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Production environment——

2022-04-23 16:50:00 Kramer_ one hundred and forty-nine

The program publishes common commands to the production environment

Take volcanic clouds as an example

Connect to the production environment

1、 Connection development machine
2、 Connect to the production environment through the development machine

user_name、ip、 password Modify according to specific data

ssh user_name@ip
 Input password 

Upload jar To the production environment

0、 Make sure jdk edition , If you need to reconfirm the database version .

1、 Use scp Command upload
( Need to be in 2.txt In the directory ) Will local 2.txt File upload to server /home Under the table of contents , And name it 1.txt

scp 2.txt [email protected]:/home/1.txt

close / Restart the service

0、 Connect again

1、 Query and close the original service xxxx
( If it is not closed, there will be port occupation conflict )

ps -ef|grep xxxx
kill -9 pid number 

2、 Start a new service
start-up xxxx.jar
java -jar xxxx.jar

nohup java -Dspring.config.location=./application.yml -jar company_training-1.0.jar >app.log  2>&1 &

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