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Essential difference between restful WebService and gSOAP webservice

2022-04-23 14:07:00 JokerYourMemory

Two sentences :

1、gSoap WebService It means webService This kind of communication , In the program, the server's wdsl After the session , The message is Http news ,Http Inside the head 、url There's no rule , however Message body yes gSoap Format .

2、Restful WebService It means still webService This kind of communication , still In the acquisition of wdsl after , Message sent still Http news , however Http head Inside url、 Methods, etc. are in accordance with restful Standard description , Message body yes Json Of ( Don't importune ).

I'm really convinced by those who say gSoap WebService and Restful WebService difference , Let's talk first. webServe、 Let's talk about it again gSoap、 Let's talk about it again Restful standard , Always post a lot of code , After talking for a long time, I didn't understand .
