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C language% (%d,%c...)

2022-08-10 23:41:00 There are gods in the mountains

In addition to the remainder, the symbol % has another meaning as a leading character; such as %d,%c...
Here are some (not in-depth):

1. %d integer output, usually used to output int type

(A number can be inserted between "%" and the letter to indicate the field width. For example, %2d means outputting a 2-bit integer number, which is not enough for 2-bit right-alignment; %-2d means left-alignment)

2. %ld long integer output, usually used to output long type

3. %s is used to output strings, usually used to output char type

4. %c is used to output characters, char type

5. %p pointer value (print pointer address)

6. %f is used to output decimals. By default, 6 decimal places are reserved, such as 1.000000; usually used to output float type

%.2f is used to output decimals, with two decimal places, such as 1.00

7. %ld is a double-precision floating-point type, which retains 6 decimal places by default, which is usually used to output double type

8. %e outputs real numbers in exponential form,

9. %g automatically selects f format or e format according to the size, and does not output meaningless zeros.

10. %o output integer as octal number

11. %x prints an integer as a hexadecimal number, or the address of a string

12. %u outputs unsigned data (unsigned number) in decimal.

Note: %d and %u have an unsigned value range, that is, the limit value, otherwise the value will be printed incorrectly


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