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Chondroitin sulfate in vitreous

2022-04-23 18:35:00 Microelectronics and solid state electronics - Yu Chi

according to 【1】 Describe the principle of vitreous opacity :

Chondroitin sulfate (CS) It belongs to glycosaminoglycan (glycosaminoglycans, GAGs) Polysaccharide like

Chondroitin sulfate structure Proportion ( Total chondroitin sulfate )
4S 48.8%
0S 37.6%
6S 11.9%
2S6S 1.5%
2S4S 0.3%


The vitreous contains two chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans , namely IX Type I collagen and versican【2】

Our results show that , The loss of chondroitin sulfate is related to IX There is a strong correlation between the loss of immunogold labeling of collagen type I core protein , The half-life of both is 11 year

MMP23 In human vitreous body fluids 23 It is confirmed that , This enzyme can break IX Type I collagen and causes vitreous liquefaction


Another basis 【3】

Chondroitin sulfate is used for cartilage growth

Chondroitin, ammonia sugar ( aminoglucose ) Used to inhibit wear


【1】Glycosaminoglycans from bovine eye vitreous humour and interaction with collagen type II - PMC

【2】 Age-related changes on the surface of vitreous collagen fibrils

【3】 The difference between chondroitin sulfate and chondroitin aminosugar - Doctor Yun

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