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Copy constructor shallow copy and deep copy

2022-04-23 16:44:00 Mind hacker


copy constructor

Shallow copy

Deep copy

copy constructor

In the last installment, we talked about constructors , When it comes to constructors, there are several formal classifications , I.e. with parameters 、 Without parameters and parameter list initialization , There is also a constructor for passing references , Called a copy constructor , seeing the name of a thing one thinks of its function , Is to copy , Initialize a new class object through the relevant data of an existing class object .

We still use Point This class is explained as an example , A copy constructor is a constructor whose parameter type is a reference type .

class Point
	double x,y;
		Point(Point & point);

Shallow copy

All classes have their own copy constructors , If the programmer doesn't write a copy constructor himself , Then the system will generate a default copy constructor by default , It adopts the method of bit by bit replication to copy objects , Also known as shallow copy .

Let's write one ourselves Point Class as an example :

Point::Point(Point & point)

This is a shallow copy , Copy bit by bit . There seems to be nothing wrong , Why is it shallow ?

actually , If all data members are basic data types , There is no problem with shallow copies .

however , When the data member of a class contains a pointer , Shallow copy will have an accident .

We put Point Class change , Add a pointer to Point class , For the sake of safety , We initialize this pointer to NULL:

class Point
	double x,y;
    Point * p=NULL;
		Point(Point & point);

Then we use a light copy :

Point::Point(Point & point)

First x and y There is no problem , The pointer p Although the value of is the same , But our goal is to make the value of the pointer the same , Obviously not , You want the memory units they point to to to have the same value , If you use such a shallow copy , Then these two pointers point to the same block of memory , Some of you might say , There seems to be no problem , Didn't this copy successfully ? The problem is that once we modify one of the class objects p Point to , Then the data of another class object will also change , Because they point to the same piece of memory . therefore , In this case, we need to use deep copy .

Deep copy

Through the above analysis , We know that the problem with shallow copy is , These two pointers point to the same block of memory , So just give the generated class object a new memory space to solve the problem :

Point::Point(Point & point)
		p=new Point;

Here you can see , We are the first to judge p Is it a null pointer , It's not a null pointer. Let's copy , This is very important , Without this judgment , once p Is a null pointer , And we continue to operate , Cause unpredictable errors in the system .

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