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Modify the test case name generated by DDT

2022-04-23 16:40:00 Sink the wine cup and fleeting time

modify ddt Name of generated test case , First of all, understand ddt The logic of the generated test case name

ddt The logic of the generated test case name

Take this article as an example :DDT+Excel Conduct interface test

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adopt ddt When verifying multiple sets of data test scenarios , Generated test report , According to the name of the test case test_verify_phone, Automatically add a number after the test case name , Such as test_verify_phone_1test_verify_phone_2
These numbers correspond to the test data one by one

The test case py file

class Test_Verify_Code(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self) -> None:

    def tearDown(self) -> None:

    def test_verify_phone(self,test_data):
        res = HTTPHandler().visit(test_data["url"],test_data["method"],json=test_data["phonenum"])


Move the mouse cursor to @ddt.data(*test_data) Of data It's about , Hold down Ctrl, Click on data It's about , View the content of the source code

Number of test data obtained

The source code file

def data(*values):
    """ Method decorator to add to your test methods. Should be added to methods of instances of ``unittest.TestCase``. """
    global index_len
    index_len = len(str(len(values)))
    return idata(values)

There is one data function , By obtaining the length of the test data ( Number ), Number of test data obtained .
stay index_len = len(str(len(values))) This line breaks , And then through DEBUG The way , Execute test case py file
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there values, It's actually test data , This is a tuple Tuple type data , There are 4 strip dict Dictionary type data
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Of course , It works , Mainly the following one idata function
What this function does , Is the number of test cases generated , adopt ddt How many sets of data have been verified , How many test cases will there be

This is a return function , This function is more interesting , It's rich in content , Specific logic , A: don't get , If you are interested , You can continue to break points in key steps , Step by step debugging , View the data trend

Generated test case name

The source code file

def mk_test_name(name, value, index=0, name_fmt=TestNameFormat.DEFAULT):

    index = "{0:0{1}}".format(index + 1, index_len)
    if name_fmt is TestNameFormat.INDEX_ONLY or not is_trivial(value):
        return "{0}_{1}".format(name, index)
        value = str(value)
    except UnicodeEncodeError:
        # fallback for python2
        value = value.encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace')
    test_name = "{0}_{1}_{2}".format(name, index, value)
    return re.sub(r'\W|^(?=\d)', '_', test_name)

There is one mk_test_name function , The function is to : adopt ddt Generate the corresponding test case name when verifying multiple groups of data test scenarios .
index=0, At first it was 0;index + 1, Conduct +1 Handle ;

"test_name ={0}_{1}".format(name, index), This line specifies the format of the returned test case name . If you are interested , You can also make a breakpoint in this line ,DEBUG debugged

ddt Name of generated test case

Go back to the test case file , Move the mouse cursor to @ddt.ddt It's about , Hold down Ctrl, Click on the second ddt It's about , View the content of the source code
The source code file

def ddt(arg=None, **kwargs):
	fmt_test_name = kwargs.get("testNameFormat", TestNameFormat.DEFAULT)

    def wrapper(cls):
        for name, func in list(cls.__dict__.items()):
            if hasattr(func, DATA_ATTR):
                for i, v in enumerate(getattr(func, DATA_ATTR)):
                    test_name = mk_test_name(name,getattr(v, "__name__", v),i,fmt_test_name)
                    test_data_docstring = _get_test_data_docstring(func, v)
                    if hasattr(func, UNPACK_ATTR):
                        if isinstance(v, tuple) or isinstance(v, list):
                            # unpack dictionary
                        add_test(cls, test_name, test_data_docstring, func, v)
                delattr(cls, name)
            elif hasattr(func, FILE_ATTR):
                file_attr = getattr(func, FILE_ATTR)
                process_file_data(cls, name, func, file_attr)
                delattr(cls, name)
        return cls

This is the most critical part
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Break the point in these two lines , Debug step by step , You can find name ad locum , It's actually the name of the test case test_verify_phone,test_name Here we call mk_test_name function , therefore , stay test_verify_phone The number is added after , Now test_name = test_verify_phone_1

ddt The logic of the generated test case name , That's it . So pass ddt Test scenarios for validation , The corresponding number will be added after the test case name .

modify ddt Name of generated test case

However , This situation , Sometimes , I don't know which test scenario this test case corresponds to .

Suppose at this time , The leader said it was troublesome to read the log , I want you to describe the contents of this test report clearly , He wants to know which scene passed , Which failed , Let you change the title of the test case , What scenario does this test case test , So that he can understand at a glance .

Although I scolded him dozens of times in my heart , But in the end you have to do what he wants

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In the above debugging process , You can find v This variable , It refers to the content of each set of test data , therefore , Just in each set of test data , Add the description , Then splice it to the name of the generated test case

from excel Read data , It is generally stored in the form of dictionary or list .
Judge , If the test data is list List the type , Then take the content of the first element in the list ; If the test data is dict Dictionary type , Take it from this dictionary case_name Value

therefore , modify ddt Name of generated test case , It is not difficult to
stay test_name = mk_test_name(name,getattr(v, "__name__", v),i,fmt_test_name) Just add a few lines of code

if isinstance(v, list):
     test_name = mk_test_name(name, v[0], i)
elif isinstance(v, dict):
     test_name = mk_test_name(name, v['case_name'], i)

Of course , We can be more rigorous , If the data read , None of them are dictionaries 、 Type of list , An exception is thrown at this time , But it doesn't affect the original ddt The function of , You can modify :

def ddt(arg=None, **kwargs):
	fmt_test_name = kwargs.get("testNameFormat", TestNameFormat.DEFAULT)

    def wrapper(cls):
        for name, func in list(cls.__dict__.items()):
            if hasattr(func, DATA_ATTR):
                for i, v in enumerate(getattr(func, DATA_ATTR)):
                        if isinstance(v, list):
                            test_name = mk_test_name(name, v[0], i)
                        elif isinstance(v, dict):
                            test_name = mk_test_name(name, v['case_name'], i)                                    
                    except Exception as e:
                      	test_name = mk_test_name(name,getattr(v, "__name__", v),i,fmt_test_name)
                    test_data_docstring = _get_test_data_docstring(func, v)
                    if hasattr(func, UNPACK_ATTR):
                        if isinstance(v, tuple) or isinstance(v, list):
                            # unpack dictionary
                        add_test(cls, test_name, test_data_docstring, func, v)
                delattr(cls, name)
            elif hasattr(func, FILE_ATTR):
                file_attr = getattr(func, FILE_ATTR)
                process_file_data(cls, name, func, file_attr)
                delattr(cls, name)
        return cls

Not recommended in ddt This py Directly change the source code in the file , If this directly modifies , Can cause ddt The scenario that only fits this test case , If the data content of other test cases is not like this , An error may be reported

find ddt This py Directory of files ( Be in commonly python environment variable Under the site-packages Under the table of contents ), Make a copy of it , Put... Under the project path Common Under the table of contents , Then on Common Under the table of contents ddt.py File modification

In the test case py Under the document , modify ddt How to import :from Common import ddt such , The use of ddt function , It is the function that conforms to a test case scenario

Generate a report
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