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Smart doc + Torna generate interface document

2022-04-23 16:48:00 A coir boat in the broken white clouds

One 、 Integrate pom plug-in unit

<!-- smart-doc + torna Generate interface document -->
                    <!-- Specifies the profile used to generate the document , The configuration file is placed in your own project -->
                    <!-- Specify project name -->
                    <projectName> Project name </projectName>
                    <!--smart-doc Automatically analyze the dependency tree and load the source code of third-party dependencies , If some framework dependent libraries cannot be loaded, an error will be reported , Please use excludes Get rid of -->
                        <!-- The format is :groupId:artifactId; Refer to the following -->
                    <!-- since 1.0.8 Version start , Plug in provides includes Support , Configured with includes The plug-in will be loaded according to the user configuration instead of automatically , Therefore, attention should be paid to -->
                    <!--smart-doc Dependency tree can be loaded automatically , In principle, it will affect the efficiency of document construction , So you can use includes To let the plug-in load your configured components -->
                        <!-- The format is :groupId:artifactId; Refer to the following -->
                        <!-- If you don't need to start at compile time smart-doc, Will phase Comment out -->
                            <!--smart-doc Provides html、openapi、markdown etc. goal, It can be configured as required -->

Two 、 newly build json file ==》 ./src/main/resources/smart-doc.json

  "serverUrl": "http://---------:8080/product",
  "outPath": "C:\\Users\\11827\\Desktop\\doc\\smart-doc",
  "isStrict": false,
  "coverOld": true,
  "showAuthor": true,
  "packageFilters": "com.xycm.mall.product.controller",
  "projectName": " goods ",
  "appKey": "a---------------",
  "appToken": "a---------------",
  "secret": "a---------------",
  "debugEnvName":" development environment ",
  "openUrl": "http://---------:7777/api",
  "author": " Big brother "

3、 ... and 、 maven Click upload
 Insert picture description here
success , Milk thought ~

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