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Rtklib 2.4.3 source code Notes

2022-04-23 16:49:00 haoming Hu

Last update time :2022-04-20

data structure

prcopt_t Processing options

Parameters explain default setting
int mode Positioning mode PMODE_STATIC
int soltype Solution types (0: forward ,1: backward ,2: Combine ) 0
int nf Frequency number (1:L1,2:L1+L2,3:L1+L2+L5) 2
int navsys Navigation system , If there are more than one, the macro definition of the system will be defined directly | operation SYS_CMP | SYS_GPS
double elmin Elevation mask angle 7.0*D2R
snrmask_t snrmask SNR mask { { 0,0 } },
int sateph Almanac Data / The clock (EPHOPT_???) 0
int modear AR Pattern 0:off,1:continuous,2:instantaneous,3:fix and hold,4:ppp-ar) 3
int glomodear GLONASS AR mode (0:off,1:on,2:auto cal,3:ext cal) 0
int bdsmodear BeiDou AR mode (0:off,1:on) 1
int maxout obs Interrupt the count to reset the deviation 5
int minlock Minimum lock count to fix ambiguity 0
int minfix Minimum repair count to maintain ambiguity 10
int armaxiter Maximum iteration to resolve ambiguity 1
int ionoopt Ionospheric options (IONOOPT_???) 0
int tropopt Tropospheric options (TROPOPT_???) */ 0
int dynamics The kinetic model (0:none,1:velociy,2:accel) */ 0
int tidecorr Earth tide correction (0:off,1:solid,2:solid+otl+pole) 0
int niter Filter iterations 1
int codesmooth Code smoothing window size (0:none) 0
int intpref Insert reference obs( For later tasks ) 0
int sbascorr SBAS Correction options 0
int sbassatsel SBAS Satellite selection (0:all) 0
int rovpos Mobile station location in fixed mode 0
int refpos The basic position of the relative pattern 0:pos in prcopt, 1:average of single pos 2:read from file, 3:rinex header, 4:rtcm pos) 4
double eratio[NFREQ] code / Phase error rate {100.0,100.0}
double err[5] Measurement error factor [0]: Retain [1-3]: phase (m) Error factor a/b/c [4]: Doppler frequency (hz) { 100.0,0.003,0.003,0.0,1.0 }
double std[3] The initial state [0]bias,[1]iono [2]trop { 30.0,0.03,0.3 }
double prn[6] Process noise std [0]bias,[1]iono [2]trop [3]acch [4]accv [5] pos */ { 1E-4,1E-3,1E-4,1E-1,1E-2,0.0 }
double sclkstab Satellite clock stability ( second / second ) 5E-12
double thresar[8] AR Verify the threshold { 5.0,0.9999,0.25,0.1,0.05 }
double elmaskar Ascending satellite AR Elevation mask (deg) 0.0
double elmaskhold Mask highly to maintain ambiguity (deg) 0.0
double thresslip No geometric phase slip threshold (m) 0.05
double maxtdiff Maximum time difference ( second ) 30.0
double maxinno Reject innovation threshold (m) 30.0
double maxgdop Refuse gdop The threshold of 30.0
double baseline[2] Baseline length constraint {const,sigma} (m) { 0 }
double ru[3] Fixed mode {x,y,z} (ecef) (m) Location of mobile station { 0 }
double rb[3] The relative pattern {x,y,z} (ecef) (m) Basic position of { 2005046.4452 ,5411158.3826 ,2707856.6022 }
char anttype[2][MAXANT] Antenna type {rover,base} { “”,“” }
double antdel[2][3] Antenna increment { {rov_e,rov_n,rov_u},{ref_e,ref_n,ref_u}} { { 0 } }
pcv_t pcvr[2] Receiver antenna parameters {rov,base} */ { { 0 } }
unsigned char exsats[MAXSAT] Excluded satellites (1:excluded,2:included) */ { 0 }
int maxaveep Maximum average period
int initrst Initialize by restarting
int outsingle adopt dgps/float/fix/ppp Interrupt output single
char rnxopt[2][256] rinex Options {rover,base} */
int posopt[6] Positioning options
int syncsol Solution synchronization mode
double odisp[2][6*11] Ocean tide loading parameters {rov,base} */{rov,base} */
exterr_t exterr Extended receiver error model
int freqopt Ban L2-AR
char pppopt[256] ppp Options


Parameters explain default setting
int posf Solution format (SOLF_???)
int times Time system (TIMES_???)
int timef Time format (0:sssss.s,1:yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.s)
int timeu The number of times after the decimal point
int degf latitude / Longitude format (0:ddd.ddd,1:ddd mm ss)
int outhead Output head (0: no ,1: yes )
int outopt Output processing options (0: no ,1: yes )
int outvel Output speed options (0: no ,1: yes )
int datum data (0:WGS84,1: Tokyo )
int height Height (0: ellipsoid ,1: Geodesic line )
int geoid Geoid model (0:EGM96,1:JGD2000)
int solstatic The solution of static mode (0:all,1:single)
int sstat Solution statistical level (0: close ,1: state ,2: residual )
int trace Debug trace level (0: close ,1-5: debugging )
double nmeaintv[2] nmea Output interval (<0:no,0:all) nmeaintv[0]:gprmc,gpgga,nmeaintv[1]:gpgsv
char sep[64] Field separator
char prog[64] Program name
double maxsolstd Maximum standard deviation of solution output (m) (0:all)


#define MAXSTRPATH 1024 /* max length of stream path */

char satantp [MAXSTRPATH] Satellite antenna parameter file
char rcvantp [MAXSTRPATH] Receiver antenna parameter file
char stapos [MAXSTRPATH] Station file
char geoid [MAXSTRPATH] External geoid data file
char iono [MAXSTRPATH] Ionospheric data file
char dcb [MAXSTRPATH] dcb Data files
char eop [MAXSTRPATH] eop Data files
char blq [MAXSTRPATH] Tide loading blq file
char tempdir [MAXSTRPATH] ftp/http Temporary directory
char geexe [MAXSTRPATH] Google Earth executive file
char solstat [MAXSTRPATH] Solution statistics file
char trace [MAXSTRPATH] Debug trace file

Post positioning :postpos

postpos The function prototype :

extern int postpos(gtime_t ts, gtime_t te, double ti, double tu,

​ const prcopt_t *popt, const solopt_t *sopt,

​ const filopt_t *fopt, char **infile, int n, char *outfile,

​ const char *rov, const char *base)

gtime_t ts Processing start time , If 0 Means unlimited
gtime_t te Processing end time , If 0 Means unlimited
double ti Processing interval (s)
double tu Processing unit time (s)
prcopt_t *popt Processing options
solopt_t *sopt Solution options
filopt_t *fopt file option
char **infile Input file
int n Enter the number of files
char *outfile The output file
char *rov Mobile station ID list , use ”” Separate
char *base The base station ID list , use ”” Separate

return : state (0:ok,0>:error,1:aborted)

* Be careful : The input file should contain observation data 、 Navigation data 、 The precise

* Ephemeris / The clock ( Optional ),sbas Log files ( Optional ),ssr Information ( Optional ).

* Log files ( Optional ) And tech grid files ( Optional ).

* The first observation data file in the input file is considered to be the data of the mobile station .

* The type of input file is recognized by the file extension

* The type of input file is identified by the file extension , As follows .

* .sp3, .SP3, .eph*, .EPH*: Precise ephemeris (sp3c).

* .sbs,.SBS,.ems,.EMS : sbas Message log file (rtklib or ems)

* .lex,.LEX : qzss lex Message log file

* .rtcm3,.RTCM3 : ssr Message log file (rtcm3)

* .*i,.*I : tec Grid files (ionex)

* .FCB,.FCB : satellite FCB

* other :Rinex Observation point 、 Navigation 、 grid 、 Xi Wang 、Q Net or clock

openses function : Preprocessing

static int openses(const prcopt_t *popt, const solopt_t *sopt,const filopt_t *fopt, nav_t *nav, pcvs_t *pcvs, pcvs_t *pcvr)


Purpose : By reading the filopt_t fopt Parameters in , among filopt_t The structure is defined as follows , Realize to ‘ File reading ’, The read subfunction is openses!



Purpose : By reading the filopt_t fopt Parameters in , among filopt_t The structure is defined as follows , Realize to ‘ File reading ’, The read subfunction is openses!


Processing base station

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