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Resttemplate service call

2022-04-23 22:10:00 Leon_ Jinhai_ Sun

# 1. Create two services and register to consul In the registry
- users     Service on behalf of users Port is 9999
- products On behalf of goods and services Port is 9998
    ` Be careful : The service here is just for testing , There is no practical business significance


# 2. Service method in commodity service 

public class ProductController {
    private int port;
    public Map<String,Object> findAll(){
        log.info(" Commodity service query all calls succeeded , Current service port :[{}]",port);
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String,Object>();
        map.put("msg"," Service call succeeded , The service provider port is : "+port);
        return map;
# 3. Use in user services restTemplate To call 
public class UserController {
    public String findAll(){
        log.info(" Call the user service ...");
        //1. Use restTemplate Call commodity service 
        RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
        String forObject = restTemplate.getForObject("http://localhost:9998/product/findAll", 
        return forObject;
# 4. Start the service 

# 5. Test service invocation 
-  Browser access to user services  http://localhost:9999/user/findAll

 # 6. summary
- rest Template It is called directly based on the service address, and the service is not obtained in the service registry , There is no way to achieve service load balancing. If you need to achieve service load balancing, you need to write your own service load balancing strategy .

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