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The easiest trick to support quick renaming of various files

2022-08-11 07:53:00 full channel

Companies who work on computers often rename or modify the format of the file, so it's okay to modify and rename one or two. When we come back from a trip, for example, we have a lot of pictures.video.How to quickly rename a large number of files and so on?Today, I will share with you a variety of formats, batch renaming skills, let's try it together.

Preparation tool:
Download a file batch rename master

Start operation:
Run the file batch rename master on the computer, you can see that it supports a variety of functions, folder batch rename, file batch rename, and file intelligent management box.
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Enter the function of "Batch file rename"On the page, there are multiple ways to import files, "Add File" or "Add Folder" to add a folder, you can choose to import a single folder or multiple folder options.Various options for adding files.
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For example, if you choose to import multiple folders, in the pop-upIn the window, select multiple folders, and all the files in the subfolders under the folder will be imported.Import all files with one click, which is very convenient.
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After importing the file, the original file name, and eachYou can browse to the location of the file, and then set the naming method.There are a variety of naming methods below, such as custom, replacement, insertion, random or translation, etc., you can choose the naming method according to your needs, here is to test it with insertion,
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Enter text in the insert content box, and select it. Select the insertion position, left or right or in the originalEach character of the file name can be customized.
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All extensions in the imported file are viewableAt this point, if you need to modify it, you can set custom or replace, such as replacing, replace mov with mp4. When setting, the effect will be displayed immediately under the new file name column.Or you can choose a custom way.
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Make sure to select the settings and preview the effect of the new file name., start renaming, and the status displays "rename successful".Right-click and select Open File Location.
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Open all file locations to view, each fileThe file names have inserted text, and some mov extensions are also replaced with mp4 format.Renaming is very convenient.
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