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Nodejs installation and environment configuration

2022-04-23 16:47:00 Hair loss programmer

1、 Download and install

Enter official website , Choose according to your computer system and number of digits , I choose windows64 position .msi Format installation package

.msi and .zip Format difference :

.msi yes Windows installer Developed program installation file , It allows you to install , modify , Uninstall the program you installed . To put it bluntly .msi Namely Windows installer Data packets of , Encapsulate all the content related to the installation files in one package .
.zip It's a compressed package , After decompression, you can , No installation required
 Insert picture description here

When the download is complete , Double click Install Package , Start installation , Always point next that will do , The default installation path is C:\Program Files Next , You can also customize it
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npm package manager Express npm Package manager

online documentation shortcuts Online document shortcuts

Add to PATH add to node Install path to environment variable

The installation is complete as shown in the figure , Here I modified node Installation path for C:\node

 Insert picture description here

After installation ,.msi The format of the installation package has node.exe Add to system environment variable path in , If you download .zip Format , Because there is no installation process , So you need to manually node.exe Add the directory to the environment variable path in , See system variable validation

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Now that we have node Add to global system variables , We can go straight to CMD Anywhere in the window node, open CMD window , Carry out orders node -v see node edition

$ node -v

the latest version node At the time of installation, it also installed npm, perform npm -v see npm edition

$ npm -v

2、 Modify the global dependency package download path

By default , We're executing npm install -g XXXX When downloading the global package , The default location of this package is C:\Users\ user name \AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules Next , Can pass CMD Instructions npm root -g see


It is recommended to set the storage location by yourself , Because if you put it in C disc , Will make the system disk space smaller , System disk resources are very important .

npm config set prefix "C:\node\node_global"
npm config set cache "C:\node\node_cache"

Or open c:\node\node_modules\npm.npmrc file , Revised as follows :

prefix =C:\node\node_global
cache = C:\node\node_cache

The above operation shows , Modify the global package download directory to C:\node\node_global, The cache directory is C:\node\node_cache, And automatically create node_global Catalog , and node_cache A directory is a cache directory , It will be created automatically when you download the global package
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3、 Configure environment variables

Because we modified the download path of the global package , So naturally , The global package we download will be stored in c:\node\node_global\node_modules, And the corresponding cmd The instructions will be stored in c:\node\node_global

I install a package globally

npm install xxx

After installation , To execute the corresponding instructions , Likely prompt :

'xxx'  Not an internal or external command , It's not a runnable program 
 Or batch files .

That's because when we execute instructions , It will default to node Find the command file in the installation root directory , Here it is xxx.cmd, And then there will be node Install... In the root directory node_modules Find the dependent package folder under , Here it is @xxx Folder , Because we modified the global package storage path , So of course I can't find it , So we need to add the global package storage path we specified to the system environment variable , So you can find
 Insert picture description here
therefore Path There are two configurations in total

  • C:\node\
  • C:\node\node_global

4. Switch npm Mirror source

Switch the source of package download through the following command , Because the default source is slow , Switch to the source of Taobao in China , Can greatly improve this problem .

npm config set registry http://registry.npm.taobao.org

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