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Oracle data pump usage

2022-04-23 16:08:00 Learning is boundless, happy to make a boat

One 、 Why choose data pump mode

be relative to exp/imp The way , Data pump (expdp/impdp) faster , And can export empty tables ; be relative to rman、dg Methods such as , Data pump operation is simpler . Besides , In a small amount of data 、 When the warehouse can be stopped , The data pump method can ensure the integrity of data .

remarks :exp/imp And expdp/impdp The difference between

1、exp and imp Is a client utility , They can be used on the client side , It can also be used on the server .
2、expdp and impdp It is the tool program of the server , They can only be in Oracle Server use , Can't use... On the client side .
3、imp Only applicable to exp Exported files , Do not apply to expdp export file ;impdp Only applicable to expdp Exported files , Not applicable to exp export file .
4、 about 10g The servers above , Use exp You can't usually export 0 Empty table of row data , And you have to use expdp export .

Two 、 preparation

If necessary , You need to create the necessary tablespaces on the new library 、 user ( And empowering )、 Data backup directory , Create a data backup directory on the source database .

1、 Operations on the target new library

(1) Create a temporary table space

      create temporary tablespace User temporary tablespace name tempfile '/u01/tablespaces/user_temp.dbf' size 50m autoextend on next      50m  maxsize 20480m extent management local;

    remarks : Adjust the table space size and other parameters according to the actual situation and plan the temporary table space 、 Rollback table space and other related planning .

(2) Create a data table space

create tablespace User table namespace datafile '/u01/tablespaces/user_data.dbf' size 50m autoextend on next 50m maxsize 20480m extent management local;

(3) Build users , And specify the default tablespace

create user User name identified by password default tablespace User table namespace temporary tablespace User temporary tablespace name ;

(4) Grant permissions to users

grant connect,resource to  user name 1; grant create database link to  user name ;

 Be careful : In the case of empowering multiple users , Between user names , Just separate .

(5) Login needs to create dblink Users of , establish dblink


  Be careful : establish DBLINK The default is user level , Valid for current users . Only if it needs to be valid for all users , Then establish public DBlink object (pulic Parameters ).

About DBlink Knowledge points of , Reference resources :Oracle--dblink Use  http://www.cnblogs.com/chinas/p/6973058.html

2、 Create a data backup directory ( Source library and target library )

The backup directory needs to use the operating system user to create a real Directory , Then login oracle dba user , Create a logical Directory , Point to this path . such oracle To identify this backup directory .

(1) Create a real directory on the operating system

  1. $ mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/bankup

(2) Sign in oracle Administrator user

  1. $ sqlplus /nolog
  2. SQL> conn /as sysdba

(3) Create a logical Directory

  1. SQL> create directory auto_bankup as '/u01/app/oracle/bankup';

(4) Check whether the directory has been created successfully :

  1. SQL> select * from dba_directories;

(5) use sys The administrator gives the specified user the operation permission in the directory

 SQL> grant read,write on directory data_dir to user;
 SQL> grant read,write on directory data_dir to user1,user2;

3、 ... and 、 Import and export

1、expdp export

Make sure that the data backup path has been created , If not, follow the instructions in the preparatory work to create .( Be careful : if CPU With sufficient resources, it is strongly recommended to enable parallel parameters , It can greatly save the cost of importing 、 Export time )

The first one is :“full=y”, Full export database :

  1. expdp user/passwd@orcl dumpfile=expdp.dmp directory=data_dir full=y logfile=expdp.log;

The second kind :schemas Export by user :

  1. expdp user/passwd@orcl schemas=user dumpfile=expdp.dmp directory=data_dir logfile=expdp.log;

The third kind of : Export by table space :

  1. expdp sys/passwd@orcl tablespace=tbs1,tbs2 dumpfile=expdp.dmp directory=data_dir logfile=expdp.log;

A fourth : Export table :

  1. expdp user/passwd@orcl tables=table1,table2 dumpfile=expdp.dmp directory=data_dir logfile=expdp.log;

The fifth : According to the query conditions :

  1. expdp user/passwd@orcl tables=table1='where number=1234' dumpfile=expdp.dmp directory=data_dir logfile=expdp.log;

2、impdp Import

Be careful :

  (1) Ensure that the database software is installed correctly , Character set 、 The database version is consistent with the source database , Try to avoid failure caused by such factors .

  (2) Ensure that the database backup directory has been built in advance , If there is no , Refer to the previous instructions to establish the directory .

  (3) Transfer the data files exported from the source library to the backup directory of the target library in advance , And ensure that the database user at the time of import has operation permission for the file .

The first one is :“full=y”, Import the database in full ;

  1. impdp user/passwd directory=data_dir dumpfile=expdp.dmp full=y;

The second kind : Import users with the same name , From user A Import to user A;

  1. impdp A/passwd schemas=A directory=data_dir dumpfile=expdp.dmp logfile=impdp.log;   

The third kind of :
a. from A User middle table table1 and table2 Import to B Among users ;

  1. impdp B/passwdtables=A.table1,A.table2 remap_schema=A:B directory=data_dir dumpfile=expdp.dmp logfile=impdp.log;

b. Set the table space TBS01、TBS02、TBS03 Import into tablespace A_TBS, Will the user B Data imported to A, And create a new oid To prevent conflict ;

  1. impdp A/passwdremap_tablespace=TBS01:A_TBS,TBS02:A_TBS,TBS03:A_TBS remap_schema=B:A FULL=Y transform=oid:n
  2. directory=data_dir dumpfile=expdp.dmp logfile=impdp.log

A fourth : Import tablespace ;

  1. impdp sys/passwd tablespaces=tbs1 directory=data_dir dumpfile=expdp.dmp logfile=impdp.log;

The fifth : Additional data ;

  1. impdp sys/passwd directory=data_dir dumpfile=expdp.dmp schemas=system table_exists_action=replace logfile=impdp.log;

--table_exists_action: What to do when the import object already exists . Valid keywords :SKIP,APPEND,REPLACE and TRUNCATE

Four 、 Parameter description


(1) Keywords and their descriptions

ATTACH                 Connect to an existing job ,  for example  ATTACH [= Job name ].
 COMPRESSION                Reduce the size of the contents of the dump file ,  The valid keywords are    The value is : ALL, (METADATA_ONLY), DATA_ONLY  and  NONE.
 CONTENT                 Specify the data to unload ,  The valid keywords are    The value is : (ALL), DATA_ONLY  and  METADATA_ONLY.
 DATA_OPTIONS              Data layer tags ,  The only valid value is :  Use CLOB Format  XML_CLOBS-write XML  data type .
 DIRECTORY                Directory objects for dump and log files , Logical directory .
 DUMPFILE                Target dump file  (expdp.dmp)  A list of , for example  DUMPFILE=expdp1.dmp, expdp2.dmp.
 ENCRYPTION                Encrypt some or all dump files ,  The valid keyword value is : ALL, DATA_ONLY, METADATA_ONLY,ENCRYPTED_COLUMNS_ONLY  or  NONE.
 ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM         Specify how encryption should be done ,  The valid keyword value is : (AES128), AES192  and  AES256.
 ENCRYPTION_MODE            Method of generating encryption key ,  The valid keyword value is : DUAL, PASSWORD  and  (TRANSPARENT).
 ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD          Password keyword used to create encrypted column data .
 ESTIMATE                Calculate job estimate ,  The valid keyword value is : (BLOCKS)  and  STATISTICS.
 ESTIMATE_ONLY             Calculate the job estimate without performing the export .
 EXCLUDE                 Exclude specific object types ,  for example  EXCLUDE=TABLE:EMP. example :EXCLUDE=[object_type]:[name_clause],[object_type]:[name_clause] .
 FILESIZE                Specifies the size of each dump file in bytes .
 FLASHBACK_SCN             Used to set the session snapshot back to its previous state  SCN. --  Specifies to export a specific SCN Timetable data .
 FLASHBACK_TIME            Used to get the closest to the specified time  SCN  Time for .--  Export table data at a specific time point , Be careful FLASHBACK_SCN and FLASHBACK_TIME Can't be used at the same time .
  FULL                   Export the entire database  (N).  
 HELP                   Show help messages  (N).
 INCLUDE                 Include specific object types ,  for example  INCLUDE=TABLE_DATA.
 JOB_NAME                  The name of the export job to be created .
 LOGFILE                 Log file name  (export.log).
 NETWORK_LINK              The name of the remote database linked to the source system .
 NOLOGFILE               Do not write to log file  (N).
 PARALLEL                 Change the activity of the current job  worker  Number of .
 PARFILE                 Specify the parameter file .
 QUERY                   Predicate clause used to export a subset of the table .--QUERY = [schema.][table_name:] query_clause.
 REMAP_DATA                Specify the data conversion function , for example  REMAP_DATA=EMP.EMPNO:REMAPPKG.EMPNO.
 REUSE_DUMPFILES            Overwrite target dump file  ( If the file exists ) (N).
 SAMPLE                   Percentage of data to be exported .
 SCHEMAS                 List of schemes to export  ( Login scheme ).  
 STATUS                  At the default value  (0)  Will display the new status when available , The frequency to be monitored  ( In seconds )  Job status .  
 TABLES                  Identify the list of tables to export  -  There is only one plan .--[schema_name.]table_name[:partition_name][,…]
 TABLESPACES               Identifies the list of tablespaces to export .
 TRANSPORTABLE              Specifies whether transportable methods can be used ,  The valid keyword value is : ALWAYS, (NEVER).
 TRANSPORT_FULL_CHECK          Verify the storage segments of all tables  (N). 
 TRANSPORT_TABLESPACES          List of tablespaces from which to unload metadata .
 VERSION                 The version of the object to export ,  The valid keywords are :(COMPATIBLE), LATEST  Or any valid database version .

(2) Commands and instructions

 ADD_FILE                Add dump files to the dump file set .
 CONTINUE_CLIENT            Return to recording mode . If idle ,  The job will be restarted .
 EXIT_CLIENT              Exit the client session and leave the job running .
 FILESIZE                follow-up  ADD_FILE  The default file size of the command  ( byte ).
 HELP                  Summarize the interactive commands .
 KILL_JOB                Separate and delete jobs .
 PARALLEL                 Change the activity of the current job  worker  Number of .PARALLEL=<worker  Number of >.
 _DUMPFILES                Overwrite target dump file  ( If the file exists ) (N).
 START_JOB                 start-up / Resume the current job .
 STATUS                  At the default value  (0)  Will display the new status when available , The frequency to be monitored  ( In seconds )  Job status .STATUS[=interval].
 STOP_JOB                 Sequentially shut down the executed jobs and exit the client .STOP_JOB=IMMEDIATE  Data pump operation will be shut down immediately .


(1) Keywords and descriptions

ATTACH                          Connect to an existing job ,  for example  ATTACH [= Job name ].
CONTENT                      Specify the data to unload ,  The valid keywords are    The value is : (ALL), DATA_ONLY  and  METADATA_ONLY.
DATA_OPTIONS                   Data layer tags , The only valid value is :SKIP_CONSTRAINT_ERRORS- Constraint error is not serious .
DIRECTORY                   For dump files , Log files and sql The directory object used by the file , Logical directory .
DUMPFILE                    From you to (expdp.dmp) List of dump files imported in , for example  DUMPFILE=expdp1.dmp, expdp2.dmp.
 ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD             Password keyword used to access encrypted column data . This parameter is not valid for network import job .
 ESTIMATE                   Calculate job estimate ,  The valid keywords are :(BLOCKS) and STATISTICS.
 EXCLUDE                    Exclude specific object types ,  for example  EXCLUDE=TABLE:EMP.
 FLASHBACK_SCN                Used to set the session snapshot back to its previous state  SCN.
 FLASHBACK_TIME                Used to get the closest to the specified time  SCN  Time for .
 FULL                      Import all objects from source (Y).
 HELP                      Show help messages (N).
 INCLUDE                    Include specific object types ,  for example  INCLUDE=TABLE_DATA.
 JOB_NAME                    The name of the import job to create .
 LOGFILE                     Log file name (import.log).
 NETWORK_LINK                 The name of the remote database linked to the source system .
 NOLOGFILE                   Do not write to log file .  
 PARALLEL                     Change the activity of the current job worker Number of .
 PARFILE                     Specify the parameter file .
 PARTITION_OPTIONS                Specify how partitions should be converted , The valid keywords are :DEPARTITION,MERGE and (NONE).
 QUERY                      Predicate clause used to import a subset of the table .
 REMAP_DATA                   Specify the data conversion function , for example REMAP_DATA=EMP.EMPNO:REMAPPKG.EMPNO.
 REMAP_DATAFILE                 In all DDL Redefine the data file reference in the statement .
 REMAP_SCHEMA                  Load objects from one scheme into another .
 REMAP_TABLE                   Remap table names to another table , for example  REMAP_TABLE=EMP.EMPNO:REMAPPKG.EMPNO.
 REMAP_TABLESPACE                Remap a tablespace object to another tablespace .
 REUSE_DATAFILES                If the tablespace already exists ,  Initialize it  (N).
 SCHEMAS                    List of schemes to import .
 SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES             Skip indexes set to useless index state .
 SQLFILE                    Will all  SQL DDL  Write the specified file .
 STATUS                     At the default value (0) Will display the new status when available , The frequency to be monitored ( In seconds ) Job status .  
 STREAMS_CONFIGURATION             Enable loading of stream metadata .
 TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION             What to do when the import object already exists . Valid keywords :(SKIP),APPEND,REPLACE and TRUNCATE.
 TABLES                      Identify the list of tables to import .
 TABLESPACES                   Identify the list of tablespaces to import . 
 TRANSFORM                    Metadata transformations to apply to applicable objects . Valid conversion keywords are :SEGMENT_ATTRIBUTES,STORAGE,OID and PCTSPACE.
 TRANSPORTABLE                  Options for selecting transportable data movement . Valid keywords are : ALWAYS  and  (NEVER). Only in  NETWORK_LINK  Valid in mode import operation .
 TRANSPORT_DATAFILES              List of data files imported in transportable mode .
 TRANSPORT_FULL_CHECK             Verify the storage segments of all tables  (N).
 TRANSPORT_TABLESPACES             List of tablespaces from which to load metadata . Only in  NETWORK_LINK  Valid in mode import operation .
  VERSION                     The version of the object to export ,  The valid keywords are :(COMPATIBLE), LATEST  Or any valid database version . Only on  NETWORK_LINK  and  SQLFILE  It works .

(2) Commands and instructions

 CONTINUE_CLIENT           Return to recording mode . If idle ,  The job will be restarted .
 EXIT_CLIENT             Exit the client session and leave the job running .
 HELP                  Summarize the interactive commands .
 KILL_JOB               Separate and delete jobs .
 PARALLEL               Change the activity of the current job  worker  Number of .PARALLEL=<worker  Number of >.
 START_JOB               start-up / Resume the current job .START_JOB=SKIP_CURRENT  Any action performed when the job stops will be skipped before starting the job .
 STATUS                At the default value  (0)  Will display the new status when available , The frequency to be monitored  ( In seconds )  Job status .STATUS[=interval].
 STOP_JOB               Sequentially shut down the executed jobs and exit the client .STOP_JOB=IMMEDIATE  Data pump operation will be shut down immediately .

5、 ... and 、 Error and handling


Export normal , When importing data , Only some records and other data are successfully imported , The other part of the withdrawal ora 39112 error , After investigation, it is because the exported user data , The index of a table with partial records is in another table space , The space has not been created yet , So it leads to the failure .

resolvent : At the time of import , Add parameter :RANSFORM=segment_attributes:n , coordination table_exists_action=replace Parameters , Just import it again .

RANSFORM=segment_attributes:n At the time of import , The data will be imported into the default table space .

Add , Possible causes of this problem :

1、 In the original test library , The goal is schema Mutual authorization with other users , But you derived dmp Not all users are included in , When importing, the corresponding user did not create .
2、 Then there , Table space problem , The index of a table under the user in the test library is not in its default table space , So you have to be on the target side ( This is the production environment ), Create the corresponding table space ,
 That is, if you put a The permission of a table under the user is granted to b, So you're putting a When the user pours the data pump into the production warehouse , He will check whether there are users in the production Library b. Do the same thing .


During the import process , Encounters an error "  ORA-39346: data loss in character set conversion for object SCHEMA_EXPORT/PROCEDURE/PROCEDURE  "

oracle The official description is as follows :

Description: data loss in character set conversion for object string
Cause: Oracle Data Pump import converted a metadata object from the export database character set into the target database character set prior to processing the object. Some characters could not be converted to the target database character set and so the default replacement character was used.
Action: No specific user action is required. This type of data loss can occur if the target database character set is not a superset of the export databases character set.

6、 ... and 、 One click script

Because the network segments of the old library and the new library are different , So it's not a one click migration script , Instead, export 、 The import operation is carried out separately . I wrote a script , Reduce repetitive labor , Students in need can refer to it

# Script function :
# Script path :
# Usage method : Script name   Operation type parameter 
export NLS_LANG=american_america.AL32UTF8
export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1./db_1
export ORACLE_SID=cyrtestdb
export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/local/bin:.
v_date=`date +%Y%m%d`
v_logfile=`echo $(basename  $) | awk -F "." '{print $1".log"}'`  # Log file name : The script is in the directory , Script name .log
v_usr_1=""            #Oracle user name 、 password 
v_db_instance=""    # Database instance name 
v_backup_dir=""        #Oracle Backup directory ( Global variables )
v_oradir_name=""    #
v_tmp_space1=""        # Temporary table space 、 Table space 、 Index table space 
v_max_size="5120m"    # Maximum value of tablespace data file 
v_dblink=""            #dblink name 
# Log 
    echo -e `date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'` $ | tee -a ${v_logfile}
# User data export 
    cd ${v_backup_dir}
    [[ -f ${v_exp_usr}"_"${v_date}".dmp" ]] && rm -rf ${v_exp_usr}"_"${v_date}".dmp"
    expdp ${v_exp_usr}/${v_exp_pwd} DIRECTORY=${v_oradir_name} DUMPFILE=${v_exp_usr}"_"${v_date}".dmp" SCHEMAS=${v_exp_usr} LOGFILE=${v_exp_usr}"_"${v_date}".log"
# Create a database backup directory on the target library 
    # Create the physical path of the operating system 
    [[ -d ${v_backup_dir} ]] && mkdir -p ${v_backup_dir}
    sqlplus -S / as sysdba >> ${v_logfile} <<EOF
    set heading off feedback off verify off
    spool tmp_space_flag.tmp
    grant read,write on directory '${v_oradir_name}' to '${v_usr_1}','${v_usr_2}';
    spool off
    ## If the current tablespace does not exist , Create , Otherwise, exit the current function 
    if [[ `grep ${v_oradir_name} tmp_space_flag.tmp | wc -l` -eq  ]]; then
        record_log " Create backup directory "$" Start "
        sqlplus -S / as sysdba >> ${v_logfile} <<EOF
        set heading off feedback off verify off
        grant read,write on directory '${v_oradir_name}' to '${v_usr_1}','${v_usr_2}';
        record_log " Create backup directory "$" end "
        record_log " Create backup directory "$" Already exists "
    ## Pay attention to cleaning the temporary flag file 
    [[ -f ./tmp_space_flag.tmp ]] && rm -rf tmp_space_flag.tmp
# Create tablespace 
    # Determine the type of tablespace ( Temporary or normal tablespaces )
    if [[ `grep TMP $` -eq  ]]; then
    sqlplus -S / as sysdba >> ${v_logfile} <<EOF
    set heading off feedback off verify off
    create '${v_space_type}' tablespace '${v_space_name}' tempfile '${v_backup_dir}/${v_space_name}.dbf' size 50m autoextend on next 128k maxsize '${v_max_size}' extent management local;
# Determine whether the tablespace exists , If tablespace does not exist, create 
    sqlplus -S / as sysdba <<EOF
    set heading off feedback off verify off
    spool tmp_space_flag.tmp
    select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces where tablespace_name='${v_space_name}';
    spool off
    ## If the current tablespace does not exist , Create , Otherwise, exit the current function 
    if [[ `grep ${v_space_name} tmp_space_flag.tmp | wc -l` -eq  ]]; then
        record_log " Create tablespace "$" Start "
        create_space ${v_space_name}
        record_log " Create tablespace "$" end "
        record_log " Table space "$" Already exists "
    ## Pay attention to cleaning the temporary flag file 
    [[ -f ./tmp_space_flag.tmp ]] && rm -rf tmp_space_flag.tmp
# Create and empower users on the target library 
    v_create_usr=$        # Parameters 1: user name 
    v_create_pwd=$        # Parameters 2: password 
    v_create_tmp_space=$         # Parameters 3: Temporary table space name 
    v_create_space=$        # Parameters 4: Tablespace name 
    sqlplus -S / as sysdba >> ${v_logfile} <<EOF
    set heading off feedback off verify off
    create user '${v_create_usr}' identified by '${v_create_pwd}' default tablespace '${v_create_space}' temporary tablespace '${v_create_tmp_space}';
    grant connect,resource to '${v_create_usr}';
    grant exp_full_database to '${v_create_usr}';
    grant imp_full_database to '${v_create_usr}';
    grant unlimited tablespace to '${v_create_usr}';
# User data import 
    impdp ${v_imp_usr}/${v_imp_pwd} DIRECTORY=${v_oradir_name} DUMPFILE=${v_imp_usr}"_"${v_date}".dmp" SCHEMAS=${v_imp_usr} LOGFILE=${v_imp_usr}"_"${v_date}".log" table_exists_action=replace RANSFORM=segment_attributes:n
# Delete user 
    # Delete the user and all data under the user , Delete the tablespace and all data under the tablespace 
    sqlplus -S / as sysdba >> ${v_logfile} <<EOF
    set heading off feedback off verify off
    drop user '${v_drop_usr}' cascade;
# Delete the tablespace and delete the data files under the tablespace 
    # Delete the user and all data under the user , Delete the tablespace and all data under the tablespace 
    sqlplus -S / as sysdba >> ${v_logfile} <<EOF
    set heading off feedback off verify off
    drop tablespace '${v_drop_space}' including contents and datafiles;
    ## Data files under the table space on the operating system 
    [[ -f ${v_backup_dir}/${v_drop_space}.dbf ]] && rm -rf ${v_backup_dir}/${v_drop_space}.dbf
# establish dblink
    # Create... As an administrator dblink Empowerment 
    sqlplus -S / as sysdba >> ${v_logfile} <<EOF
    set heading off feedback off verify off
    grant create database link to '${v_clink_usr}';
    # Log in as a normal user to create dblink
    sqlplus -S ${v_clink_usr}/${v_clink_pwd}@${v_db_instance} >> ${v_logfile} <<EOF
    set heading off feedback off verify off
    CREATE DATABASE LINK ${v_dblink} CONNECT TO '${v_clink_usr}' IDENTIFIED BY '${v_clink_pwd}' USING '{v_db_instance}';
# Judge dblink Whether there is 
    sqlplus -S / as sysdba <<EOF
    set heading off feedback off verify off
    spool tmp_space_flag.tmp
    select object_name from dba_objects where object_name = '${v_link}';
    spool off
    ## If at present dblink non-existent , Create , Otherwise, exit the current function 
    if [[ `grep ${v_space_name} tmp_space_flag.tmp | wc -l` -eq  ]]; then
        record_log " establish "$" Start "
        create_dblink ${v_link_usr} ${v_link_pwd}
        record_log " establish "$" end "
        record_log $" Already exists "
    ## Pay attention to cleaning the temporary flag file 
    [[ -f ./tmp_space_flag.tmp ]] && rm -rf tmp_space_flag.tmp
# The main function 
    v_start=`date +%s`
    if [[ $ -eq "exp" ]]; then
         record_log "bl Library export started ..."
        exp_usrdata ${v_usr_1} ${v_pwd_1} ${v_oradir_name}
        record_log "bl End of Library export ..."
        record_log "hx Library export started ..."
        exp_usrdata ${v_usr_2} ${v_pwd_2} ${v_oradir_name}
        record_log "hx End of Library export ..."
    elif [[ $ -eq "pre" ]]; then
        #、 Create backup directory 
        #、 Create tablespace 
        for v_sp in ${v_tmp_space1} ${v_tmp_space2} ${v_space1} ${v_space2} ${v_idx_space1} ${v_idx_space2}; do
            deal_spaces ${v_sp}
        #、 Create user 、 Empowerment 
        record_log " Create user start ..."
        create_usrs ${v_usr_1} ${v_pwd_1} ${v_tmp_space1} ${v_space1}
        create_usrs ${v_usr_2} ${v_pwd_2} ${v_tmp_space2} ${v_space2}
        record_log " End of user creation ..."
        #、 by hx Library creation dblink
        record_log " establish dblink Start ..."
        deal_dblink ${v_dblink} ${v_usr_2} ${v_pwd_2}
        record_log " establish dblink end ..."
    elif [[ $ -eq "imp" ]]; then
        record_log "bl Library import started ..."
        imp_usrdata ${v_usr_1} ${v_pwd_1} ${v_oradir_name}
        record_log "bl Library import finished ..."
        record_log "hx Library import started ..."
        imp_usrdata ${v_usr_2} ${v_pwd_2} ${v_oradir_name}
        record_log "hx Library import finished ..."
    elif [[ $ -eq "clean" ]]; then
        read -t  -p " Confirm clear  0- no  1- yes " v_num
        if [[ ${v_num} -eq  ]]; then
            record_log " Clean up the data file ..."
            for m in ${} ${}; do
                drop_user ${m}
            for n in ${v_tmp_space1} ${v_tmp_space2} ${v_space1} ${v_space2} ${v_idx_space1} ${v_idx_space2}; do
                drop_tablespace ${n}
            record_log " End of data file cleaning ..."
        echo "Usage: sh script [exp|clean|pre|imp]"
    v_end=`date +%s`
    v_use_time=$[ v_end - v_start ]
    record_log " The running time of this script :"${v_use_time}" second "

Reference documents

Oracle Use EXPDP and IMPDP Data pump export and import method _ Database technology  http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2017-09/146764.htm

ORA-39112: dependent object type comment skipped - CSDN Blog  http://blog.csdn.net/zhengwei125/article/details/53670656

Oracle 12cR1 ORA-39346 data loss in character set conversion for object string  https://www.oraexcel.com/oracle-12cR1-ORA-39346

from Pour into 12c Report errors :ORA-39346 - Oracle 12c Chongqing Sizhuang Oracle Forum  http://bbs.cqsztech.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=17282

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