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Mixed use of Oracle column row conversion and comma truncated string

2022-04-23 21:25:00 Plant a sweet smell

oracle The mixed use of column to row conversion and string truncation with commas

lately , When writing a stored procedure to return a value to the front end , The mixed use of row to column and intercepted string is used

Data to be converted

 Insert picture description here

Data you want to achieve

 Insert picture description here

Realization SQL

select OLD_REEL,OLD_QTY,substr(REEL,0,decode(instr(REEL, ','),0,length(REEL),instr(REEL, ',') - 1)) as newreel1,
substr(qty1,0,decode(instr(qty1, ','),0,length(qty1),instr(qty1, ',') - 1)) as reelqty1,
substr(REEL,decode(instr(REEL, ','),0,length(REEL),instr(REEL, ',') + 1)) as newreel2,
substr(qty1,decode(instr(qty1, ','),0,length(qty1),instr(qty1, ',') + 1)) as reelqty2 from (select OLD_REEL,  
listagg(NEW_REEL,',') within GROUP (order by NEW_REEL) over (partition by OLD_REEL) REEL,  
listagg(qty,',') within GROUP (order by qty) over (partition by OLD_QTY) qty1  
from WMS_REEL_IQC where OLD_REEL='551R17083000056') t where rownum=1;
#####  explain :1.
`select OLD_REEL,  
listagg(NEW_REEL,',') within GROUP (order by NEW_REEL) over (partition by OLD_REEL) REEL,  
listagg(qty,',') within GROUP (order by qty) over (partition by OLD_QTY) qty1  
from WMS_REEL_IQC where OLD_REEL='551R17083000056'`  this SQL Realize row to column conversion , The function used listagg

2.`select OLD_REEL,OLD_QTY,substr(REEL,0,decode(instr(REEL, ','),0,length(REEL),instr(REEL, ',') - 1)) as newreel1,
substr(qty1,0,decode(instr(qty1, ','),0,length(qty1),instr(qty1, ',') - 1)) as reelqty1,
substr(REEL,decode(instr(REEL, ','),0,length(REEL),instr(REEL, ',') + 1)) as newreel2,
substr(qty1,decode(instr(qty1, ','),0,length(qty1),instr(qty1, ',') + 1)) as reelqty2` this SQL Implementation with comma ‘,’ Intercepting string , If you want to intercept other strings , Replace the comma with the character you want .

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