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Large factory technology implementation | industry solution series tutorials

2022-04-23 15:40:00 ShowMeAI


 Technical realization scheme of large factory

ShowMeAI union AI Institute of algorithms , With many engineers in our community , Opened this 『 Technical realization scheme of large factory 』 series , We hope to break 『PPT+ written words 』『PPT+ video 』 Simple sharing at the level , From the most real perspective of front-line Engineers , Present to you the whole business field of the largest factory with the most growth value AI Landing plan .

All schemes strive to be complete and professional , Cover Business 、 Detailed explanation of the plan 、 data 、 Code , You can learn better , It can also be used out of the box to match the business scenario , Grow into a professional for our friends AI Algorithm Engineers add bricks and tiles to escort .

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According to different technical lines and application fields , We planned 『 Recommendation and advertising 』『 Computer vision 』『 natural language processing 』『 Financial technology 』『 Biomedical 』『 Intelligent manufacturing 』『 other AI Vertical application 』 etc. 7 Plates . More series of tutorials are in production ing, please Focus on Or collection ShowMeAI, Receive update notifications ~

Content section

『 Recommendation and advertising calculation 』 Solution

1. Multi objective optimization and application

 Multi objective optimization and application

Abstract : recommend , Search for , Computing advertising is the most popular and easily realized direction of Internet companies , Some algorithms also play the greatest role , The breakthrough and application of cutting-edge algorithms can greatly drive business growth , In this series, let's talk about the technology and enterprise practice of these business directions . The theme of this issue is multi-objective learning optimization ( attach 『 Implementation code 』 and 『 Wechat dataset 』) Click here to read the full text …

2.【 Iqiyi 】 Practice of multi-objective optimization in iqiyi short video recommendation service

 Practice of multi-objective optimization in iqiyi short video recommendation service

Abstract : Short video is one of the most popular services on the Internet , Gathered a huge amount of Internet user traffic , It is also a business area that major companies are competing to develop . As the main revenue business direction , The recommendation algorithm of short video direction also changes with each passing day and drives the business growth , In this issue, we see iqiyi's short video channel , The application practice path and landing scheme of multitasking algorithm are recommended . Click here to read the full text …

3.【 tencent 】 Parallel twin towers in Tencent information flow recommendation sorting CTR structure

 Parallel twin towers in Tencent information flow recommendation sorting CTR structure

Abstract : The twin tower model is recommended 、 Search for 、 Advertising and other fields of algorithm implementation in the most commonly used and classic structure , When actually applied by each company , Each tower in the double tower structure will be upgraded , use CTR The estimated new network structure replaces the full connection DNN, What we see in this issue is the recommended scenario of Tencent browser team , Clever parallel connection CTR The model is applied to the scheme of double towers . Click here to read the full text …

『 Computer vision 』 Solution

4.【 TaoBao 】 Image retrieval and its application in Taobao

 Image retrieval and its application in Taobao

Abstract : Image retrieval task refers to , Given query image , Find images containing the same or similar instances from the image database . One of the typical applications is e-commerce commodity retrieval , Such as Taobao paili Taobao , Users only need to take photos at hand to accurately retrieve , Improved e-commerce shopping experience . In this article, let's take a look at the implementation scheme behind Taobao paili Taobao and the computer vision technology it relies on . Click here to read the full text …

5.【 Gao de 】 Image retrieval and its application in Gaode

 Image retrieval and its application in Gaode

Abstract : Image retrieval task refers to , Given query image , Find images containing the same or similar instances from the image database . This paper studies Gaode map POI Information update , That is, according to its own image source , Add each new or adjusted POI Make data in time . This is a very typical image retrieval task , It is also a long-term research topic in the field of computer vision . Click here to read the full text …

『 natural language processing 』 Solution

6. Explain the whole process of building the knowledge map in detail

 Explain the whole process of building the knowledge map in detail

Abstract : Knowledge map , It is a structured semantic knowledge base , Used to quickly describe concepts and their relationships in the physical world . This paper explains in detail the construction and updating process of bottom-up knowledge map , It focuses on knowledge extraction 、 Knowledge fusion 、 Knowledge processing and knowledge updating 4 There are three key technical steps and implementation steps . Click here to read the full text …

7.【 Iqiyi 】 Construction and application of iqiyi cultural and entertainment knowledge map

 Construction and application of iqiyi cultural and entertainment knowledge map

Abstract : Knowledge map is a technical method to describe knowledge and model the relationship between all things in the world with graph model . This paper studies the construction process and application scenario of IQI Yiqi search knowledge map , Understand how this knowledge map of the entertainment industry can help users accurately find the content they want 、 Answer user questions 、 And understand the user's search intention . Click here to read the full text …

Industry solutions | Get Guide

In order to make this series more hard core , In addition to regular sharing 『 Image & Text 』 outside , Supporting the realization of 『 Project code 』 Also deployed to GitHub. Get a collection of papers 、 Project dataset 、 Learning videos and other materials , You can click on the here .

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