`age`)
explain select count(*) from user;


Use the data volume smallerage索引.

count(*) 、 count(常量) Is total number of direct statistics,效率较高.

而 count(id) Still need to put the data back to theMySQL ServerEnd to accumulate count.

最后 count(字段)Need to screen fornull字段,效率最差.

Four counts of query performance from high to low,依次是:

count(*) ≈ count(常量) > count(id) > count(字段)

对于大多数情况,Count results,还是老老实实使用count(*)

所以推荐使用select count(*) ,别跟select * 搞混了,不推荐使用select * 的.


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