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Questions about disaster recovery? Click here

2022-04-23 16:04:00 Wanbo Zhiyun oneprocloud

01 1000 Source side host , How to evaluate the time required for disaster recovery ?

answer : First of all, consider the preliminary research time 、 It is necessary to refer to the size of the data volume, the speed of reading data at the source and the speed of writing data at the target , And the transmission speed of the intermediate network .

02 Network interruption in data transmission , How to deal with it ?

answer : Continue to synchronize data , After a network outage , The data synchronization task of cloud disaster tolerance platform will also fail , After the network recovers , You can continue to perform synchronous data operations on the migration host on the cloud disaster recovery platform , It will automatically continue the last synchronization task for data transmission .

03 What is the level of data disaster recovery protection ?

answer : Block level , Based on the underlying block level data copy technology , It is superior to file level data synchronization in data transmission , Data transfer does not pass through the file system , In the scene with many small files, the block level speed is very fast .

04 After data synchronization is complete , Support online synchronization increment ?

answer : Cloud disaster recovery uses quasi real time CDP technology , Incremental synchronization is supported , Just at the end of the cut , There will still be a short shutdown window , In order to ensure the consistency of data .

05 After moving to the target side , How to ensure that the data is the same as the source side , That is, how to ensure data consistency ?

answer : First, cloud disaster recovery supports breakpoint continuation . Before the formal cut , You can drill unlimited times on the target side , Whether the joint commissioning service is available . When it's officially cut , There is a service suspension window . The last increment of the data after the service is stopped , Then pull up the new host again , To verify the integrity of the data , There's no problem with the data , Will be officially switched .

06 Whether the drill is a single drill or a group , Can it be in the mode of migration group ?

answer : You can migrate as a group .

07 How to select the disk type of data disk and system disk respectively ?

answer : On the disk type configuration page , Cloud disaster tolerance supports the selection of system disk and data disk types .

08 Can cloud storage gateways scale horizontally ?

answer : Sure , Cloud disaster tolerance can have multiple gateways to transmit data at the same time , Can achieve the purpose of parallel .

09 Is there a limit on the size of the cloud disk ?

answer : Are there any restrictions on the architecture of the target side cloud that needs disaster recovery , As long as the target side cloud architecture does not limit the size of the disk , Cloud disaster tolerance can create a cloud disk .

10 If the volume of business systems is large , More data , And it uses object storage or CDN, Can this be disaster tolerance ?

answer : Cloud disaster tolerance solves the problem of disaster tolerance at the virtual machine level . because CDN Is static , Cloud disaster tolerance can be used for disaster tolerance ; If the business system uses object storage , You need to use object storage tools to complete disaster recovery . In fact, each kind of disaster recovery needs to be completed with corresponding tools .


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