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C# Task. Delay and thread The difference between sleep

2022-04-23 17:04:00 begeneral

We all know Task.Delay It's asynchronous waiting ,Thread.Sleep Is synchronization waiting , What's the difference between synchronous wait and asynchronous wait ?

Let's use an example to analyze , Create a new console application , The code is as follows :

static async Task Main(string[] args)
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                var s = await MyTask();

        static async Task<string> MyTask()
            var s = await Run();
            return s;

        static async Task<string> Run()
            await Task.Delay(5000);
            return await Task.FromResult("Run");

The operation results are as follows :

Only the final running result can be seen here , Can't see the execution process . The execution process is : When the program runs , too 5 Second , Print out Run, And then it's printed MyTask and Run, Then cycle like this 4 Time . Now let's put Run Method Task.Delay Switch to Thread.Sleep, It is found that the execution process is the same . I won't write here , You can try it on your own .

Does that mean Task.Delay and Thread.Sleep It makes no difference , The answer must be No . Because we use 2 individual await,await The function of is to wait for the task to be completed , Don't believe it , We put Run Method Task.Delay(5000) Of await Get rid of , Run the program again , Found that the program didn't wait .

Let's put Run Method Task.Delay Replace with Thread.Sleep, The discovery program will still wait . because Thread.Sleep Is synchronization waiting , No matter where the program runs , Just meet Thread.Sleep Will block the current thread .

In fact, I feel that the above example can not well express my point of view , Let's look at another example :

static async Task Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("after run2");
            await Task.CompletedTask;

        static async Task<string> Run2()
            await Task.Delay(5000);
            return await Task.FromResult("Run2");

The output order of this example is : First, the output after run2, Then the output Run2. Let's take another look at the warnings generated by compilation :

This warning is because Run2 It's an asynchronous method , But in Main When the function is called , of no avail await To wait for asynchronous methods , So the program won't wait for the asynchronous method to finish executing , And then move on . Because the program didn't wait , So first output after run2.

Let's put Run2 Methods await Switch to Thread.Sleep, That is to output first Run2 了 .

When we use Delay When the method is used , We must add await, This truth is similar to Run2 The method should be preceded by await equally , because Delay Methods are also asynchronous .

We recommend using await Task.Delay To perform a wait operation , Because it's asynchronous , On the principle of asynchrony , I recommend you to read an official Microsoft document :







